
06 august 1984, monday
24+ years old
qualified driver since 15 aug 2005
one-star paddler
windsurfin' proficiency level 1
regular blood donor
O+ blood group
choa chu kang,sg



bukit view pri
instrumental ensemble
bukit panjang govt high
military band
national jc
symphonic band

metro @ paragon
07 dec 2000-31 dec 2000
(25 days)
snoopy place @ ps
10 dec 2002-12 jul 2004
(1 yr 7 mths 2 days)
propnex property
phone assistant
23 dec 2002-20 jan 2003
(28 days)
viet lang @ chijmes
21 jul 2004-24 jul 2004
(4 days)
green brew @ singtel recreation club
customer service crew
30 aug 2004-04 nov 2005
(1 yr 2 mths 5 days)
munchie monkey cafe @ yusof ishak house
customer service crew
senior human resource executive
(crew leader)
09 oct 2004-03 may 2006
(1 yr 6 mths 24 days)
spageddies @ paragon
customer service crew
05 dec 2005-09 dec 2007
(2 yrs 4 days)
J.D. Power Asia Pacific @ shenton way
research associate (data processing)
22 may 2006-current

jay chou
stefanie sun
fish leong
lin jun jie
fan wei qi

sea sports
donating blood

(1) so close
(2) mr. & mrs.smith
(3) finding nemo
(4) love actually
(5) step up

fried beehoon
iced milk tea
yuan yang
soyabean milk
iced-blended mocha
iced peach tea
Saturday, January 26, 2008
it was a day with 2 major events - Amy's blessing wedding ceremony + Sharon's birthday celebration! hohoho. happy occasions~ =)
took a train to paya lebar with Krista, Simin, Simin's baby (Alyx) & Bec then tranferred to a cab to the church, trinity @ paya lebar where the blessing ceremony was held
it was my first time attending a church wedding so it was quite an experience listening to the church songs & the pastor's prayers to the couple =)
 the stage with the sweet images
 the pastor with the couple
 the kiss!
 the newly-wed! =)
we had then lunch at a huge spacious hall the food was GOOD! catered by kriston YUMX.
 the buffet line
 Krista with baby Alyx!
 feeding the baby..


we then took a cab back to the train station
 me & baby Alyx on the cab! wahaha.
Krista, Pui San, Bec & i then went bugis junction to do some shopping but Bec left after a short while, & Qiuyi came to join us they were so nice to accompany to collect a cake which i ordered online hoho.
 me & Pui San acting cool~ bleahx.
i then left to meet Yih Hong at clementi & managed to get Qiuyi to join me too! =) went groceries shopping with Yih Hong hoho. then took a bus to his house to start our cooking session! hoho, it's my second time trying to cook!
it was entertaining watching Yih Hong & Qiuyi do most of the cooking, haha. our dishes include:: - asparagus with bacon - fried chicken pieces - broccoli with mushrooms - cereal prawns - marinated pork chops - yong tau foo soup quite a sumptuous dinner har! =P we were cooking for 7 people you know! Sharon, Ace, Yih Hong, Pei Feng, Brandon, Qiuyi, & me! hohoho.
 i accidentally poured too much salt out! haha. kana scolded, haha!
the soup was the nicest dish, cooked by Qiuyi! hoho. everyone had the most of that =P it was a great dinner with so much laughter
we then presented Sharon with the chocolate cake from room for dessert hoho. when we wanted to start singing, the candles went off, & we gotta re-lit, hahaha. =.="
we then gave Sharon her gifts - the gucci wallet, the personalised bear (which could speak hokkien) & the birthday card hoho. hope she likes it! =)
 the birthday girl!
Sharon with her gifts!
 the gucci wallet!
 pooh in action?
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Friday, January 25, 2008
20 jan, sun went jogging at jurong west sports complex near Bec's new house together with Bec & Qiuyi we then went to a fitness corner nearby, did a little workout & spotted a few kids playing badminton, hoho. i went to ask if i could play with them, wahaha. =P one boy was in primary school, & his brother was sec 1, hoho. there was another little girl too, who was their neighbour it was rather fun playing with kids (more kids came), haha. finding our childhood?
nua-ed at Bec's new house till the afternoon, then went home hoho.
21 jan, mon there was a major disruption to the train service in the morning! i was jam-packed into the trains & on the jurong east platform only managed to squeeze onto a train after 4 FULL trains! whew.
it's the last episode of my favourite tv drama - 黄金路 (the golden path)! & the ending was kidda dumb -.-zZz.
22 jan, tue had curry fish head for dinner with Bec, Qiuyi, Cecilia at the kopitiam at jurong west we had craved for it since last thur, when we saw a couple having it after our badminton game, hoho! but the fish head was rather small, we hardly ate much!
23 jan, wed went shopping after work! got a guess bag for my mum (her birthday's tomorrow!) & also got myself a small one as well, hoho. nice! got a pair of shoes from schu, & also Amy's wedding gift whew. quite alot spent (SUPER BROKE!) but a very fruitful shopping trip! =)
24 jan, thu tried the newly-opened josh & joey's grille at our office building the food was not bad, & the service was good! might go there again another time!
it's our usual badminton thursday!
25 jan, fri my colleague, Irene, was getting married she gave us (in DP) each a box of mini tarts! hoho. yumx.
 yummy little tarts!
had dinner at breeks @ ngee ann city with Krista & Pui San lalala~
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Friday, January 18, 2008
the day was bright & sunny! J.D. Power had a team-building event by the everest motivation team at sentosa! woohoo. how cool is that! =D the weather was great, the location was great, the people were great as well! anticipating the fun that was about to come..
we arrived at a room (seemed like a container room beside a hut) at sijori resort very remote place! we settled in, & sat down for the briefing by David Tan, our main facilitator he's not at all unfamiliar to us we had him in our previous team-building in 2006 too, & he was one of those who conquered mount everest!
 everyone was attentive!
 the familiar full-value contract!
BACKSTABBERS we then went outdoors! YEAH! there was a warm-up game called backstabbers, where we were given some clothes pegs & we had to go around planting the pegs on someone else's back it was madness, haha! everyone was running around like crazy, grabbing someone's tee & planting the peg the aim was to get rid of as many clothes pegs as possible haha! i guess this really warmed us up, with all the laughing & running =P
we were then split into 3 big teams & went to our respective stations for our games
CREVASSE CROSSING the first game my team played was - crevasse crossing we had to cross the imaginary crevasse (a deep cleft in glacial ice) using a rope that was IN THE MIDDLE we couldn't reach for the rope so the first task was trying to get the rope to our reach we managed to get it using a belt (Mo's!), 2 handkerchieves (Mo's as well!) & a cap (Amit's!) each of us then took turns to swing over to the yellow mat (which was the safe area after the crevasse) there was also a bucket of water (our "customer's data") to be brought over as well, & i brought it over when it was my turn time was up, & we still had 2 team members who had not crossed over, cos they were supporting us when we swung over lessons learnt:: - to keep track of time (no one knew how much we had left, except the facilitator himself) - planning is very important - keeping our "customer's data" safe at all times
 the crevasse crossing!
MOHAWK WALK the next game was - tension traverse aka mohawk walk we had to walk on a very fine line from one pole to another, & there were 3 segments altogether Anthony is a dancer, so he had the best balancing skill among us! he could walk across without anyone's help, wow. the rest of us needed the help of 2 anchors (one at each end) we held on to one hand from one pole, then reached for the hand of another anchor there would be 2 people (called 'spotters') in front & behind the person who was walking across as they would have to support this person in case he falls forward or backwards lessons learnt:: - support for one another - trust for your team members - confidence in yourself that you can do it!
 the mohawk walk!
TEA-TIME we then had a short break, where we had little cakes & some food before we continued
 tea break!
 a group of us! heex.
RIDING THE BUS the third game my team played was - balancing platform aka riding the bus in this game (which i personally found was the simplest so far), we had to step onto a large platform, which acted like a big see-saw we had to spread our people out & try to make this platform be balanced, meaning, both ends off the ground we had to hold at this position for 20 seconds, without a moment of unbalance at all we were split into 2 smaller teams, & my team managed to do it rather quickly we then watched the next team & observed their behaviours it was interesting to watch, as there would be false accusations going around someone accusing someone else of moving (causing the imbalance), when in fact he wasn't we then did the task together as one full team & we succeeded! =) lessons learnt:: - try not to make false accusations without actually SEEING it - a need for clear and direct instructions from one source (the appointed leader)
 balance balance!
LOW WALL after completing the 3 games, all of us gathered again for low wall! this is very much a game based on TRUST there were 3 levels in this game the first level was played between 2 people - one being the 'faller', the other the 'catcher' the faller would stand in front of the catcher (back facing the catcher) & after a few commands, the faller would then fall backwards (his body as straight and solid as a wooden block) & the catcher would support the faller's body by placing his palms up, then slowly raise the body back upright
the next level was between 3 people, there would be 2 catchers now, with one faller in the middle so the only difference was, now the faller wouldn't be back upright after falling backwards, he would be pushed forward, thus falling forward towards the other catcher (you get the idea!) all this while, the faller would be relaxed, not exerting any force at all
the third level was between a group of 8 woah. this time, the faller would be falling in ANY direction, & catchers would be around him, supporting then pushing him away, haha! i felt as if i was in a washing machine, tumbling all over with my eyes closed! FUN! lessons learnt:: - the importance of trust - confidence
 falling backwards..
 falling forward!
TRUST FALL this was the advanced level of low wall where we had to fall backwards from an elevated platform onto a mat that would be held on by our fellow teammates we had to fall with our body straight & solid you could see the lack of trust that faller had, if he stuck his butt out and bent his body when falling, cos he was trying to minimize the impact, but actually that would be more dangerous it was great fun & we learnt the importance of trust! =)
 the TRUST falls!
LUNCH it was lunchtime! we were all perspiring under the scorching sun whew. a break in the air-conditioned room!
BALL THROW right after lunch, we settled in the room & Loic was chosen to play the next game he sat ona chair, back facing a box that was a distance away he had throw a ball backwards, trying to get it into the box without looking we would try to be his eyes, telling him to adjust his throwing force and direction & finally he succeeded! cheers! =) lessons learnt:: - encouragement for one another - positive reactions to ANY outcome
Loic being briefed by David
PERFECT WORLD this was an indoor activity we were grouped, then brainstormed on ideas that would make our working place THE perfect world it seemed like compiling our wishlists? hoho. each group then sent a presenter up to tell the rest what we had come up with & what was the one thing was common? BONUS!!! we wanted transparency in bonus' matters, etc. hoho. (this was especially close to the heart since all of us would only be receiving our bonus at the end of quarter 1, boohoo!)
it would be interesting to see how some of these would be IMPLEMENTED.. hmmx.
 the perfect world presentations!
RAFT-BUILDING this muz have been my FAVOURITE activity! out in the sea, under the sun, WOOHOO.
we were briefed on our task, our resources, etc. we had build a raft (DUH.), row across to the opposite shore, & row back! let the photos do the talking!
 being briefed..
 building our rafts..
 carrying our raft closer to the sea
 assembling all the rafts..
the best part was - we had to take the raft on our left instead! we had build a raft which we thought would be SO good, (there were limited resources, and all teams were fighting for them!) when we had to take ANOTHER raft instead, imagine our reactions! hahaha. what an astonishment! =P
 we still had to launch that SOME OTHER TEAM's raft, haha!
 out in the sea!
 row, row, row..
 the winning team!
 rowing back to the shore..
 all the worn-out teams!
 i fell into the water cos the pipe i was sitting on, went UNDER!
(credits:: all photos from Xingti!)
it was a great event very much better than the previous in 2006 there was so much fun along with valuable lessons learnt & self-realization i am really looking forward to another one! =)
had dinner at sakae sushi @ marina square with Bec & Qiuyi we ate SO MUCH till the bill chalked up to $30 per person! OMG~ did a little shopping (bought a new pair of jeans from fox!) before going home for a good rest!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
16 jan, wed my sis left for malacca early this morning! she went with her boss, guess it's a business trip! she'll be back only at the end of this month THAT IS LONG!!! =.="
went shopping after work with Bec & Qiuyi it's been a long time since we last had an outing! we had been staying at home, saving $$$! =P shopped around town after dinner at pasta mania managed to get 2 tops from isetan @ wisma atria! hoho. for chinese new year! =P
bumped into Angela on the train home! hoho. so zhun crapped & laughed so much together, haha.
received this from standard chartered!
 my certificate of participation in last year's 10km run! 1hr 32mins 47secs!
17 jan, thu happy birthday, meimei! (but too bad she's in malacca, couldn't have a celebration with her)
played badminton (as usual) after work! i really put in a greater amount of effort in today's game, till i was perspiring like crazy, my face turning very red, hoho. enjoyed it! =)
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
it's been a rather un-happening week! much of it due to the lack of financial resources wahaha. damn. still a few more days to payday & no news of bonus? what the..
08 jan, tue happy birthday Wei Leng! =)
we tried the japanese restaurant on the first level of our office building during lunch today it juz opened not long ago & since the prices seemed reasonable, we gave it a try
 i tried katsu jyu (pork with egg + rice), the portion was really huge!
food was ok, but service was really slow waited really long for the last dish to arrive, the bill took long to come as well, & the change never came, till Krista approached the cashier herself =.="
10 jan, thu look what we saw during lunchtime!
 this is the springleaf building. notice the hole in the glass panel? & the falling glass panes below?
 a close-up. wonder what made this happen?
thursday is badminton day! woohoo. enjoying it more & more, haha. a good game today! =)
11 jan, fri i'm really hopeful, praying hard.
my mortal (ok, i know this game is over long ago), Chuan Hui was so nice! i was juz kidding with her regarding an email she sent (an excel spreadsheet that has a coffee machine, but apparently a monkey was pissing inside it) i joked & said she owed me a REAL coffee from gloria jeans & today, she came over my desk & gave me this::
 woohoo. REAL coffee! so yummy!!! thank you, my mortal! =P
met up with Sharon & Yih Hong shopped at those high-end stores -.-zZz
i'm still wishing, hoping, praying. still hopeful.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!