
06 august 1984, monday
24+ years old
qualified driver since 15 aug 2005
one-star paddler
windsurfin' proficiency level 1
regular blood donor
O+ blood group
choa chu kang,sg



bukit view pri
instrumental ensemble
bukit panjang govt high
military band
national jc
symphonic band

metro @ paragon
07 dec 2000-31 dec 2000
(25 days)
snoopy place @ ps
10 dec 2002-12 jul 2004
(1 yr 7 mths 2 days)
propnex property
phone assistant
23 dec 2002-20 jan 2003
(28 days)
viet lang @ chijmes
21 jul 2004-24 jul 2004
(4 days)
green brew @ singtel recreation club
customer service crew
30 aug 2004-04 nov 2005
(1 yr 2 mths 5 days)
munchie monkey cafe @ yusof ishak house
customer service crew
senior human resource executive
(crew leader)
09 oct 2004-03 may 2006
(1 yr 6 mths 24 days)
spageddies @ paragon
customer service crew
05 dec 2005-09 dec 2007
(2 yrs 4 days)
J.D. Power Asia Pacific @ shenton way
research associate (data processing)
22 may 2006-current

jay chou
stefanie sun
fish leong
lin jun jie
fan wei qi

sea sports
donating blood

(1) so close
(2) mr. & mrs.smith
(3) finding nemo
(4) love actually
(5) step up

fried beehoon
iced milk tea
yuan yang
soyabean milk
iced-blended mocha
iced peach tea
Saturday, March 31, 2007
woohoo. i woke up at 2pm! piggin'. =xX
met up with some OLD friends! haha lao peng you from snoopy place - Mei Qing, Siew Wai, Seok Chuan (err, i still see Seok Chuan rather often, haha!) =) we had dinner at sakae sushi @ the open area beside PS i'm still crazy over sashimi, hoho
we then walked down to the mac cafe @ shaw house & had drinks there it's nice to meet up with old friends, realisin' they haven't changed & things are still the same!
 Siew Wai & Mei Qing!
 the MQs!
 the group of us @ sakae sushi! =)
i'm plannin' our taiwan trip! heeheex.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Friday, March 30, 2007
bought BREAKFAST from the store at our building's lobby! hoho siew mai, char siew bun, carrot cake! =P very yummy breakfast is the most important meal, you know
after that heavy breakfast, we had our monthly department lunch! Wei Leng was the organiser this time round, & we dined at pastamania @ the CPF building! PASTA!!! =D i had ham & sausage baked rice though, along with garlic bread (shared), chicken caesar salad (shared), mushroom soup, ice lemon tea! YUMX. i was SO full after finishin' everythin' but really enjoyed this meal i'm still more of a fan of italian food & japanese sushi away from the kopitiam lunch for once
went to meet Sharon & Yih Hong in town after work there was the late-night shoppin' tonight at orchard road but we hardly shopped we juz had dinner, walked around, & went for desserts haha had chocolate fondue at maestro @ cineleisure
 the lovin' moo-moo! (anyone knows where can they be found?) SWEET.
 their nerdy moo-moo kid! hoho, CUTE.
 our chocolate fondue!
caught the very, very LAST train home reached home only at 130am! gosh.
 longshan temple!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
2 more photos from Alan's weddin' last weekend::
 our table that evenin'!
 the menu served!
lunched-in today! haha we went all the way to raffles place (to our old office area!) to ta-bao our favourite lunch! =)
OT-ed till 11pm today juz wanna finish everythin' so tomorrow will hopefully be a relaxin' day! heex. almost all the fieldwork people OT-ed too
 do you dare? roller-coaster @ janfusun fancyworld (剑湖山世界)
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
my senior manager knows Wu Zun! she couldn't believe her childhood playmate has gone to become a celebrity hoho she has no idea how famous he is now!
had lunch at old chang kee! this old chang kee is like a small eatin' place, it sells rice & stuff besides the usual fried snacks
went to jog around the maxwell & amoy areas after work with Rebecca hoho explored new grounds! what a waste, i couldn't sing in the shower room cos there were people there too =/ haha
 baiyang waterfall @ hualian
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
photos from Alan's weddin' @ chevrons last saturday! =)
 a bunch of pretty girls!
Celina & Wei Leng, & a ghostly me! wahaha.
 Wei Leng, me, Rebecca!
 the newly-wed! cheers!
 cheerin' for them!
 what were they lookin' at? haha.
 wootx. SEXYBACK! =P
 here they come again! heex.
congrats, Alan!
work was uneventful today -.-zZz juz felt like sleepin'!
met up with Vivi & Zhi Wei for dinner at swenson's @ PS had my salmon & mushrooms baked rice! yumx. we also shared a caesar salad, yeah! & since today is tueday, it's gelare's WAFFLES DAY! heex. *BURP*
caught a movie - music & lyrics! starrin' hugh grant & drew barrymore no wonder the popularity for the song way back into love a sweet romantic comedy! =)
 sunset at yang ming shan national park!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Monday, March 26, 2007
happy birthday, Karin! =)
had so little sleep last night don't know why am i doin' this to myself
Rebecca is on one day MC today muz be the weather!
i'm gettin' busier once again whew. should have cherished my honeymoon period more! haha.
had lunch with quite a bunch of people from fieldwork - Simin, Kelvin, Chuanyuan, Angela, as well as my 2 department girls - Wei Leng & Pei Chin wah.
Wei Leng PERMED her hair! muahaha. still can't get used to seein' her in this new look
OT-ed today after so long! realised many of us went to Syam for "consultation" after office hours haha he's amazin' always havin' everythin' under control =)
i want a dog!!! everytime i see people walkin' their dogs, i'll feel like havin' one too dogs are man's best friends! they seem to understand how we feel but i can't bear the pain when it leaves me one day that's why i hardly have any pets =/
 taipei 101! the TALLEST buildin' in the world! WOOHOO.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
维芳。。生日快乐! 你也许不会看到,不过我希望你这天过得很开心! 上海啊。。我几时才能去呢? 几时才能和你见面呢?
worked the lunch shift at spageddies stopped for a week plus & now i'm back in action! heex. received a big compliment from a guest she's with her family (a mother of 2 sons) i took their order (quite complicated - they changed our spaghetti vongole to 3 completely different dishes, haha) & when i came back to give them side plates, the father asked if i'm a permanent or a temporary staff there after they knew that i had graduated from a degree course, the mother said she guessed it right cos she was impressed by the way i talked & the way i presented myself WAH. =) i don't know if this has anythin' to do with bein' a graduate, but it certainly is a great compliment the little things everyday that drive me =)
knocked off at 5pm & went to woodlands! on the train there, i noticed many guys playin' PSP! there were 3 such cases in a single cabin! *pengx* the things that i'll never understand..
since i was still early, went to the library to borrow a travel guidebook on taiwan! wahaha. seems like there are many good places to go! the things that i look forward to!
met up with Huiying & Jiayu! we were goin' to support Amanda (my dear 师妹!) who is one of the lead characters in a play by NUS CAC Voices - 爱。恨 it was held at republic polytechnic (& that's why woodlands) Amanda played a 反派 role, haha very bimbotic lo! but good job shimei, we could feel how much you really hated your sister! haha there were many great songs sung in the play too 呛司呛司、You make me wanna fall in love、梁山伯与茱丽叶、自恋 (!!!)、江南、第九夜、流沙、普通朋友、专属天使 (!!!) woohoo. the only thing was - it was very long! lasted for about 3hrs+ gosh.
went for supper with Huiying & Jiayu at a coffeeshop (neighbourFOOD) near Jiayu's house hoho =P ended up takin' a cab home! -.-zZz
 the taroko gorge! found in hua lian @ taiwan. i wanna see this LIVE! spectacular.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
woke up rather late today heex. shiok la.
went for Alan's weddin' in the evenin' at chevrons! yet another colleague's weddin' hmmx. my friends are askin' ridiculous questions like, when am i gettin' married? hello, you should be askin', when am i gettin' a boyfriend right? haha sat together with Rebecca, Wei Leng, Celina, Felicia, Holly, Anna, Taku, Endina! there were also nice songs durin' the weddin'! =)
oh & i had almost 2 glasses of red wine & it totally had ZERO effect on me! sighx. this means my blood circulation is poor? =/
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Friday, March 23, 2007
WOOHOO. it's confirmed - I'M GOIN' TAIPEI!!! wahaha. -> with who? Sharon, Yih Hong & my sister! -> when are you goin'? 14 may ~ 23 may! (that's 10 days!) we'll be flyin' on monday afternoon, & will be back late on wednesday night, 11pm -> why this sudden decision? cos jetstar is havin' a promotion! all air fares at half their prices! -> what am i goin' to do there? hopefully i can get to see GREAT sceneries, SHOP, EAT, visit hot springs, go to interestin' places! any muz-see places to recommend? -> where are you goin' to stay? no idea yet! friends have told me rainbow hotel & east dragon hotel i'll have to check them out!
my leave is approved, & the tickets are booked! all these in one day! heex.
i'm a VERY lazy person lazy to plan, lazy to pack, lazy to think, lazy to unpack haha. hopefully this time i'll be more enthusiastic about the entire trip-plannin'!
seems like i've been travellin' a lot? Aug'06:: tokyo, japan Dec'06:: bangkok, thailand May'07:: taipei, taiwan still waitin' for my shanghai & hongkong trips!
durin' lunchtime today, Rebecca, Wei Leng & me wanted to eat long john silver's but we couldn't find it (we thought we saw the other time) does anyone know where's the LJS at tanjong pagar?
i wanna get a digital camera before i leave for taipei!
2 driftsSs..
Go find SYZ!! haha!
wahaha.. i wish ah! maybe go there then buy her album.. hoho..
gear uP!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
reached the office rather early today Wei Leng too, hoho
today was really record-breakin' i did 3 rounds of punch-check (one particular process) & none went through each had some errors almost whatever i did, there were some errors in the data haha quite a productive day still! =)
exactly 2 more months & i would've stayed a year at J.D. Power =)
went to the gym at Wei Leng's condo (the gardens @ bishan) her husband gave me a ride =) we juz jogged on the treadmill! heex. 5km for me! whew. Wei Leng then took me for a walk around the clubhouse & along the way, she stepped on dog/cat shit (DARN smelly!!! hahaha.) then while tryin' to brush that shit off her shoe on the grass, she stepped on a snail! oh gross. haha but it was freakin' funny =xX
i might be goin' taipei in may!!! =D
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
photos from last sat's aware run @ east coast park!
 (from left)DiSi, Deslyn, Wei Leng, me, Shanon!
 the J.D. POWER girls! haha.
 after the run, all sweaty!
 group photo!
Fabian & me!
feelin' so lethargic this sayin' is so true:: tired people who don't rest properly become lazy people ya man i'm gettin' lazier NUA.
what a long meetin' this mornin' i could almost juz fall asleep -.-zZz
so many NEW projects! gosh. my days ahead look really busy!
wanted to go to the gym after work with Rebecca but there were too many people in there so decided to come back another time & go home today
i've finished the S.H.E's concert dvd! wahaha. those behind-the-scenes were really hilarious + CUTE! they are such bubbly & fun-lovin' girls
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
i'm done with what i have been doin' for the past week! wahaha. it's definitely no one-man-show so many people were involved in gettin' it completed - Rebecca, Pei Chin, Wei Leng, Gokul! =) it really is a team effort heex. & i finally saw the final product ready for review woohoo!
they say you can only make true friends when you're still in school when you're out in society to work, you can hardly find true friends i muz beg to differ i know MORE friends through work than in school you may say part-time jobs are a different thing, then even in office, i've found many great friends! =) they really make my work so much more enjoyable heex. thank you!
bought the phantom of the opera tickets!!! will be catchin' it with Wei Wei & Wei Leng on 13 may, 8pm, at the esplanade which is the FINAL show! i hope the phantom still has the energy to perform! =P
met up with Seok Chuan & Fisher at marina square & we had dinner at ministry of food had so much sashimi again! wahaha. we never fail to order that then had sinful desserts at baker's inn @ raffles city shoppin' centre =xX
.jpg) yummy!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Monday, March 19, 2007
oh MONDAY oh MONDAY. my senior manager is back from her 1 week break & i'm still workin' on the SAME stuff (it's been a week!) Syam is back too! he's finally well enough to return to office
had burger king for lunch =) it's the best place to dine when the weather doesn't look good (excuse!) haha
left at 6pm! =) met up with Fabian & we took the same train with Rebecca as well ok, i'm not supposed to say they were lame-ing on the train, i'm not supposed to say anythin' else as well haha =P
look out for last sat's photos! will be up tomorrow! (forgot to bring my cable home today) stay tuned!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
seldom have such a weekend! not havin' to work at spageddies at all! i don't mind workin' there on weekends actually the only thing is that, i can't get to sleep to whatever-time-i-want! i wanna laze in bed! =P
went for NUS wind symphony concert - intempo 2007 held at UCC went with Sharon & Yih Hong quite professional performance didn't really make me miss band cos i didn't really enjoy myself in njc symphonic band still prefer the fun-filled times in my secondary military band, btband! =)
we then went Yih Hong's hall at PGP they wanted to shower & change as we were goin' to st. james power station later yes, you heard me right - I WENT CLUBBIN'. (involuntarily of cos) we went inside with Yih Hong's friend, Dennis Sharon & i shared a jug of screwdriver sighx. i juz can't emphasise enough, how much i HATE clubbin' seriously.
i went in & came out in less than an hour then boarded a cab & went home alone. that was how bad it was that was how much i didn't enjoy AT ALL
firstly, let me copy & paste the entry i posted after i went MOS last year::
i was FORCED to go ministry of sound (MOS) tonight with the monkeys argh. sianx. i seriously don't like THAT kind of place hell-of-a-messy place, out-of-control, completely crazy, total madness SOOOOO many people went that i can't be bothered to list them here it's my first time there & you can say, this is my first clubbin' experience too (most probably my last as well) i am totally not into this kind of crowd i'm not a party animal! i don't dance at all i don't like the taste of alcohol (puke. why would anyone pay so much to taste shit.) & most of the music sucks. (they're juz boomin' all the way, WTF?) only a few familiar songs were nice (PUMP IT!) have you seen anyone stonin' on the dance floor? i did. only when i had a fews shots (damn yucks.) then i started to get a little tipsy & giddy jumped & screamed a lot on the dance floor pengx. FREAKIN' EXHAUSTIN' i lost my voice. i became half-deaf. i still felt dizzy my headache was killin' me my eyes hardly could open (darn sleepy) my feet really hurt (from all the workin' & maybe jumpin')
from the photos it may look like i've had a great time but well i still conclude:: THIS IS NOT MY KIND OF PLACE the place itself is really beautiful, i muz say but i don't like the whole smoky atmosphere i don't like the people there, who look like they're gonna pick up a fight anytime or who look like they juz wanna rub their bodies against every hot girl i don't like the blastin' music noise it's juz pain to my eardrums i don't like the madness on the dance floor (totally out-of-control. what's the point of shakin' so much up there? lettin' my hair down? bull. PEACE is what i need.) i don't like alcohol (cough medicine anytime! or even the most-bitter ginseng tea!) i don't like the flickerin' lightings (creatin' atmosphere? whatever.)
then i witnessed people fight people behavin' so immaturely flirty, bitchy bimbos throwin' themselves upon guys it's an UGLY sight i hate it.
seriously, i don't understand what's so fun about clubbin' where is the fun? you go home feelin' so exhausted, so sick, so drained you stink too you call this FUN? or am i too uptight & serious that i can't enjoy?
please juz count me out of any clubbin' outings! i don't wish to be the spoiler for your so-called "happening" nights alright? call me a nerd, a workaholic, a borin' one, or a no-lifer I DON'T FREAKIN' CARE.
one year has passed, but my perception about clubbin' hasn't changed at all
people say..
1) you muz go with the right people! fair enough. i went with colleagues, some of whom are close to me! & juz now, i went with 2 of my best-est friends (i've known them for donkey years), but the results? THE SAME. i didn't enjoy myself at all. they are my best friends, why muz i fake as if i'm enjoyin' when i'm totally not? so tell me, who are the so-called "RIGHT PEOPLE" to go with in order to ENJOY clubbin'? parents? HAHA. please let me know if you are what they call, the "RIGHT CROWD" alright? i would love to know you. =)
2) clubbin' makes you forget everythin' for the moment, especially the unhappy stuff! wow. therapy? isn't this similar to takin' drugs? of cos not on the same scale, but numbin' your brain with loud music & drinks? it certainly didn't help me forget the fact that i've gotta get up for work tomorrow mornin'. HAHA. perhaps, juz like what Sharon said, i haven't faced any MAJOR problem/trauma in my life yet. nothin' much that i wanna forget. true. i'm very blessed indeed. but even if i do, i believe i won't go to clubs to drown my sorrows anyway. they don't help. they juz make things worse. think about it, they drain you of your energy, exhaust you, how are you goin' to face the challenges ahead in this state? learn to love yourself. stay positive. easier said than done, i freakin' hell know.
3) you can dance & drink there! that sounds really fun!!! FYI, i don't dance. i can't even SHAKE. haha. i don't like the taste of alcohol. i'd rather drink peach tea or milo. yes, i'm still a baby. i don't like screwdriver screwin' my tastebuds. i don't mind drinkin' a little at chalets, birthday parties, but given a chance not to, i'd rather not. so, i go club do what siah..
4) you can see lots of hunks & babes there! not interested in the people there. period.
5) maybe cos you like chinese pop! clubs play english stuff! it's true i listen to chinese pop MORE than english. but do you know, i love tracks like black eyed peas - pump it, neyo - so sick, nelly - over & over, 50 cent - candyshop, pussycat dolls - buttons, daddy yankee - gasolina, fort minor - where you'd go? i LOVE listenin' to them! i went on the wrong nights? i seldom hear them! all i hear was BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. ya, somethin' like that.
6) you muz be in the right mood to enjoy! i guess i muz feel REALLY sad in order to enjoy? cos i'm quite a happy-go-lucky person. or muz i feel like a crazy monkey then i'll enjoy? no wonder i've never enjoyed. FYI, if i am really darn sad over certain matters, all i do is JUZ CRY. play some nice sad songs, make myself cry non-stop, cry when i'm in the shower, cry when i'm in bed, cry when i'm on buses or trains, cry when i'm walkin' home, JUZ CRY when no one is lookin'. & have faith in TIME. time heals. tears + time will solve the problem. FREE-OF-CHARGE. =`)
7) clubbin' is juz to slack! slack?! my idea of slackin' is lazin' in bed or stonin' in front of my laptop. the best is of cos chillin' out with friends at coffee joints or at KTVs!!! contrary to clubbin', i totally enjoy ktv-ing. that is what i call slackin' man!
i'm juz too uptight + reserved to enjoy clubbin' bah but if you know me well enough, i can get really ~HIGH~ at ktvs so am i still uptight/reserved?
this visit to st. james power station was almost similar to the one to MOS my friends were givin' me the SAME kind of looks that my colleagues gave me at MOS last year the looks on their faces sayin', "why do you look so sianx? why can't you juz enjoy yourself juz like everyone of us here now? come on la, juz relax, let your hair down, shake along with us! woohoo. do you feel the heat? so many good-lookin' people here to watch! why are you still stonin'? drink more, drink more, so you can get high!" no offence. i have to apologise i'm the spoiler-for-the-century in clubs if you are a hard-core clubber, or you simply enjoy clubbin' kindly drop me a comment to tell me your reasons!!! i'm really dyin' to know your reasons & see things from YOUR point of view i'm keepin' an open mind! =)
but for the time-bein', i repeat:: JUZ COUNT ME OUT FOR ANY CLUBBIN' OUTINGS. thank you. your help is very much appreciated
and i mean it.
(freakin' long entry, i hope i've gotton my point across.)
2 driftsSs..
dun worry.. wo men shi tong lei~ haha!
wahaha~ i know!! heex.
gear uP!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
i've always loved Tank's songs especially his ballads my favourite song for 2006 is his 我们小时候 (highest play count in 2006, heex.) in 2007, his Baby, 专属天使, 非你莫属, 懂了 rock!!! i like the way he's always usin' piano & guitar & recently, this song really moved me::
(the title is pronounced as lan, the same pronounciation as 'blue' in chinese)
Tank - 岚 还记得那夜 清晨最初一眼 眼前的世界 看起来快毁灭 你在我身边 看着屋檐 像末日的雨天 假如雨越大一些 是否靠近一点 你没有察觉 心跳特别强烈 太疯狂沉默 却熄了一整夜 明明有感觉 可惜时间流出了我指间 回头却看的见 满地回忆的碎片 那爱一直到今天 才在我心中浮现 爱情真出现那一瞬间 我们都没发现 <-- the melody of this line is freakin' NICE 那雨是一直到今天 爱下在我心里面 淋湿了双眼 湿过今天 才清晰的看见 你的脸 后来那几年 当然也有雨天 我开始学会 等雨后的晴天 谁在我身边 度过长夜 任雨点在倾泄 却再也找不回 当时心动感觉 你是否偶尔 像我静静怀念 那一样的爱 倾盆的那一年 如果那场雨再度席卷 总熄在里面 我一定抱住你 绝对不让你走远
i guess '雨' in the lyrics refers to the unhappy times in a relationship? very movin'.
participated in the women's outdoor challenge 5km run organised by aware!
 the event.
it was held at east coast park in the evenin' went with Wei Leng, DiSi, Deslyn, Shanon, Anna, Endina! Fabian came too, to show his support! haha. we started at 5pm with the settin' sun shinin' right on us jogged with Wei Leng throughout afraid she might faint anytime! =xX
 the route.
Wei Leng's husband came to pick her up & gave Fabian & i a lift to suntec city!
we met up with Annie! my secondary school friend a decade of friendship! =) even though we haven't met up for a LONG time, it still felt like we haven't lost touch at all! went to do an iridiology test which Annie is kidda involved in & the analyst is miss singapore international 2006 - Genecia Luo! wow. darn pretty la!!! my test results were kidda bad oops. gotta improve my diet + health obviously! sighx. Fabian did the test too!
we then went for a LATE dinner at pasta mania all of us havin' vegetarian pastas after hearin' our results hahaha. but! we went for some SINFUL desserts session after that! this cool italian restaurant - menotti @ raffles city shoppin' centre goodness. everythin' there was SINFUL! did we say we have to watch what we eat? =xX
 browsin' the menu.
 fudge oozin' out of a chocolate mousse. gawd.
 on the train. =)
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Tank - 非你莫属
[你知道吗? 我很喜欢牵着你的手的感觉 发生什么样子 我好希望再来一次]
懂得让我微笑的人 再没有谁比你有天份 轻易闯进我的心门 明天的美梦你完成 整个宇宙 浩瀚无边的尽头 每颗渺小星球 全都绕着你走 爱我非你莫属 我只愿守护 由你给我的幸福 爱我非你莫属 也许会笑着哭 但那人是你所以 不怕苦
happy birthday, Annie! =)
i'm ALMOST ALMOST done with the stuff i've been workin' on! yippee. =)
will be watchin' the phantom of the opera! most probably the finale show on 13 may, wahaha can't miss this!
met up with Sharon & Yih Hong for dinner in town all of us had baked pasta at N.Y.D.C. @ wheelock place we solved sudoku puzzles again & played some music games so hilarious. saw Kelvin, Huiying, Wee Perng there too
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
no mood to work! haha. but the stuff i've been workin' on for the past few days can be considered half-done! =) really can't wait to see the final product
met up with Sharon & Yih Hong at clementi! we had dinner at the famous BOTAK JONES western food! the service was good, the food was good (the portion was too much though!) worth the price! it was almost like a restaurant except that it was located in a coffeeshop i had fish thigh & chips! hoho.
 botak jones @ clementi!
 shared this $5 caesar salad!
 fish & chips for juz $6!!!
 but think i finished less than half a plate of fries?
everytime the 3 of us meet, we will be solvin' sudoku puzzles at least for the past few meet-ups, it has been like this & today, we solved 5 sudoku puzzles! wahaha.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
had a really different ops meetin' at work today why? all the senior managers + research directors were not present & Xingti was appointed to chair this meetin' first time havin' such a situation it was Rebecca's first time in it too =)
borin' borin' stuff i'm doin' when will this be over.. -.-zZz
Cathy called me from china again! =) this time to ask me about some work-related stuff
guess what Rebecca, Pei Chin, Wei Leng & i did after work? we tried out the gym at the 2nd level of our office buildin'! hoho but there were quite many people in there all the treadmills were taken when we went in =( Rebecca & i then decided not to waste time, but to jog around this area wahaha we then went back to the gym & the treadmills were available! =) jogged for some time & we left the gym at 8pm+ whew. great work-out!
 the cuts i got when joggin' on the treadmill! *sweat*
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
ah. another borin' day at work! -.-zZz also a really sleepy one maybe cos of the thing which i'm workin' on gosh. how long is this goin' to take..
had lunch at the foodcourt at amara hotel our first time there quite a wide variety of choices! =) now did i say i wanna control my GROWIN' appetite? oops.
met up with Vivi for SHOPPIN'!!! wahaha. we went to the new mall - central @ clarke quay only a few shops were opened & it's quite a small mall we then went over to the BIGGER mall - vivocity! haha where we had dinner at long john silver's (don't ever try their treasure meal, the portion is so small!)
 shoppin' queens!
 bags of stuff!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Monday, March 12, 2007
borin' monday yawnx. workin' on some tough data tables throughout the day -.-zZz
caught the pursuit of happyness with Fabian at lot 1 intended to juz catch it alone (as usual) but decided to ask Fabian if he would like to watch it too & yeah, finally one GOOD movie in 2007 (i watched so many ROTTON ones before this!) it didn't disappoint me! =) very inspirin' true story all the hardships, endless disappointments before chris gardner finally had his first taste of sweet success his little son was a great source of motivation
If you have a dream, PROTECT IT. If there's something you want, GO GET IT. Never let others tell you, you can't do something.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEWS?!? a murder took place at the soup spoon @ raffles city shoppin' centre god. it happened yesterday around 7pm when i was at the bbq my sister was THERE when it happened a 40+ year old cook stabbed a 25 year old supervisor to death most probably due to some disputes over kitchen duties i've seen that supervisor before sighx. he died on the spot & the murderer was arrested shockin'. unbelievable. ANGER can really make one lose control of everythin'
read about it on channel newsasia!
this was a HOT topic at spageddies today too i worked the lunch shift at paragon then went over to spageddies @ marina square for the dinner shift there was a MAJOR traffic jam at the suntec city area all thanks to the IT fair =.=" it made business there better too
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
my friends call me a peacemaker recently my mum a packet of chocolate milk from ntuc she didn't check the expiry date since she trusted ntuc to have the fresh-est products the expiry date was juz a couple of days after the day she bought we've always bought this brand of milk & we know the expiry cannot be so soon i could have wrote a complaint in halfway through the search for the feedback email address, i stopped. feelin' there's no need for this in many circumstances, i hardly lodge any complaints i juz let things pass & count myself unlucky accordin' to the VERY-TRUE (enneagram) personality test, i AM a peacemaker (type 9) haha there is this section that says::
- a need for peace and harmony - tend to avoid conflict at all costs, whether it be internal or interpersonal - fairly easy going - see the best in others
movies to catch (some are still upcomin'!) - protege - the pursuit of happyness - teenage mutant ninja turtles - the number 23 - awake - spiderman 3
met up with Vivi & we went for Frederick's 21st birthday bbq! Seok Chuan & Kenny went too plus another one whom i know - Joseph! ex-snoopy place staff, Frederick's cousin after the bbq, Vivi & i went settlers' cafe @ clarke quay where her friend was also celebratin' her 21st birthday haha so many. only had time to play one game - pit a really simple, fast & violent game somethin' like heart attack haha
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Friday, March 09, 2007
friday friday! it doesn't make much of a difference anymore, does it?
it's Juvina's last day with us sighx. sad to see another leave so sweet of her to buy cute handphone chains + merci chocolates for us! (i think we are really a bunch of kids to her, haha)
we had a department lunch at tuk tuk thai restaurant (somewhere near amoy street) i didn't really like the food there & the service was so POOR! i'm not talkin' about the food takin' a long time to be served but the way the lady took our order! she was so impatient & even snapped at us when we asked some really SENSIBLE questions buay tahan.
Cathy called me from china!!! =D so happy to hear her voice again missin' her LOADS.
i finally had SOMETHING to do! after rottin' for days & what's more, this is a really challengin' task woohoo. =)
wanted to OT to do part of it but there was server maintenance & the lady-in-charge needed to use my PC so i was juz chit-chattin' with those still around - Wei Leng, Shanon, Gerald so much nonsense! haha.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
38 DAY!
felt like a friday maybe cos i wore jeans to work? haha juz so lazy
lack sleep. lack exercise. lack time. lack sunshine.
sighx. i really need to start workin' out more & controllin' my amazin'appetite hahah
went to meet Adeline with Rebecca & we had a sumptous dinner at bie fu (the ramen place!) i LOVE sashimi ah! =P we then shopped around for some stuff perlini's silver was havin' sales! wahaha.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
we had a really LONG ops meetin' this mornin' cos we had a telephone with the shanghai + beijing offices it was cool though to discuss projects involvin' them together some coordination at least
we then had a SPSS trainin' session conducted by my senior manager for both my department + DTP seems like i would always be the "secretary" had to do all the settin'-up of the computer + projector before meetings haha what a stressful trainin' session! gosh. my senior manager kept testin' the DP (my department) people! -.-zZz she expected us to know the answers those that we've prepared, we were able to answer but one on-the-spot question caught us hmmx.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
we were still talkin' about crisis management (=natural disasters, plague, terrorism, etc.) today durin' our department meetin' then there was tremor felt throughout many parts of singapore around lunchtime i didn't feel it though, cos i was out for lunch Seok Chuan called me & told me she felt it! omg. could you imagine bein' in a buildin' that's SWAYIN'? she even had to evacuate the buildin' hmmx. not for my office though but please don't! i don't wanna walk down 44 flights of stairs! gosh.
but poor indonesia they were still not over with the floods, & now they were faced with another disaster sighx.
i had to explain to my department (durin' the meetin') about some excel macros that i've used for a task haha i wonder if they know what i was babblin' about =/
anyway, the entire afternoon was spent on CRACKIN' OUR BRAINS Wei Leng, Rebecca & i were solvin' some problems lookin' for answers, givin' our best explanations felt like i was back in school these few days, absorbin' new knowledge, havin' group discussions & explorin' new grounds =)
met up with Sharon & Yih Hong after work at cineleisure we caught half-nelson my goodness. i practically slept through the reelin' -.-zZz was havin' a headache too
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gear uP!
Monday, March 05, 2007
2 new colleagues joined my department today - Krista & Irene! still hadn't talked to them yet & Cathy is finally back to shanghai office after a VERY long break! =) but Syam is still on MC till this friday
the day started out really slow super BORED! but it got more excitin' towards the late afternoon haha pui.
finished 花样少年少女 (hana kimi)'s last episode (episode 15)! what an endin'! it isn't an ENDin' at all! they juz love that secret of theirs, haha sweet la!

out of reach.. so far..
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gear uP!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
woah. only had about a couple hours' of sleep! -.-zZz
was the cashier again (yesterday too) it wasn't too busy & surprisingly, i was very alert & awake! =) there was this table which had quite many special requests:: - a small cup of warm water for the kid, with ONE ice-cube + straw - to take a SMALL portion of spaghetti (without the sauce) out of the meat sauce spaghetti for the kid they also asked for kids' cutleries (this is common of cos), fill their milk bottle with 160ml of hot water, & so on special requests demand extra attention & i had to remind myself constantly so i wouldn't forget glad they left with smiles! =))
sunday is always a family day for most spageddies would be flooded with families with kids so you'll see most tables with children - baby chairs, kids' colourin' papers, crayons, wailings & screamings, toys droppin' every now & then, little ones runnin' around ALL OVER the restaurant livened up the atmosphere? haha.
met up with Sharon & Yih Hong in bugis for dinner! we had a nonya buffet at chilli padi nonya cafe! i had 2 small bowls of laksa, a plate of rice with pork ribs curry, & other little snacks yumx. oh & we witnessed a darn funny incident! there was this girl sittin' at the table in front of us, while takin' her first bite on her ondeh-ondeh, the fillin' SQUIRTED out of her mouth & hit her mum's arm! the expression on the mum's face was priceless freakin' funny especially it happened before my eyes =xX
 nonya buffet!
we then went to chill-out at starbucks & started workin' on the super-tough sudoku puzzle we're still stuck!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Saturday, March 03, 2007
oh man, would be workin' on both days this weekend! what a lunch shift today! so slammed! short of staff too, sighx!
met up with Rebecca & Qiuyi cos we were goin' to Pei Chin's house to play mahjong!!! wahaha i don't know how to play so i want to learn! =P it's a game with SO MANY rules, yet so many people know how to play - HOW COME?!?
they really had to be extra-patient with me cos i was so retarded, haha but i would say i understood the game more now! we played THROUGH the night - till 5am!!! gosh.
 ahHhH, what is this..
 woohoo! HU! not exactly my tiles la, wahaha.
Pei Chin's boyfriend then gave us a lift home =) i reached home at 630am!!! ahHhHhHhHh~ still gotta work in a few hours' time!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Friday, March 02, 2007
can you believe, in one single night's out i bumped into 9 friends?!? i went to meet Sharon & Yih Hong at cityhall (seems like half of singapore was there) we had dinner at raku ninja (a japanese restaurant) @ citylink piangx, the food was freakin' costly! i spent 20 bucks without even feelin' half-full that's also where i met the first person i know! (not exactly a friend, cos i don't even know if he still remembers me) snoopy place mates, do you still remember Jonathan? haha, yeah, he was workin' at raku ninja!
 dinner at raku ninja
The next person was a JC schoolmate - Kang Min, whom i've not seen in ages! we saw her when we were leavin' the restaurant then while walkin' around suntec city, i saw my J.D. Power colleagues - Lynda & Meaw Chian who were shoppin' too! (that's 4 people already) 5th person was my ex-colleague from munchie monkey - Tay Ning! almost couldn't recognise her
we decided to have mango snow ice at xin wang hongkong cafe (since Sharon hadn't tried before!) & i saw my spageddies colleagues - Pearlene & Damien there! while havin' our dessert, i saw another J.D. Power colleague - Amy who were comin' in to dine too wahaha that's the 8th person!
& finally, another familiar face at the cafe - Tongyan! (9th person!) my secondary school classmate! hoho all these in merely a few hours everyone juz hangs out in town on a friday night i guess!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
oh what a lazy, sleepy day! didn't feel like gettin' up at all all thanks to the weather mmm~
a really slow day at the beginnin' too but things came in durin' late afternoon sighx! but that really woke me up haha i had to explain a visual basic macro to my department next week!!! -stress- haha
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gear uP!