
06 august 1984, monday
24+ years old
qualified driver since 15 aug 2005
one-star paddler
windsurfin' proficiency level 1
regular blood donor
O+ blood group
choa chu kang,sg



bukit view pri
instrumental ensemble
bukit panjang govt high
military band
national jc
symphonic band

metro @ paragon
07 dec 2000-31 dec 2000
(25 days)
snoopy place @ ps
10 dec 2002-12 jul 2004
(1 yr 7 mths 2 days)
propnex property
phone assistant
23 dec 2002-20 jan 2003
(28 days)
viet lang @ chijmes
21 jul 2004-24 jul 2004
(4 days)
green brew @ singtel recreation club
customer service crew
30 aug 2004-04 nov 2005
(1 yr 2 mths 5 days)
munchie monkey cafe @ yusof ishak house
customer service crew
senior human resource executive
(crew leader)
09 oct 2004-03 may 2006
(1 yr 6 mths 24 days)
spageddies @ paragon
customer service crew
05 dec 2005-09 dec 2007
(2 yrs 4 days)
J.D. Power Asia Pacific @ shenton way
research associate (data processing)
22 may 2006-current

jay chou
stefanie sun
fish leong
lin jun jie
fan wei qi

sea sports
donating blood

(1) so close
(2) mr. & mrs.smith
(3) finding nemo
(4) love actually
(5) step up

fried beehoon
iced milk tea
yuan yang
soyabean milk
iced-blended mocha
iced peach tea
Monday, December 31, 2007
BYE 2007!
it was half-day at work today since it's the last day of 2007! woohoo.
it's my first time being the primary auditor for an internal audit! hoho. was rather stressed about it, cos i had to prepare what to ask! zzz. on the whole, i hope i've done quite well? heex. within my expectations =)
went for a late lunch at pasta mania @ cineleisure with Bec, Qiuyi, Cecilia
 traffic lights! red, amber yellow, green! hoho.
we then went ktv! hoho. love it when we get a BIG room for juz a few of us haha~
Bec & Cecilia at ktv!
we counted down at a countdown party at boon lay hoho. there were fireworks right above our heads very pretty! but we could even feel some residue falling on us, eeks!
 the stage!
 Qiuyi spotted a creepy centipede! eeks. but it died a painful death, poor thing.
we had a late dinner at mac before going back to Qiuyi's house stayed over at her house for the night! she was helping me do some facial! wahaha. =P
 do i look scary in the black mask?
here's a round-up of 2007!
THE YEAR 2007 RUN RUN RUN! - the most significant change this year, as compared to the past years, is the number of mass runs i've participated! i've joined a total of 6 runs:: 1. Women's Outdoor Challenge @ ECP - 5km (17 Mar) 2. Anlene Orchard Mile @ Orchard Rd - 1.6km (10 Jun) 3. Milkrun @ Zoukparade - 4km (1 Jul) 4. Passion Run @ ECP - 10km (8 Jul) 5. Great Eastern Run @ Esplanade - 5km (21 Oct) 6. Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon @ Esplanade - 10km (2 Dec) woohoo. amazing!!! more to come in 2008! =)
WORK IT OUT! - besides running so much, i had some workouts this year too. In february this year, i had a try at a professional gym, planet fitness @ vivocity! attended its body combat & cycling classes, goodness, so exhausting! went to the gym at my office building with my colleagues for a few times too & went to the gym at Wei Leng's condo at the gardens once! joined the heartstrings walk @ the esplanade - a really SHORT walk, haha! had a workout session during the amore women's day out event too. and recently, we had a fire drill, which involved us walking more than 2000 steps (44 levels) down! i call that a workout too. had many badminton sessions too! enjoyable~
YUMMIES! - then why am i still putting on so much weight despite the above 2 points? cos i ate as much as i worked out, OOPS! had 3 crabs-eating sessions at amk this year - expensive yet very delicious! took leave to have a lunch buffet at the line @ shangri-la hotel! woohoo. dined at carnivore @ chijmes too, a damn meaty meal! gosh. & the no.1 killer - the uncountable number of STEAMBOATS i've eaten this year! AHHHH. no wonder.
AWAY FROM SINGAPORE! - the best part about this year, is the number of trips i've made! a big hole in my pocket, yes, but i really enjoyed myself totally! heex. from 14 may to 23 may, i was away in taiwan! it was a GREAT trip exploring taipei & hualien. missing it so much now, wanna go back there soon! on 14 jul, i went on a one-day trip to batam for cable-skiing! it was really tiring but i really enjoy watersports! had 2 weekend getaways with my colleagues:: to genting (28 sep to 30 sep) and to bintan (24 nov to 25 nov)! i thought genting was already very enjoyable & fun (cos of the amusement rides we took!), but the trip to bintan proved to be even better (though shorter)! wahaha. our villa was perfect, the sandy white beach was perfect, the weather was perfect, the people were perfect! i wish i never have to come back~ definitely more getaways next year!
AIRPORT! - what is this about? haha. besides flying to taiwan, i visited the airport for many other reasons this year too! on 31 jan, i took leave to send Cathy & Kelly off, our china collgeaues who were here for training, back to china. wonder when will i see them again! on 27 may, after returning from taiwan, i asked Wee Perng to help in the picking up of Rebecca, her mum & Qiuyi, who were returning from their hongkong trip. on 21 june, went to pick Yih Hong up, who juz came back from australia, lucky boy! and on 19 july, went to send Wei Wei & Keith off, as they were going shanghai! so that's 4 trips to the airport! woohoo.
BOARDGAMES MADNESS! - visited the settlers' cafe three times and once to the mind cafe this year. always enjoyed myself at these boardgames cafe with a bunch of friends, hoho. always having a hilarious time!
MAHJONG! PONG! - this year i picked up mahjong! hoho. had overnight mahjong sessions for quite many times! twice at Pei Chin's house, once at Qiuyi's, once at Frank's, and 3 times at Krista's house! woah. i hope i'm getting better at it? (at the same time, addicted?)
SCRAPBOOKING FUN! - did 2 scrapbooks as birthday gifts twice this year! the first was with Vivi, which we did one in one evening for Seok Chuan, really love the final product! the next was with Qiuyi, which we did overnight for Rebecca, hoho! kidda enjoy all the cutting & pasting!
I'VE WON! - the prizes i've won this year, a JJ Lin autographed poster from mediacorp cos i wrote in a little story, hoho, but i didn't collect the prize! oops. a bottle of heliocare from the anlene orchard mile event, a trip to phuket from jetstar, cos i posted a photo of us in taiwan with the best starjump! hoho. & lastly, a pair of cable-ski passes from cleo. i collected the passes, but they expired in juz a few days' time, duh.
WEDDINGS! - attended my cousin, Xue Na's little wedding ceremony, and also a colleague, Alan's wedding this year! more to come in 2008?
HAPPY BIRTHDAYS! - many birthday parties this year! woohoo. my sister turned 21 this year, all grown-up now! & she's already managing the many soup spoon stores, recently a new outlet opened at bugis junction! many old friends, Frederick, Liping, Seok Chuan, Angela all turned 21 too! (i have so many young friends huh). also attended some babies' 1 month celebrations - Yvonne's baby boy & Andrew's baby girl! =)
THE ARTS! - surprisingly, watched some concerts and plays this year! intempo 2007 by the NUS wind symphony, emerge 2007 - love.hate, a play by the CAC voices (starring Amanda!), the phantom of the opera musical, an evening with friends, a choir concert by ACJC & lastly, rhymonia IX, a harmonica concert by ngee ann poly. not bad huh?
FALLS! - it's funny i'm keeping a record of this! haha. but strangely, i kept falling down this year, hmmx. on 6 apr, i had a minor fall at east coast park while cycling with Angela. a little girl suddenly turned into my path, making me fall from my bicycle, but there were no injuries! whew. but i wasn't so lucky the next time. on 6 oct, again at east coast park cycling with Rebecca & Qiuyi, i had quite a bad fall while making a turn. my turn was too wide, and i was off-balance. oops. then finally, on 16 nov (this is ridiculous), i fell down while walking back to office after lunch! the ground went in without me noticing, so i fell face-flat on the ground, oh man~ hope i'll get luckier in 2008!
JOBS! - some notes about work! my office had shifted to tanjong pagar ever since 15 jan this year. getting used to this new environment! on 3 dec, i was officially certified to be an internal auditor for my company (more work? ya.) regarding my part-time job at spageddies, i was asked to go to spageddies @ marina square to help out for 2 shifts. didn't really like the working environment there! well anyway, i have kidda stopped working at the one at paragon ever since 9 dec, it's been 2 years & 4 days working there! & this ends my 5 years in the F&B service industry. it's been a memorable experience, ups & downs, valuable lessons~ =)
BIG NEWS! - some big news around us~ on 6 mar, there was an earthquake at indonesia, 11 mar - a murder took place at soup spoon @ raffles city shopping centre (scary!), 2 apr - tsunami at the solomon islands, 16 apr - the virginia tech shooting (OMG.), 25 may - a water spout was spotted from my office, 12 sep - earthquakes at sumatra, & the most recent incident on 25 nov - the cambodia dragonboat accident. so many of these are unfortunate and sad incidents, sighx. will 2008 be better?
OTHERS WORTH MENTIONING! - 7 jan - my family has a 相思 bird (& my parents are treating it like their child!) 27 jan - went for a tree-top walk at macritchie 6 feb - visited night safari 25 feb - visited Syam at mt elizabeth hospital 18 mar - went st. james power station (oh yucks.) 7 apr - Jolin Tsai's 唯舞独尊 concert! 23 apr - had an annual health screening (everything is fine!) 6 may - started giving Snoopie maths tuition 10 may - munchie monkey bbq 23 jun - visited night safari again! 14 jul - received a letter from HSA (not able to donate blood till 2 june 2009. this is BAD!!! i have already donated a total of 21 times lo.) 28 jul - S.H.E's play concert! 31 jul - on MC! (first & last MC of the year) 18 aug - watched fireworks 24 aug - passed M5 paper (some insurance paper) 11 sep - participated in a focus group by OMD 21 sep - failed M9 paper (some insurance paper again) 26 oct - had a flu vaccination! 7 nov - marks the start of my 6th blogging year! woohoo. 29 dec - had a cooking session at Seok Chuan's house
5 Favourite Movies of 2007:: (not in any particular order) The Pursuit of Happyness 不能说的秘密 (Secret) Ratatouille Alvin & the Chipmunks Enchanted
10 Favourite Tracks of 2007:: (not in any particular order) 蔡依琳 - 非卖品 梁静茹 - 会呼吸的痛 罗志祥 - 我不会唱歌 S.H.E - 说你爱我 孙燕姿 - 我怀念的 温岚 - 傻瓜 吴健豪 - 放手 张震岳 - 思念是一种病 周蕙 - 该忘了你对不对 周杰伦 - 我不配
hoho. quite a happening year? =P it was quite a good year on the whole hopefully 2008 will be even better! cheers~ happy new year! =)
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
26 dec, wed wanted to catch the golden compass (we had 2 complimentary tickets from my manager!) but all the tickets were sold out! zzz. so we walked to cineleisure for dinner at billy bombers hip diners! enjoyed my meal there, hoho~ yumx. service was not bad too =)
27 dec, thu today is the fire drill! hoho. we walked down 44 flights of stairs (OMG.) it was easier than expected whew.
 the assembly area
even though we'd exerted our legs muscles in the morning, we still played badminton after work! hoho. then had a late dinner at the coffeeshop & watched 黄金路 at the same time i'm addicted to this show! oops.
28 dec, fri queued for almost an hour at the chongqing steamboat @ bugis -.-zZz it's worth the wait though, YUMMY! Krista's sister, Vern joined us too hoho.
29 dec, sat had a cooking session with Vivi & Seokie! hoho. we did some grocery shopping at ntuc @ amk hub then went Seokie's house! hoho. it was a fun afternoon of peeling, chopping, cutting and cooking! heex.
 chopping luncheon meat~
 lots of peeled prawns!
 our self-prepared meal - fried rice, sausages+luncheon meat+potato with tomato+chilli sauce, prawns with eggs, chunky clam chowder soup! =)
so satisfied with the results especially to Vivi & Seokie for doing most of the cooking, hahaha, as expected! =P hey, i did help too ok! hoho.
we then had a belated x'mas gifts exchange, hoho!
 all our gifts!
 Vivi's gifts to us! thank you! =)
Seokie gave me a small crumpler pouch! nice! thank you! =)
30 dec, sun finally caught alvin & the chipmunks! watched it at jurong point with Qiuyi i love the songs in the show! those chipmunks could really harmonize so well! so adorable!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
more photos from the angels & mortals christmas dinner on 19 dec at sizzler @ suntec!
 us & our gifts!
 the crazy bunch of us~ =)
21 dec, fri there was so much work in office today! gosh. zzz. managed to leave juz half an hour later than knock-off time had dinner at lot 1 foodcourt with Krista, Bec, Qiuyi before bringing Bec & Qiuyi to my house! hoho. they watched tv while waited for me to shower, & we walked to Krista's house for our mahjong session! hoho. Krista's mum was helping me for most part of it so i managed to win quite abit, oops.
we then had a gifts exchange! woohoo.
Krista gave me this jacket! she was worried i couldn't fit in! haha. (opened the gift earlier in office)
 & also this peanuts blanket! nice! =) thank you!
 this porcupine is from Qiuyi! hoho. it only eats $1 & 50cents coins! heex.
tatty bear globe from Bec! so pretty!
 a tomatocan pouch from Qiuyi & a precious tots bookmark from Bec! =)
we also bought some logcakes from lot 1 hohoho.
off to bed at 3am! zzz. Krista has a weighing scale beside her bed & i was stunned by the number when i stood on it OMGGGGGGGGGGG. O.O! haha.
22 dec, sat due to certain reasons, i didn't meet Seok Chuan & Vivi today as planned we'll arrange again ya? =)
went along with Bec & Qiuyi to jurong west for a dental appointment i haven't visited the dentist for YEARSSSSSS! since i have $200 dental claim per year that can be made with my company, might as well use it! it was quite a quick process we then went for lunch at mac @ jurong point & finally back home
but i prepared to go out again, oops. Cecilia was singing some christmas carols at plaza singapura with her church friends so we were going to show our support! hoho. due to bad weather, they didn't sing some of their songs, what a pity! Cecilia missed her solo too
we had dinner at crystal jade @ PS all of us had congee, hoho.
 Bec & Krista!
town was so packed with people! goodness.
 the pretty lights along orchard road!
23 dec, sun was out with Qiuyi to jurong point we had dinner at crystal jade again, hoho.
24 dec, mon merry christmas eve! =) it was "half-day" for my office today & what's half-day? 3pm! *pengx.* (so much for half-day, DUH.)
received more gifts! hoho.
 from Wei Leng!
 hoho, a big brown bear!
 even Syam had a gift for me! =)
 a cute photoframe! heex. =)
Bec, Puisan & i went Krista's house for another mahjong session! haha, are we addicted to it or what? =P Qiuyi couldn't join us, cos she was attending her cousin's wedding over at malaysia i wasn't planning to stayover, cos no one would be staying over, but who knows at the last minute, Bec decided to stayover! so she accompanied me back home for us to take a shower, before walking back to Krista's house to continue playing! i guess i muz have improved quite abit? (though i still lost like mad, oops.)
25 dec, tue it's christmas! woke up only at noon at Krista's house, oops. & we went for brunch, together with her sister, Vern too then it's back home! lalala. gonna slack my day away~ whew.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
15 dec, sat it was a x'mas shopping weekend! wee~ town was so jam-packed with people OMG. was shopping around takashimaya with Qiuyi then we got Krista to join us for ma la steamboat dinner at bugis woohoo. YUMX!
17 dec, mon this is MADNESS! next thursday, on 27 dec, we are going to.. WALK DOWN 44 STOREYS!!! =.=" it's the fire drill i guess we might take the lift to go down earlier first since we know what time the alarm will go off? haha. last year, in the old office, we were at the 20th level, my legs also went soft after going down now it's DOUBLE! x_X!!
went town to meet up with Bec & Qiuyi to do more shopping! -.-zZz
18 dec, tue
 Krista gave this to me! what an early x'mas gift! yet to be opened.. what is it? hmmx.
 a colleague, Ying Chyi, made this! yummy!
went jurong point with Bec & Krista had dinner with Krista at the banquet foodcourt the food was so good there! yumx.
19 dec, wed
 from Pei Chin! what is it lei? to be revealed!
 from Pui San! to be revealed too..
 wow, an organiser from prints from Yongmin & Huixian! thank you!!! =D
 saw a rainbow from our office!
today's the day which we were revealing who our angels & mortals are! hoho. a lot of us were involved in this game, proudly organised by Krista (& some other moderators? haha.) who started with juz a small idea to have some fun 2 months ago, leading all the way to the christmas season so for the past 2 months, we showered our mortals with lots of love & gifts the pantry was the shared area to place all our gifts secretly, & we even had a tagboard to post our messages! it livened up the atmosphere in the office quite abit, especially when it's getting nearer to this day! woohoo.
it's a christmas dinner at sizzler @ suntec city we also had a theme - BLING BLING! you could see MOST of us wearing bling bling tops, carrying bling bling items, wahaha. KT was the most classic! he didn't seem to have any bling bling items when we saw him in office then during the dinner, he fished out a SUPER-bling tag which he wore around his neck hahaha. hilarious. Gokul, Andrew & Xiao Lei didn't follow the theme tonight, so they had to be forfeited! they had to eat some of the world's worst combination of food from the salad bar + ice-cream oh YUCKS. but they were really sporting! hoho.
 Bec did this twirling of the ice-cream & she felt it was very nice, ermx. haha! =P
we revealed who our mortals were, & gave our gifts to our mortals! my angel was Cui Fang - wah, silently siah! i've never expected it was her! & i'm glad my mortal, Chuan Hui, was happy with her gift! heex. (although she seemed to be complaining about the corn flakes & campbell soup! hahaha.)
 from my angel - Cui Fang! hmmx. guess what's inside?
 wahaha, baby pooh + sesame street tee! (i hope i can fit in!) thank you, angel Cui Fang! =)
(more photos from the dinner will be up later!)
 angels & mortals REVEALED!
after the dinner, Bec, Krista & i went to meet Qiuyi & Cecilia & we took the JAM-PACKED train home together whew. we even "saved" a young girl from a weird old man, who kept disturbing her eeks.
20 dec, thu it's hari raya haji! hoho. it was raining so heavily in the morning Bec & Qiuyi came to my house to help me with some gift-wrapping! hoho. i'm hopeless =P
we then met Cecilia for lunch at sakae sushi @ jurong point & we also had a gifts exchange session! woohoo. =)
 from Qiuyi! all of us had one..
 a bear with my birth date! cute! (actually i saw her buy this, acting surprised? haha. thank you!)
 a HUGE gift from Cecilia, hmmx.
 hoho! a water dispenser! they said it looked like me, humphx. gonna drink lots of water~ heex. thank you!
 i've opened Pei Chin's gift - a snoopy handphone holder! thank you!
 opened Pui San's gift too - a snowman bag + a hook for bags (forgot the proper name!)! thank you!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
06 dec, thu coffee was on the house at starbucks today! woohoo. a bunch of us went down to start queue-ing, hoho. (even before we knocked off!) gian ben! bleahx. heex.
k-ladies' night at jurong entertainment centre! hoho. lalala~
07 dec, fri had dinner at sakae sushi @ heerens with Sharon & Yih Hong then went ktv (again?!) with Sharon & her friend, Ace Ace is so tiny (in terms of size) la! after ktv (at 1230am), we went for drinks at balcony (the chill-out bar with swinging seats) we had a great time crapping & fooling around wahaha. =P Ace was juz as crappy as well! haha.
home at 4am.
09 dec, sun i've finally told Randy, that i didn't wanna work at spageddies anymore oops. i guess after 5 years of part-timing in restaurants, i've had enough? anyway i'm already doing a full-time job, i'm really tired of pulling myself out from bed on a sunday! give me a break! today, was my last day, i suppose? what's the point of working anymore, when i start counting down to 6pm once i start work? haha.
 Kai Feng mei-mei with the x'mas tree at spageddies!
 more deco!
11 dec, tue had dinner at pasta mania @ cineleisure with Bec & Qiuyi
oh no~ no red pants please! LOL~
 hoho, snoopy x'mas tree on my office desk!
12 dec, wed woohoo! it's my parents' 25th wedding anniversary! =)
13 dec, thu on half-day leave today! hoho. had juz one last half-day leave to clear went to collect the cable-ski passes i won from CLEO stupid lar, expiring on 22 dec lei! might as well don't give me? =/
walked around bugis junction + suntec city the whole afternoon, hoping to do some x'mas shopping, but juz couldn't find anything to buy! oh man~
badminton session with Bec, Qiuyi, Cecilia in the evening! hoho. love playing with these girls we had so much to laugh about i think we were tired cos of the abs-training (laugh & laugh & laugh) we had! hoho.
late dinner at a hawker centre & watched my recently addicted channel 8, 9pm drama surprisingly i'm hooked on it! cos it had quite an interesting story, hoho. but i kept missing the episodes, boo.
14 dec, fri it's announced! our dinner & dance this year, will be, NEXT YEAR! hahaha. DUH! it will be held on 07 march 2008, at intercontinental hotel wah, does that mean formal wear? sianx!
had dinner at the newly-opened japanese restaurant - shokudo @ citylink with Bec, Qiuyi, Cecilia the food was ok-ok only lo but so expensive! zzz.
 the menu~
 the place.
shopped around candy empire @ millenia walk to get some chocolates & candies for x'mas! heex.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
梁静茹 - 会呼吸的痛 在东京铁塔 第一次眺望 看灯火模仿 坠落的星光 我终於到达 但却更悲伤 一个人完成 我们的梦想 你总说 时间还很多 你可以等我 以前我不懂得 未必明天 就有以后 想念是会呼吸的痛 它活在我身上所有角落 哼你爱的歌会痛 看你的信会痛 连沉默也痛 遗憾是会呼吸的痛 它流在血液中来回滚动 后悔不贴心会痛 恨不懂你会痛 想见不能见最痛 没看你脸上 张扬过哀伤 那是种多么 寂寞的倔强 你拆了城墙 让我去流浪 在原地等我 把自己捆绑 你没说 你也会软弱 需要依赖我 我就装不晓得 自由移动 自我地过 我发誓不再说谎了 多爱你就会抱你多紧的 我的微笑都假了 灵魂像飘浮着 你在就好了 我发誓不让你等候 陪你做想做的无论什么 我越来越像贝壳 怕心被人触碰 你回来那就好了 能重来那就好了
had dinner with Bec at jurong point we had tom yum soup + rice, and carrot cake! yummy.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
woohoo. the standard chartered runpix analysis is out! my results::

i took 1hr 32mins 47secs to complete the run (the event average was 1hr 29mins 7secs!) my average speed was 6.5km/h aim to do better NEXT YEAR! =)
thought i wanted to control my diet? but i still ended up eating a huge mcspicy burger for dinner gosh. had dinner at mac with Bec, Qiuyi & her 3-year old niece hoho.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!