
06 august 1984, monday
24+ years old
qualified driver since 15 aug 2005
one-star paddler
windsurfin' proficiency level 1
regular blood donor
O+ blood group
choa chu kang,sg



bukit view pri
instrumental ensemble
bukit panjang govt high
military band
national jc
symphonic band

metro @ paragon
07 dec 2000-31 dec 2000
(25 days)
snoopy place @ ps
10 dec 2002-12 jul 2004
(1 yr 7 mths 2 days)
propnex property
phone assistant
23 dec 2002-20 jan 2003
(28 days)
viet lang @ chijmes
21 jul 2004-24 jul 2004
(4 days)
green brew @ singtel recreation club
customer service crew
30 aug 2004-04 nov 2005
(1 yr 2 mths 5 days)
munchie monkey cafe @ yusof ishak house
customer service crew
senior human resource executive
(crew leader)
09 oct 2004-03 may 2006
(1 yr 6 mths 24 days)
spageddies @ paragon
customer service crew
05 dec 2005-09 dec 2007
(2 yrs 4 days)
J.D. Power Asia Pacific @ shenton way
research associate (data processing)
22 may 2006-current

jay chou
stefanie sun
fish leong
lin jun jie
fan wei qi

sea sports
donating blood

(1) so close
(2) mr. & mrs.smith
(3) finding nemo
(4) love actually
(5) step up

fried beehoon
iced milk tea
yuan yang
soyabean milk
iced-blended mocha
iced peach tea
Friday, March 31, 2006
Yongmin & i actually bought the science faculty t-shirt!
 hey Reithna, we support science club ok! =P
Yongmin: "hey, let's buy the science faculty t-shirt lei." me: "HUH? for what?" (disbelief that he suddenly loved his faculty so much) Yongmin: "it's only 4 bucks! can wear it to sleep!" me: "..."
wahaha that's how the shirts landed on our hands
& do you know what's the latest, coolest, trendiest way of submittin' assignments these days? check this out::
 we actually PINNED our assignments on the noticeboard outside our lecturer's office!
MUAHAHA. it was damn hard to get the pins right through the stack of papers the pigeon hole was far away & the lecturer might not check it & it's rude to slot the papers under the door so we decided to juz pin it up so NOTICEABLE on the NOTICE board! =D
the crazy & weird things Yongmin & i always do to entertain ourselves in this bloody-hell-of-a-borin'-school haha! spinnin' stories about our lecturers tryin' to get circulations of others' assignment solutions frantically copyin' last semester's model answers into an open-book test soon-to-become VIP members of new zealand natural & spinelli, as we drink their stuff every other day! tryin' so hard to stay awake durin' lectures (not cos we wanna understand the lesson), it's so as not to be the one treatin' lunch later! havin' chicken (for him)/duck (for me) rice, 水饺汤, 鱼片汤, fruit juices SO frequently takin' a bus juz to go to the tv room to take a nap & mind you, we REALLY sleep we even overslept today! omg. thanks to a call that woke me up, if not we could have missed the entire lecture! out of school would be - the tuesday half-priced waffles @ gelare & movies! this semester isn't easy to cope with the amount of workload & the difficulty level of the modules but i would say, i have enjoyed most bits of it! it's nice to have a classmate in NUS ha!
there was a battle of the genders at spageddies tonight haha all the girls were stationed at one-four while the guys at five-seven wanted to see which group would not be able to manage but it wasn't very busy so both the males & females survived!
2 driftsSs..
hey shi jie i lurve spinelli too hoho.have u tried the mexican wedding??its fantabulous!!!must try okok?(=
shi mei! hahah.. like i am some kind of gongfu master siah, lolx. mexican weddin'? a drink? sounds cute! hoho.
gear uP!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
what was i doin' last night when i didn't do any bit of my homework?!? ARGH.
slept through most of the classes today sighx. havin' a mild headache
the common question now for graduatin' students is HAVE YOU FOUND A JOB? -.-zZz will be finishin' exams in a month's time and i'll be idlin' i guess =xX i need to find a job la!
4 driftsSs..
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gear uP!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
lunch shift @ munchie monkey dinner shift @ spageddies both were rather fun in the sense that i didn't feel that time was crawlin'! hoho
went for supper (AGAIN?!) at kopitiam @ youth park yes, last night i went too this time with a lot more people - Fisher, Raymond, Joanne, Kai Feng, Anthony, Seeto, Shubas, Adam, Gaurab! (did i miss anyone out?) & we had SO MUCH food! wahaha feast! had a great time talkin' cock too haha!
my deepest secret!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
i wanted to have duck rice with VEGGIES the auntie heard Yongmin say duck rice with 叉烧 (char siew) kanasai ended up with an unhealthy meal of DUCK & PORK x_X
brought my laptop today since i've signed up for a workshop on macromedia flash regretted goin'!!! didn't know flash is SO similar to macromedia director & i've learnt before! argh, & they wanted us to bring our laptops with flash INSTALLED! dumb dumb me & i was tryin' so hard to stay awake
worked the dinner shift at spageddies! quite a slow night went for supper at kopitiam @ youth park with ZQ (Zhen Quan), Alvin, QH (Qian Hua), Kai Feng!
1 driftsSs..
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gear uP!
Monday, March 27, 2006
someone please call the SPCA!
 look at what my meanie friend, Reithna did to poor chicken little!
she used chicken little to stablise her loose tv plug so that she could watch tv! poor chicky little.. =(
had so much caffeine today! 2 cups of spinelli's vanilla latte + new zealand natural's espresso shake! cos i slept at 4am+ for both sat & sun needed coffee.
the categorical data analysis test was.. UNEXPECTED. haha, in a good sense! Yongmin & i were so pleased about it *grinnin' from ear to ear*
worked the dinner shift at munchie monkey what a quiet night!
OH YESH YESH YESH. last year i missed it this year - IT IS MINE! the progress package! wahaha i'll be gettin' $800 without workin' 146hrs! woohoo, that's like.. WOW! =D i'm glad i'm OLD actually hiakx.
4 driftsSs..
how come u got so much!? i onli got $600~~ :( humpff...which will b gone v soon~~ cos i m goin UCLA!!!!! hahahaha.... :P
cos u live in a bigger house & u are more well-off than me obviously!
best regards, nice info » »
Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » »
gear uP!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
was supposed to work the whole day at spageddies again but asked Zoey to take over my dinner shift cos i had the categorical data analysis test tomorrow & I KNOW NUTS ABOUT IT! really need some time to study sighx!
如果我愛你,而你正巧的也愛我。。 那你生病的時候,我會去照顧你,陪著你到好 你開車的時候,我會要你小心一點,還要你到的時候打個電話跟我說 你忘了吃晚餐的時候,我會裝做很生氣,然後說:"你這樣會讓我擔心耶!" 你頭髮亂了的時候,我會笑笑的替你撥一撥,然後手還留戀的在你髮上多待幾秒 你想哭,我會陪你掉淚,儘管前一刻我的心情其實是雀躍的 你要笑,我會陪你笑出聲,不管我上一秒其實是沮喪的 我在空閒的時候,會唸唸你的名字,想想你的聲音 我在逛街的時候,會想到:"啊!你正好缺了這個!" 我在發現了好東西的時候!一定馬上想到:"一定要你來看看!" 我失眠了之後,聽到你也失了眠,會在心裡偷偷的傻笑 我在熬夜的時候,接到你只為說聲:"不要太累,早點睡了。。" 的電話會甜甜的笑著,而且乖乖的去睡 我在想著你的時候,知道你一定也在想著我。。
如果我愛你,而你不巧的不愛我。。 那你生病的時候,我只會打通電話安慰你,不敢奢求待在你身邊 你開車的時候,我只會暗暗的在心中希望你安全 你忘了吃晚餐,我只會笑笑的問:"為什麼不吃啊?" 你頭髮亂了,我只能輕輕的告訴你:"頭髮亂了哦" 你想哭,我只能在旁邊無奈的輕輕嘆氣著 你想笑,我只能微微的對你笑著 我在空閒的時候,還是會唸唸你的名字,想想你的聲音 我在逛街的時候,會想到:"是誰幫你買了這個了吧。。" 我在發現了好東西的時候,無奈的想著:"會是誰告訴你這個好消息呢?" 我失眠之後,會躲著不讓你看見我的黑眼圈 我在熬夜的時候,不敢期待會有電話聲。。響起來 我在想著你的時候,會想到。。這時的你。。是想著誰呢?
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
worked the whole day at spageddies cashier durin' the lunch shift & HOST for the dinner shift! woah. this was my FIRST time bein' the host officially (officially in the sense that i was stationed there, & not juz happened to help out) & what's more it's a SATURDAY night whew it was not as difficult as i've thought since Steven was there to help me the queue wasn't very long at any moment of time too so it was ok! slack in fact didn't take many orders, didn't clear many tables it was quite fun to go down the queue askin' for the no. of pax & apologisin' for the wait most customers were nice today! =) if you're nice to me, i'll be very nice to you! heex
what makes workin' fun? it's the PEOPLE workin' with you that make a difference when colleagues become friends that's when the fun begins! =D
2 driftsSs..
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gear uP!
Friday, March 24, 2006
i love the new media lectures recently cos they're all on statistics so Yongmin & i could skip them! wahaha took a nap in the tv room shiok la
worked the dinner shift at spageddies somethin' terrible happened:: there was this family of ang mohs the young boy of the family (about 8 years old?) went into fits suddenly he was jerkin' really violently & his entire body was stiff totally his father lifted him out of the seat & carried him his body remained at that sittin' posture (couldn't move, but still in spasms) his mother was totally distraught & told us to call for help Alvin did call for the ambulance i think but very soon, the whole family ran out of the restaurant with the father carryin' the boy i guess they had rushed to mount elizabeth hospital their starters & soup had juz been served & they didn't have the rest of what they ordered there were many on-lookers even passers-by outside (as their table was juz beside the walkway) offered to help customers who juz stepped into our restaurant also stopped to look it was a scary sight, havin' to witness but we were at a loss, didn't know what to do besides callin' the ambulance haix. so worryin' prayin' that the boy will be fine please, let him be ok
ah received my sea sports club membership card! =) very pretty card! heex
 sea sports club membership card!
have your first impressions of people been accurate so far in life? your initial judgement, perception of someone - are they still the same now? for me, NOT AT ALL! i've come to realise my first impressions are inaccurate 90% of the time (yes, it is that bad) first impressions are often cast based on looks, the first 'hi' we said to each other, the beginnin' to know each other's backgrounds, the first smile, & how he/she interacts with other friends thinkin' back, i realise i have very far-off opinions of people i thought this person is rather stuck-up initially but after knowin' him/her for some time, i realise he/she is actually sincerely friendly also, when i first meet somebody i can never imagine how things will change between the two of us for example, on my second day of work at snoopy place, when i first met Tony (the manager) he scolded me for bein' late i then had this fear towards him NEVER would i have thought that juz a few years later we would be sms-ing each other & even chattin' on msn! haha same goes to many, many friends out there when i first met you, i would have never imagined we would be like how we are today! seriously. kidda amazes me hmmx i don't trust my first impressions anymore
1 driftsSs..
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gear uP!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
 overdued photo! rollerbladin' with the munchie monkeys @ east coast park last sunday!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
worked only the lunch shift at munchie monkey AH! forgot to bring my handphone out with me felt so uneasy the entire time outside argh. i KNOW i am too dependent on it same goes to the internet =xX (maybe this will explain what happened later..)
i'm a clumsy klutz crashed the whole table39 over while walkin' past it! x_X!! the table almost toppled over i think, haha i had accidentally knocked into the corner of it & knowin' munchie monkey's tables, the whole table shook so violently the cheese bottle, cutleries, table tag, etc. all fell to the ground *CRASH* *BOOM* *BANG* the cheese bottle didn't break, it only opened up so parmesan cheese was all over the floor nothin' broke, for that matter whew but the whole cafe hushed *GASP* could feel my face turnin' hot & what's more, a broccoli girl juz said this to me a few hours ago (when i was clearin' her table) "wow, you're so pro lo, can balance so many plates in your hand." ha! look what happened a few hours later *faintx*
& i juz heard the most sacarstic remark ever when we took a long time to serve the desserts to a guy he said "your desserts are comin' from italy or what?" (cos it's an ITALIAN chocolate cake) ah, thanks huh
ever thought of the 10 things that you wish you could learn? i came up with my own list today hopin' to know/learn all these before i step into my grave!
10 things i wish to learn:: 1. to be able to cook a 10-course meal & bake all sorts of yummies sad to say, i can't even crack an egg without the shells gettin' inside. oops. imagine you can bake muffins, brownies, cakes, cupcakes, cookies or even doughnuts? it will be very useful when you wanna win the heart of somebody, wahaha, get into the good books of their stomachs first! =P
2. to know every inch of singapore roads i have a rottin' 7-month old drivin' licence. rottin' in the sense that i hardly drive! i am also quite a directions-idiot, always takin' the wrong buses, the long routes. maybe i should start with knowin' the CTE, BKE, PIE?
3. to have the art & skills of designin' be it web-designin', poster designin', interior designin', i wish i have the creativity to design! it'll be so cool to see your artwork bein' recognised & utilised. also wish i'm proficient in adobe photoshop, macromaedia flash, dreamweaver, whatever!
4. to be able to write & compose music MUSIC IS MY LIFE. i wish i can do somethin' related to it in future, but sadly, it is hardly possible. anyway, instead of only able to listen, hum, sing-a-long, appreciate and relate to others' songs, why not create my own? spin my own tune, write my own lyrics and music! ah, juz wish i can compose and arrange music. but wait, how many strings are there in a guitar?
5. to be able to do long-distance running this is quite a weird dream ya? oh well, how nice if i can have the stamina to run a marathon, without any aches, pains or diarrhoea after it, haha.
6. to be able to speak confidently in public yeah, public speakin', known to be the greatest fear among people, even more than death? i remember we used to do it in secondary school. i memorised my script till i could say it backwards. but i ended up speakin' at the speed of a bullet train, along with the tempo of my heartbeat. this needs practice and trainin' i guess.
7. to be able to play the piano helps in writin' music! haha. & piano has such mellow tones, good for easy listenin'. most sentimental songs are sentimental cos of their piano segments. piano is such a romantic instrument. i wanna coordinate all my 10 fingers too!
8. to know how financial & stock markets work this is somethin' that i never understood. though tv shows a lot of it. what blue-chips? why plunge? what wall street? what index? what are shares to begin with?
9. to learn the a foreign language (french, german or korean) sarang-heyo means i love you. haha. it'll be good to know another language. but my english & chinese are both not anywhere there yet too. oops.
10. pendin'.. any suggestions/ideas? what's YOURS?
我发现你和我的距离开始越来越远 我只能活在期盼 回到过去的世界
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
self-declared holiday haha Yongmin & i chose to do a project for the time series analysis module so we didn't have to attend the test today since there was only a 1.5hr lecture we skipped that as well so there were no lessons at all!
slept 11hrs till 2pm FWAH. but i was still feelin' sleepy the bus driver had to wake me up at the terminal again on my way home piangx i guess it's not the quantity of sleep you have but the QUALITY agree?
worked at spageddies in the evenin' it was the first time that Seok Chuan, Liping & i worked a same shift together! wahaha chaos =P SNOOPY POWER! muahaha. was the cashier lalala actually, all 3 of us are cashiers, heex people comin' from snoopy place have casherin' skills naturally? hoho
只有你撒娇 会让我微笑。。
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gear uP!
Monday, March 20, 2006
i'm on the verge of givin' up on categorical data analysis lost. in contrast, i was quite pleased with my design & analysis of experiments test results - 25/30!!! =D
had a meetin' with the munchie monkey management team new members who joined our team - Amanda & Liang Cai i believe they'll bring munchie monkey to greater heights! =) woohoo we'll be havin' a chalet from 12 may - 14 may at downtown east pasir ris right after the sea sports camp, god. munchie monkey is sellin' yummy cakes! check them out! (our chocolate banana cake WILL rock NUS!)
 check out our cake counter!
did i blade with my arms yesterday? my arms are achin' & not my legs!
Yongmin introduced this interestin' website to me, my heritage & i uploaded this photo to do the face recognition::

& guess what?

my resemblance with sammi cheng is 51%! wahaha
4 driftsSs..
my god...mine is even more ridiculous lo...so ridiculous til i dun even bother to put it in my blog..hahaha..its realli funny thou,...:P
hoho.. who do you look like? piglet? haha.. shoOoOo cute.
dope...u wont wanna noe...i oso dun feel like saying...so paiseh..haha...:P
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gear uP!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
today is the first time that i tried ROLLER-BLADIN'!
it was an outin' with the munchie monkey people Amanda, Huiying, Sandy, Wei Liang, Katherine, Ruchi, Chieh Chien, Remy turned up! =) we went bladin' at east coast park all of them could blade! EXCEPT ME! piangx i couldn't even stand up on my own it was SO tough everyone had to lend me their helpin' hands & sometimes i even caused them to fall =xX i myself fell a total of 10.5 times in merely an hour hahah terrible
worked the dinner shift spageddies! was the cashier so many long tables today sold only 3 cheese fondues, boo!
have you learned to smile again?
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
worked the full day at spageddies @ paragon it wasn't really busy for both lunch & dinner hmmx, where has the crowd gone to? sold 5 cheese fondues durin' the lunch shift & 7 durin' the dinner shift! kidda hard to beat my own record of 15 in one shift ha! =P
oh yesh so glad + relieved that i'll be handin'-over the schedulin' job over to Amanda OH YESH. YAHOO! =)
3 driftsSs..
hey hey. Thanks for a great year as crew manager! Appreciate it loads. =)
hey liangcai!! thanks thanks, for your help for the past year too!
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Friday, March 17, 2006
so relieved finally finished the 2 big assignments due today WHEW had been botherin' me for days
Yongmin & i skipped the new media lecture (cos it's on stats again! wahaha) & went to the tv room @ yusof ishak house to SLACK we really needed a rest
we went to watch underworld: evolution @ cineleisure after school! i had no idea what was this show about initially only realised it's about vampires & werewolves when the show started haha quite a violent & gory movie ewks. but the female lead, kate beckinsale is kidda good-lookin'!
worked at spageddies @ paragon haven't worked for 3 days there! was at the five-seven station cheese fondue wasn't easy to sell today - sold 5 only (but one of them is the big one!)
some overdued photos::
 gotton my nametag for my uniform!
 this is the CUTE hand towel that Yongmin gave me! heex.
 the desserts Wei Wei, Seok Chuan & i had at swenson's!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Q 1:什麼星座的人最情緒化? 第1名 處女座 第7名 牡羊座 第2名 巨蟹座 第8名 金牛座 第3名 雙魚座 第9名 射手座 第4名 雙子座 第10名 天秤座 第5名 天蠍座 第11名 獅子座 第6名 水瓶座 第12名 魔羯座
Q 2:什麼星座的人最有異性緣? 第1名 獅子座 第7名 牡羊座 第2名 天秤座 第8名 水瓶座 第3名 雙魚座 第9名 金牛座 第4名 雙子座 第10名 巨蟹座 第5名 天蠍座 第11名 魔羯座 第6名 射手座 第12名 處女座
Q 3:哪個星座的女生最難追? 第1名 處女座 第7名 金牛座 第2名 天蠍座 第8名 射手座 第3名 魔羯座 第9名 天秤座 第4名 雙子座 第10名 巨蟹座 第5名 水瓶座 第11名 牡羊座 第6名 獅子座 第12名 雙魚座
Q 4:哪個星座的人神經最大條? 第1名 射手座 第7名 水瓶座 第2名 牡羊座 第8名 魔羯座 第3名 獅子座 第9名 天秤座 第4名 雙魚座 第10名 處女座 第5名 金牛座 第11名 巨蟹座 第6名 雙子座 第12名 天蠍座 Q 5:哪個星座的人說話最毒? 第1名 天蠍座 第7名 水瓶座 第2名 雙子座 第8名 牡羊座 第3名 處女座 第9名 天秤座 第4名 射手座 第10名 金牛座 第5名 獅子座 第11名 雙魚座 第6名 魔羯座 第12名 巨蟹座
Q 6:什麼星座的人最不喜歡受拘束? 第1名 射手座 第7名 天蠍座 第2名 水瓶座 第8名 巨蟹座 第3名 雙子座 第9名 雙魚座 第4名 獅子座 第10名 處女座 第5名 天秤座 第11名 魔羯座 第6名 牡羊座 第12名 金牛座
Q 7:什麼星座的人最專情? 第1名 魔羯座 第7名 水瓶座 第2名 處女座 第8名 雙魚座 第3名 天蠍座 第9名 牡羊座 第4名 金牛座 第10名 射手座 第5名 巨蟹座 第11名 天秤座 第6名 獅子座 第12名 雙子座
Q 8:哪個星座的人最懶惰? 第1名 射手座 第7名 雙子座 第2名 金牛座 第8名 牡羊座 第3名 雙魚座 第9名 天蠍座 第4名 天秤座 第10名 巨蟹座 第5名 獅子座 第11名 魔羯座 第6名 水瓶座 第12名 處女座
Q 9:哪個星座的人最癡情? 第1名 獅子座 第7名 牡羊座 第2名 雙魚座 第8名 處女座 第3名 巨蟹座 第9名 水瓶座 第4名 魔羯座 第10名 射手座 第5名 天蠍座 第11名 天秤座 第6名 金牛座 第12名 雙子座
Q10:哪個星座的人最愛吃醋? 第1名 獅子座 第7名 魔羯座 第2名 天蠍座 第8名 牡羊座 第3名 處女座 第9名 雙子座 第4名 巨蟹座 第10名 水瓶座 第5名 金牛座 第11名 天秤座 第6名 雙魚座 第12名 射手座 Q11:哪個星座的人最獨立? 第1名 天蠍座 第 7名 處女座 第2名 魔羯座 第 8名 雙子座 第3名 水瓶座 第 9名 金牛座 第4名 獅子座 第10名 天秤座 第5名 射手座 第11名 巨蟹座 第6名 牡羊座 第12名 雙魚座
Q12:哪個星座的人最愛睡? 第1名 天秤座 第7名 射手座 第2名 雙魚座 第8名 水瓶座 第3名 雙子座 第9名 處女座 第4名 金牛座 第10名 天蠍座 第5名 巨蟹座 第11名 魔羯座 第6名 獅子座 第12名 牡羊座
Q13:哪個星座的人最易犯桃花? 第1名 射手座 第7名 獅子座 第2名 水瓶座 第8名 牡羊座 第3名 天秤座 第9名 魔羯座 第4名 雙子座 第10名 金牛座 第5名 雙魚座 第11名 處女座 第6名 天蠍座 第12名 巨蟹座
Q14:哪個星座的人最沒有安全感? 第1名 雙魚座 第7名 天秤座 第2名 雙子座 第8名 水瓶座 第3名 巨蟹座 第9名 金牛座 第4名 射手座 第10名 魔羯座 第5名 處女座 第11名 獅子座 第6名 天蠍座 第12名 牡羊座
Q15:哪個星座的人得失心最重? 第1名 天蠍座 第7名 雙魚座 第2名 獅子座 第8名 水瓶座 第3名 處女座 第9名 牡羊座 第4名 魔羯座 第10名 天秤座 第5名 巨蟹座 第11名 射手座 第6名 金牛座 第12名 雙子座
Q16:哪個星座的人最幽默? 第1名 雙子座 第7名 獅子座 第2名 射手座 第8名 天蠍座 第3名 水瓶座 第9名 雙魚座 第4名 巨蟹座 第10名 魔羯座 第5名 牡羊座 第11名 處女座 第6名 天秤座 第12名 金牛座
Q17:哪個星座的人最不容易說出內心的話? 第1名 天蠍座 第7名 金牛座 第2名 水瓶座 第8名 雙魚座 第3名 魔羯座 第9名 天秤座 第4名 處女座 第10名 射手座 第5名 巨蟹座 第11名 獅子座 第6名 雙子座 第12名 牡羊座 Q18:哪個星座的人最愛腳踏兩條船? 第1名 雙子座 第7名 獅子座 第2名 水瓶座 第8名 天蠍座 第3名 射手座 第9名 牡羊座 第4名 天秤座 第10名 巨蟹座 第5名 雙魚座 第11名 魔羯座 第6名 處女座 第12名 金牛座
Q19:哪個星座的人最夠朋友? 第1名 天蠍座 第7名 天秤座 第2名 巨蟹座 第8名 雙子座 第3名 獅子座 第9名 金牛座 第4名 射手座 第10名 魔羯座 第5名 水瓶座 第11名 雙魚座 第6名 牡羊座 第12名 處女座
Q20:哪個星座的男生最被動? 第1名 金牛座 第7名 水瓶座 第2名 魔羯座 第8名 天蠍座 第3名 處女座 第9名 射手座 第4名 巨蟹座 第10名 獅子座 第5名 天秤座 第11名 牡羊座 第6名 雙魚座 第12名 雙子座
Q21:哪個星座的人最喜歡流浪? 第1名 射手座 第7名 牡羊座 第2名 水瓶座 第8名 魔羯座 第3名 雙子座 第9名 獅子座 第4名 雙魚座 第10名 金牛座 第5名 天蠍座 第11名 巨蟹座 第6名 天秤座 第12名 處女座
Q22:哪個星座的人最重視朋友? 第1名 水瓶座 第7名 天秤座 第2名 處女座 第8名 獅子座 第3名 魔羯座 第9名 雙子座 第4名 巨蟹座 第10名 金牛座 第5名 射手座 第11名 雙魚座 第6名 天蠍座 第12名 牡羊座
Q23:哪個星座的人最不喜歡上課? 第1名 射手座 第7名 獅子座 第2名 巨蟹座 第8名 天秤座 第3名 雙子座 第9名 天蠍座 第4名 水瓶座 第10名 金牛座 第5名 雙魚座 第11名 處女座 第6名 牡羊座 第12名 魔羯座
Q24:哪個星座男生最容易落淚? 第1名 雙魚座 第7名 雙子座 第2名 巨蟹座 第8名 金牛座 第3名 處女座 第9名 射手座 第4名 天蠍座 第10名 魔羯座 第5名 天秤座 第11名 牡羊座 第6名 水瓶座 第12名 獅子座
Q25:哪個星座的人最悲觀? 第1名 處女座 第7名 天秤座 第2名 雙魚座 第8名 水瓶座 第3名 巨蟹座 第9名 雙子座 第4名 魔羯座 第10名 牡羊座 第5名 天蠍座 第11名 獅子座 第6名 金牛座 第12名 射手座
Q26:哪個星座的人最八卦? 第1名 雙子座 第7名 處女座 第2名 天秤座 第8名 雙魚座 第3名 射手座 第9名 金牛座 第4名 魔羯座 第10名 獅子座 第5名 水瓶座 第11名 牡羊座 第6名 天蠍座 第12名 巨蟹座
Q27:哪個星座最會表現"曖昧不明"的關係? 第1名 雙魚座 第7名 金牛座 第2名 天秤座 第8名 處女座 第3名 水瓶座 第9名 巨蟹座 第4名 雙子座 第10名 魔羯座 第5名 天蠍座 第11名 牡羊座 第6名 射手座 第12名 獅子座
Q28:哪個星座的人長的最好看? 第1名 天秤座 第7名 獅子座 第2名 天蠍座 第8名 雙子座 第3名 雙魚座 第9名 金牛座 第4名 水瓶座 第10名 處女座 第5名 射手座 第11名 牡羊座 第6名 巨蟹座 第12名 魔羯座
Q29:哪個星座的人最有魅力? 第1名 天蠍座 第7名 魔羯座 第2名 射手座 第8名 雙子座 第3名 天秤座 第9名 獅子座 第4名 牡羊座 第10名 處女座 第5名 雙魚座 第11名 金牛座 第6名 水瓶座 第12名 巨蟹座
Q30:哪個星座的人最臭屁? 第1名 獅子座 第7名 天秤座 第2名 射手座 第8名 水瓶座 第3名 天蠍座 第9名 魔羯座 第4名 雙魚座 第10名 金牛座 第5名 雙子座 第11名 處女座 第6名 牡羊座 第12名 巨蟹座
4 driftsSs..
not true not true... where u got this... not accurate one... haha
ya lo..many people also told me it's not true at all, haha..
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
spent a whole day workin' at munchie monkey SUPER SIANX. haix.

a DJ-turned-singer, Huang De Jiang came to perform in the evenin' the turn-out wasn't really good it really ain't easy bein' a singer!
ah, so many assignments to rush =(
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
haven't been able to connect to the internet from home for the past 2 days ARGH. why?! & everytime i tried to call singnet broadband helpline up i would have to listen to music forever & they would keep repeatin' that automated message "all of our officers are busy at the moment, your call is important to us, please hold while our next available officer will get to you shortly." bullshit.
Yongmin was so tired that we went to the tv room for him to take a nap i dropped by munchie monkey & chit-chatted with Hamdan
school ended at 130pm & i didn't have to work today! woohoo met up with Wei Wei & Seok Chuan! & did our favourite thing - KTV!!! =P we then had dinner at suki sushi @ cineleisure talked a lot about bein' in the F&B service line haha about up-sellin' (promotin' items to customers), Wei Wei told us "convince the guest, if not, confuse the guest, if not, CON the guest!" that's like FREAKIN' FUNNY lo
we wanted to have chocolate fondue at haagen daaz but it was not available so we settled for desserts at swenson's
slept really early for the past 2 days since i wasn't able to go online
1 driftsSs..
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gear uP!
Monday, March 13, 2006
was late for school! couldn't get up on time zZz had a free vanilla latte from Yongmin! hoho he also bought a snoopy hand towel for me so cute!
thought i could go home for dinner today but Steven called me down to work since i had nothin' on (though i had tons of assignments due soon) i agreed to work
was the cashier sold 6 cheese fondues! but i was a little sick of the desserts rewarded to us =xX
went for supper at kopitiam @ youth park with Ben, Seeto, Anthony, Kai Feng
3 driftsSs..
lol... it's funny u sell fondues to pple but u urself get fatter each time bcos of the dessert... hahaha... i noe i'm crapping.. so ignore me... i'm juz too happy... ;p
ya lo..gettin' really FAT!!!
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
today was almost a replicate of yesterday lunch @ munchie monkey then dinner @ spageddies but of cos, today wasn't as siong as yesterday (for both sides)
lazy lazy sunday..
cheese fondue 86 today!!! (not available!) haha, sold out! i thought we had A LOT to sell lo ran out so quickly? haha, saved a lot of my saliva
spageddies will be havin' a chalet from 3 april - 4 april (mon & tue) what bad timings! aiyo.
[曹格 - 世界唯一的妳] 是妳 一眼我就認出來 這是命運最美麗的安排 是愛 讓妳略過漫長等待 我們只要現在相愛 幸福就來 恨我來不及參與妳的過去 抱歉讓妳等待 我願意 付出一切交換 我靈魂的另一半 這個世界唯一的妳 是我擁有的奇蹟 對我說的一字一句 都是我們的秘密 緊緊擁抱唯一的妳 無可救藥的堅定 就算世界與我為敵 我也願意 我什麼都願意 看開 過去所有的悲哀 都只是訓練我為妳 勇敢 真愛 照亮了漆黑的夜晚 尋找了彼此一輩子 再不分開 i will climb the highest mountain i will swim the deepest sea 我願意 付出一切交換 我靈魂的另一半 就算上天下地 我什麼都願意為妳 緊緊擁抱唯一的妳 無可救藥的堅定 就算世界與我為敵 我也願意 我什麼都願意
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Saturday, March 11, 2006
one word could describe my day - WORK. lunch @ munchie monkey dinner @ spageddies
it was NUS' open house we were expectin' quite a crowd indeed, sales was quite good but luckily, it was a slow & steady crowd so it was manageable! unlike last year, it almost killed us haha
Huiying brought me a bottle of chicken essence! woah, so sweet right, hoho
 i need it!
THEN, it was slam-cum-war at spageddies we were seriously short of manpower all of us worked like crazy buffaloes crashin' around freeeeeaaaaaaaaaakin' BUSY kaox. oh well, & i was sellin' cheese fondue like nobody's business too wahaha i sold 5 fondues last night, remember? so i set a target for myself - to sell 9 tonight in the end? i sold 15 fondues!!! (one of them was the BIG one, haha!) wahaha i was entitled to 5 free desserts, hoho! the feelin' is becomin' more & more similar to those times when i was sellin' the snoopy P.A.L. cards! to use the RIGHT kind of words to sell the RIGHT attitude hmmx, maybe i should really consider doin' sales
missed the last train to jurong east so took a train to kranji (damn long journey!) then shared a cab with Snoopie, Zoey, Kai Feng, Huiling
ah. home sweet home.
i'm sorry for never bein' there for you.
3 driftsSs..
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Friday, March 10, 2006
[林俊杰 - 你要的不是我] 怎么能忘 时间多长 你快乐吗? 想代替你回答 你知道吗 走了好远 我才能去面对 这份牵挂 沉默伤悲 你要的不是我 心碎的失去轮廓 曾经给你的感动 只是情绪的波动 能给的不是我 放任你沉溺自由 掩饰不了我的笨拙 就连说话都会颤抖 我被遗忘在 你遗忘的角落
Your Birthdate: August 6 |  You tend to be a the rock in relationships - people depend on you. Thoughtful and caring, you often put others needs first. You aren't content to help those you know... you want to give to the world. An idealist, you strive for positive change and dream about how much better things could be.
Your strength: Your intuition
Your weakness: You put yourself last
Your power color: Rose
Your power symbol: Cloud
Your power month: June |
skipped the new media lecture! cos it's about the introduction to statistics! wahaha, why would a statistics major student attend?
met up with our time series analysis lecturer after school again to help us on our project so difficult!
had some time to spend before workin' Yongmin went to town with me we had gelare (again) at PS this time, it was my treat, haha
it's another crazy cheese fondue night at spageddies! hoho i was at five-seven station with Seeto, Gin, Angeline & we were sellin' cheese fondue like crazy! i sold 5 myself! wahaha eventually, everyone in our station was entitled to a free dessert after work! (one free dessert of your choice for every 3 ala-carte cheese fondue sold) hoho was not very busy for a friday night haven't worked at a station for so long! always cashier, cashier, cashier mahx
 hoho, our reward!
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Thursday, March 09, 2006
woah counted the no. of hours i worked durin' the last 2 weeks of february 80 hours!!! that's an average of 40hrs per week fwah. almost a full-timer already x_X!! & school is juz 20hrs per week! (i work DOUBLE the hours i spend in school! oops.) no wonder i hardly slept durin' that 2 weeks man imagine i don't have 2 part-time jobs HOW SLACK.
i don't like thursdays cos school is the longest & i'd be fightin' sleep in almost every class
not workin' today! not at spageddies, not at munchie monkey too! how strange i haven't worked at spageddies for the third day runnin' kidda miss it?
1 driftsSs..
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Wednesday, March 08, 2006
<<林俊杰 - 曹操>> album
Track01:: 사람해요 只对你说 Rating:: *** Review:: a really soothin' ballad, love it lots! a great start to the album, heex. tryin' to be involved in the korean wave? Fave lines:: 代表着我离不开你 / 只有你撒娇 会让我微笑 / 每一个我都属于你
Track02:: 曹操 Rating:: *** Review:: the 主打! i love the piano! a nice mix of piano with rock. quite a heavy song; it really makes an impact! Fave lines:: 纷纷扰扰千百年以后 一切又从头
Track03:: 熟能生巧 Rating:: *** Review:: the chinese version of down! very easy-listenin' track. Fave lines:: 空虚日子这一路都在熬 / 终于能自在的坦承说爱你
Track04:: 波间带 Rating:: ** Review:: a fast song, catchy, energetic. but not my kind of song! Fave lines:: -
Track05:: 原来 Rating:: *** Review:: one of my favourite tracks! great lyrics. sobx. Fave lines:: 我不懂得如何更爱你 / 原来最孤单的是我还是那么想你
Track06:: 不死之身 Rating:: *** Review:: love the flute intro! this song has a new age feel to it. touchin' lyrics. Fave lines:: 亲爱的别难过 只要紧紧握着我的手 / 我仍爱你爱的不知天高地厚 / 唯有你 我才能找回我
Track07:: 爱情 yogurt Rating:: *** Review:: this song is similar to 豆浆油条, describin' love as some kind of food! so sweet. Fave lines:: 温度计测不出我在为你发酵 / 你是我的爱情 yogurt 红着脸撒娇
Track08:: 进化论 Rating:: *** Review:: WOOHOO. the best song in the album, i would say. though this is not my usual sappy love song, this song rocks! the violin, the xylophone! i love the variations in this song, so excitin'! especially the middle of the song, with juz the drums & breathin' sound, wootx. Fave lines:: 我在她面前却像隔著山脉 / (讨厌古代) 缘份只靠等待 / 谁拿感情来当消遣
Track09:: now that she's gone Rating:: *** Review:: what a sad song. boohoo. Fave lines:: girl you know i miss you so / i'm stayin' with you for the rest of my life / i'm like a bird who lost her wing / i don't know how to be strong when my love has to move on
Track10:: 你要的不是我 Rating:: *** Review:: the most heart-breakin' song in the album. -ouch- from the title, you know what's this song about, sighx. the music sounds a little like 简简单单. Fave lines:: 你快乐吗? / 你知道吗 走了好远 我才能去面对 这份牵挂 沉默伤悲 / 你要的不是我 / 曾经给你的感动 只是情绪的波动 / 能给的不是我 / 掩饰不了我的笨拙 就连说话都会颤抖 / 我被遗忘在你遗忘的角落
Track11:: 流行主教 Rating:: ** Review:: the most cheerful song in the album. it's the theme song for channel u apparently. Fave lines:: -
Track12:: down Rating:: *** Review:: the english version of 熟能生巧. the lyrics say a totally different story from the chinese version. prefer this english version! Fave lines:: you'll never know how much i've been around / how my heart juz frowns if you're down / i'll be your teddy bear, i'll be your clown / if you don't mind i could be your standin' ground even if that means i'd drown
on the whole i had a great time listenin' to this album out of 12 tracks, i gave the full 3 stars to 10 tracks the other 2 tracks still had 2 stars you can almost say i love every track in the album JJ is freakin' talented & i want to support his creativity & works by buyin' this album! =) worth the money!
worked at munchie monkey in the afternoon saw Platonic for the first time! woah, he could recognise me juz from the photos on my blog
went for a hair-cut after work wahaha, my hair can stand again! =) bought a pair of black TYR goggles then headed for a quick SWIM! swam 10 laps before goin' for dinner
will be joinin' NUS sea sports camp 2006 (9 may-11 may) with Vivi! it's a 3 day 2 night camp at PA east coast sea sports club (that ulu place again?!?) $95 per person will get to try canoein', wakeboardin', windsurfin', sailin' & maybe even lifeguard skills! guess this will be the last thing i'm joinin' before i graduate

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Tuesday, March 07, 2006
still didn't manage to sleep early last night though i had nothin' much to do ah. what's up with me?
finally caught up with time series analysis lecture could understand most of what was revised today realised i hadn't been payin' attention the past few lessons! piangx.
went mac @ engineerin' for BIG breakfast! Yongmin's treat! hoho we then visited the NUS travelmania fair at the arts forum lookin' for graduation trips! ya right, don't even know if i can travel (my parents la) also considered takin' up the work & travel USA programme to go to USA for about 4 months, work there & travel around too sounds like a cool idea but i'll need at least $3k! ah, any sponsors?
accompanied the stats gang for lunch wahaha, 6 future statisticians! Yongmin, Reithna, Jingyi, Geok Ling, Xiao Mei & myself! hoho lucky Yongmin, surrounded by so many pretty girls (me excluded of cos) muahaha. no wonder he even decided to treat us to new zealand natural after lunch hoho we then chit-chatted at the yusok ishak house canteen
found Huiling to replace my dinner shift at spageddies cos i HAD TO work at munchie monkey couldn't find anyone else, so i really had to work sighx. slept for an hour plus inside the students' lounge before work shiok.
munchie monkey was freakin' stuffy! 2 of the air-con units were down, i heard DAMN WARM lo! work was alright the dishwasher uncle gave Isabella, Amanda, Huiying & me a lift! woohoo. didn't know all of us stay around the same area so nice of the uncle! heex
 the uncle's car! woohoo, rich man! featurin' AMANDA's shadow on the left!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Monday, March 06, 2006
the design & analysis of experiments test was quite alright i finished rather early even had the time to copy my answers into a new booklet so that they'd be neater hoho
haix. i really couldn't stay awake durin' categorical data analysis lecture i've been sleepin' through it for weeks! i tried to stay awake but still drifted into sleep after a while ah, i have no idea what is goin' on now
went to work at spageddies was the cashier again quite a slow night earned myself a free dessert for sellin' 3 ala-carte cheese fondue! hoho the feelin' of tryin' to sell the cheese fondue was exactly like in the past when i tried to sell the snoopy P.A.L. card to the customers less explanation & persuasion to do though (if you don't like cheese, what can i do right?) i don't like sales actually but the sense of satisfaction when i manage to sell one is fantastic hoho what's more, there are incentives! no harm tryin'! heex
 bruises from the windsurfin' course! gawd. (left elbow joint & right hand respectively)
i'll be your teddy bear, i'll be your clown if you don't mind i could be your standin' ground even if that means i'd drown.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
woke up with an ACHIN' body! omg. windsurfin' is physically drainin'
had a really bad mornin' not goin' into the details but i muz mention this - I LOST MY EZ-LINK CARD AGAIN. i did a replacement quite recently & i lost it AGAIN. damn it.
went for windsurfin' course day 2! took a cab to east coast sea sports club from home ah, been takin' cab so often
had an hour plus of theory lesson the terms used in windsurfin' are really complicated parts of the equipment - board, sail, mast, boom, dagger board, uphaul line other terms - no-go-zone, beam reach, upwind-tack, downwind-gybe, run, (i've forgotton the others, oops.) damn cheemx we then tried upwind-tackin' on the simulator as usual, it was easy on it then we went out to the waters! the sun was bright & sunny, waves were strong, winds were gusty had a better sense of balance today managed to sail a little! wahaha, it really ain't simple the currents were so strong till i drifted to the next bay an uncle "saved" me, haha he was on a kayak, so we switched equipments - i took his kayak while he took my board & sail i kayak my way back to the bay i came from (phew, luckily i took my one-star canoein' course, haha) while he sailed back! PRO LA! then i realised how easy kayakin' is (at least it's not that tirin'!) was half-dead by the end of the course another few gallons of sea water drank more knocks & bruises my water confidence is very strong now (kept jumpin' into the sea) gosh.
but heh i've gotton my windsurfin' proficiency level 1 card! heeheex waitin' for the sea sports club membership card to be mailed to my house! =)
 the front & back of the card!
3 driftsSs..
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gear uP!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
east coast sea sports club is such damn ulu place! i had no idea how to get there except by cab
 this really ulu place, but i've cycled past before!
had my first windsurfin' lesson! there were 4 other people in my group all of them were guys went through half an hour of theoretical stuff then tried it on the simulator (it looked really simple on the simulator) then finally, out to the sea! hoho
woah Yongmin was right i was basically juz fallin', gettin' up on the board, fallin' again, & tryin' to get up again even gettin' into the "secure position" is a problem did manage to maintain my balance for a few seconds but the waves were so nasty i think i drank gallons of sea water *erk* also had a few knocks all over my body oh man. what a tough sport to do!
took a bus down to town was very early for work joined Gynn, Kerin, Liping, Xianyin at their table inside spageddies haven't seen them for some time! (except Liping of cos) good old snoopy days, sighx. they were still the same old them, so chatty, haha
was the cashier tonight & it was BUSY LIKE HELL. sales was $11,000+! gosh. the queue was never gone hoho, but Seok Chuan is back! wahaha haven't worked with her for a damn long time & tonight was THE night! it's good to work with her again, heex with her help, i managed to close the cashier really fast! =)
we walked down to PS together after work took train to ang mo kio walked to her flat then i flagged a cab to get home there were no more trains to cck -.-zZz took cab twice today!
miss my baobei Vivi a lot! haven't met her at all since the start of 2006! goodness that's a really long time she has graduated from ngee ann poly already! & enjoyin' life right now, haha ho mia!
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gear uP!
Friday, March 03, 2006
ah. only slept 2.5hrs last night i asked for it la chat chat chat
it's really damn hard to stay awake durin' the time series analysis lecture goodness, SO borin'
went to look for the time series analysis lecturer with Yongmin after school we had chosen to do a data analysis project instead of havin' another mid-term test! (we were given a choice) he then gave us an outline on how our project should be like hmmx, cheemx
we then rushed down to suntec where we had a quick lunch (almost dinnertime?) at kfc then visited the career fair at the convention halls we were very much disappointed cos it was more like an education fair (for furthur studies & courses) than a jobs-opportunities exhibition what a waste of our time!
i then went to work at spageddies was the cashier it was rather busy i sold 2 cheese fondue at the start of the shift didn't have much chance to take orders anyway BURNT my fingers while i was settin' up the stand for the cheese fondue i'm a dumb nitwit. i removed the lid of the stenol & lighted the gel with flames to my astonishment the lid that i was holdin' on to, caught flames too! (cos there was some gel on it too) i didn't know where to put the lid or how to put the flames out in the end, the lid dropped onto a seat & the flames extinguished my left index finger HURTS like crazy -OUCH-
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Thursday, March 02, 2006
oh man i skipped a lecture + tutorial today together with Yongmin it really wasn't planned at all after our new media tutorial we were already plannin' to catch a bus back for the next lecture then, Yongmin realised he lost his ez-link card! aiyo. he had a really suay week we went back to arts & hunted for it so we skipped lecture! =xX
didn't manage to find it & since we'd skipped lecture we went to the career fair @ MPSH! hoho
skipped the tutorial after the lecture as well since we had to wait half an hour for it Yongmin treated me to a drink from new zealand natural! wahaha
worked the dinner shift at spageddies! piangx was the trainer!!! which means, i was the runner! goodness. i haven't been the runner for the longest time ever & now i had to train a newbie (Dyana) =.= but it was quite ok the cheese fondue promotion had started! (for the whole of march) after closin' the runner station i also had to teach Amber how to close the cashier whew but i think i'm still "half-pail" in both of these stations lo
went for supper at kopitiam @ youth park with quite a lot of people:: Amber, Joycelyn, Anthony, Jon, David, Adam, Seeto!
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gear uP!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

i'm graduatin' this semester! ordered my academic dress (see below) - the gown + mortar board not too sure of my head circumference though =xX decided to buy it since it's only $15 difference between buyin' & rentin' & rentin' will get you only second-hand dress

worked the lunch shift at munchie monkey was the only staff from 11am-1pm since no one else could make it but it wasn't busy at all so, cool.
isn't it ironic when i ask if anyone can work everyone would mention they have loads of assignments to do, tests to study, reports to write, meetings for projects & of cos - I HAVE SOMETHIN' ON but when it comes to a fully-paid clubbin' outin' to MOS tomorrow night they suddenly have nothin' on at all! woohoo but come to think of it who will prefer workin' to clubbin'? (i'm an exception here.)
1 driftsSs..
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