
06 august 1984, monday
24+ years old
qualified driver since 15 aug 2005
one-star paddler
windsurfin' proficiency level 1
regular blood donor
O+ blood group
choa chu kang,sg



bukit view pri
instrumental ensemble
bukit panjang govt high
military band
national jc
symphonic band

metro @ paragon
07 dec 2000-31 dec 2000
(25 days)
snoopy place @ ps
10 dec 2002-12 jul 2004
(1 yr 7 mths 2 days)
propnex property
phone assistant
23 dec 2002-20 jan 2003
(28 days)
viet lang @ chijmes
21 jul 2004-24 jul 2004
(4 days)
green brew @ singtel recreation club
customer service crew
30 aug 2004-04 nov 2005
(1 yr 2 mths 5 days)
munchie monkey cafe @ yusof ishak house
customer service crew
senior human resource executive
(crew leader)
09 oct 2004-03 may 2006
(1 yr 6 mths 24 days)
spageddies @ paragon
customer service crew
05 dec 2005-09 dec 2007
(2 yrs 4 days)
J.D. Power Asia Pacific @ shenton way
research associate (data processing)
22 may 2006-current

jay chou
stefanie sun
fish leong
lin jun jie
fan wei qi

sea sports
donating blood

(1) so close
(2) mr. & mrs.smith
(3) finding nemo
(4) love actually
(5) step up

fried beehoon
iced milk tea
yuan yang
soyabean milk
iced-blended mocha
iced peach tea
Friday, April 30, 2004
called up the blood donation ctre @ nuh..wanted to go down to donate blood platelets to a boy..whu needs it urgently..but i was told he is no longer in need of dat..den i found out more abt donatin' blood platelets lo..after donatin' dat..i'll haf to wait 6 wks b4 i can donate whole blood again lei..piangx..or if i donate whole blood first..i'll haf to wait 3 mths b4 i can donate blood platelets lei..omg..y all muz wait so long one..so i decided not to donate platelets liaox..since my whole blood donation is comin' up!! =)
went for a jog in the afternoon..cos i woke up at noon..oops..
after sooooo mani wks..(or even mths)..im still in love wif hou xiang ting - qiu tian bie lai dis song..not easy to sing..but realli veri soothin' to the ears..evokes my emotions strongly..the lyrics..the melody..her voice..wow..excellent combi..im still in love wif it..veri much..esp now..
went for a hair-cut at gorgeous @ far east..piangx..shdn't haf cut lo..eeeks..worked at nite..normal lo..not as busy as expected..did stock count AGAIN..haix..dunno i dio how mani mths liaox..
took train home wif Siew Wai..
ahhhhhh..!@#$%^ flooders!!!! my tagboard ain't a place for u to chat!!!!!! argHhHhHhH..
qi shi wo ye kai shi xiang tiao zheng zi ji..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Thursday, April 29, 2004
went for a jog..
argHhHhHhHhHhHh..haixXxXxXx.. =(
went to haf lunch wif Gynn, Xianyin & Frederick @ snoopy place..hoho..we went to haf the set lunch..juz nice the set lunch menu changed today lo..oki oki la..
after lunch..we went to sing at kbox @ paradiz ctre (SING AGAIN?!?)..hoho..my 3rd time dis wk lei.. =) Melvin joined us too..
rushed back to snoopy place for work..tot tonite was another able-to-slack nite..nahx..so wrong..quite busy siahh..but enjoyable lo..cos all the customers were realli nice!!! alot of them gave alot of tips lo..wee-u-wee..i realli believe in excellent customer service lo.. =)
didn't realise i forgot abt dinner lo.. =xX
wat??!!?? another construction worksite accident??? 2 dead..29 injured?? at ayer rajah..haix..wats gg on siahh..
wat's done cannot be undone..wat's broken is broken..
im tired.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
went for a jog..sun was blazin' hot siahh..
had a GREAT lunch..too bad i was in a rush.. =/
went to meet Shiru, Junyu & Sharon at cafe cartel @ ps..den we walked to kbox @ paradiz ctre to sing..wahaha..2nd time dis wk lei.. =) i left earli cos i gotta work at nite..was a realli realli slack nite..but there was late crowd lo..sianx siahh..but generally smooth lo..
heard from Melvin dat our bryani slipper lobster was one of the top 10 dishes in a competition..wow..anyway i like it too!! esp the delcha.. =)~
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
didn't get up earli enuff for a jog..oops..too sleeeeepy la..
worked 10hrs today..woahh..super borin' afternoon..sales was damn bad lo..nite was betta..we closed veri fast + veri earli.. =) ate alot of ribs from the staff meal..hoho..
watched guessX3..veri long nv watch liaox siahh..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Monday, April 26, 2004
went for a jog..
sometimes i dun dare to make plans for my day..in fear dat i would haf to work the veri last min..feeeels so gd to be havin' holidays siahh.. =) yeah!
went kbox @ lot1 to sing wif Wei Wei from 2pm-8pm!!! wee-u-wee..den asked Frederick down to join us for dinner at let's eat..a new thai chi restaurant..veri nice lei..we even had chilli crab lo.. =)
last wk's yes933 top20 chart..
no.20 - ai cheng - xiang ni de tian kong (NEW)..super nice song!!!
no.19 - energy - ying zai fei..
no.18 - yuan wei ren - lian qu L.A. (NEW)..it's the original version of faye wong - xuan mu..
no.16 - richie ren - ni shi wo lao po..
no.15 - toro - bao feng yu..
no.14 - vic zhou - ni de ti wen..
no.13 - cyndi wang - ai ni..
no.12 - s.h.e - bo si mao..
no.11 - elva hsiao - ni shi wo xin zhong yi ju jing tan..
no.10 - andy hui - bao hu..
no.8 - jolin tsai - hai dao..
no.6 - fish leong - bu xiang shui..
no.4 - energy - missing you..
no.3 - leon lai - liang ge ren de yan huo..
no.2 - jolin tsai - ai qing 36 ji..
no.1 - s.h.e - ta hai shi bu dong..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Sunday, April 25, 2004
went for a jog..wonder if i can realli persist..
went to work..was on floor realli earli..hoho..nth betta to do mahx.. =P was the fountainer in the afternoon..heehee..but seldom inside oso la..veri slack afternoon lo..YAWNX..
had dinner at snoopy place wif Frederick, Siew Wai & Wei Wei..i ate the lobster!!! wahh..damn nice lo.. =) actualli wanted to meet Fabian & Sharon for a movie at nite..since i wasn't workin'..but i ended up workin' la..oops..sorrie frenx..i was the cashier (as usual nv in sight)..+ outside lo..alot of earli crowd..suddenly everyone juz wanna sit outside onli.. -____-|||
we closed SUPER earli..930pm & we're all done..hoho..
took train home wif Joel, Siew Wai & Wei Wei..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Saturday, April 24, 2004
went for a jog..had a hard time gettin' out of bed..slept at 330am last nite lo..YAWNX..veri veri chilly morn..
worked the whole day..was on floor in the afternoon..veri quiet afternoon..got 2 small parties..both hosts were GREAT..wahaha.. =) the snoopy mascot (by Siew Wai) damn FUNNIE + CUTE siahh..it accidentally touched the cake while tryin' to cut it..LOLX..den it was usin' serviettes to clean its paws..wahaha..chao cuteeee..
was the cashier at nite..but was hardly doin' or runnin' any bills..was helpin' outside most of the time..oki oki nite lo..Annie came to snoopy place's entrance & we had a chat there..
had a briefin' after closin'..wahh..now every sat nite got briefin' liaox lei..*stress*..
took bus home wif Frederick..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Friday, April 23, 2004
went for a jog..slept at 4am last nite wor..
went kbox to sing wif Huiyi..onli $7 siahh..wahaha..cheap cheap..& there're so mani new songs!! best lo..walked ard lot1 wif her..den took bus to work..was rainin' veri heavily in the afternoon siahh..
was the fountainer at nite..at least got abit of crowd..heng ah..else i'll rot to death again..at least it was smooth..
took train home wif Frederick, Seok Chuan & Siew Wai..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Thursday, April 22, 2004
went for a jog..if possible..i wanna jog EVERYDAY..need alot of self-determination la..hmmx..
went to shoot bball too..hoho..gd sun siah..
a 3rd body was found at the site of the collapse!! dun tink there're be anymore survivors.. =( an excerpt from the online news::
On Tuesday night, Miss Catherine Tan twice sent this SMS to her father's mobile phone: 'Dad, please come home. Where are you? I love you. Mum, brother and me are waiting for you right now. Come back. We miss you.'
*cry* =( the 3rd body recovered is her dad.. =( veri heart-wrenchin'..
went to the cck lib..wanted to borrow some bks..but realised there were outstandin' fines.. -_______-||| dat Yih Hong ah..thx ah..nv return his bks..the air-cons in the lib were down lo..damn stuffy..though there were huge fans blowin' la..
went to work at nite..SUPER SLACK nite ahx..could almost rot to death..piangx..
hmmx..shd i participate in the 30hr youth famine camp dis june???
huhh..another catastophe happened.. =( dis time is VERI VERI much worse..in north korea..2 cargo trains..carryin' fuel collided..& exploded..at the railway station summore..ard 3000 killed or injured lo..OMG..no wonder north korea declared a state of emergency after the explosion..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
last wk's yes933 top20 chart..
no.20 - 5566 - shou hou..
no.18 - richie ren - ni shi wo lao po (NEW)..
no.17 - cyndi wang - ai ni..
no.16 - energy - ying zai fei..
no.14 - a du & lin jun jie - xiao shuo..
no.13 - vic zhou - ni de ti wen..
no.12 - toro - bao feng yu..
no.10 - andy hui - bao hu..
no.9 - s.h.e - bo si mao..
no.8 - elva hsiao - ni shi wo xin zhong yi ju jing tan..
no.7 - jolin tsai - hai dao..
no.6 - fish leong - bu xiang shui..
no.5 - leon lai - liang ge ren de yan huo..
no.4 - s.h.e - ta hai shi bu dong..
no.3 - energy - missing you..
no.1 - jolin tsai - ai qing 36 ji..
got a shock when i woke up siahh..1130am!!! i was supposed to leave my house for work liaox lo..heng i wasn't late siahh..worked the whole day..cos i helped Frederick to work his nite shift..a veri slack day lo..veri bad sales siahh..got a party in the afternoon though..but they spent veri little..
took train home wif Gynn..
watched the news abt updates on the nicoll highway collapse..a 2nd body was found..still a couple of ppl unaccounted for..sighh..lets hope for them..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
630am..YAWNX..less than 4hrs of slp..but nvm..it's the last time dat i need to get up so earli liaox.. =)
had my veri last paper..microbes..piangx..didnt realli study the back..so abit cmi..but heck la..yeshHhHh..exam's over!!! =) but Sharon was veri sad la..haix..cheer up k?? smile!!!
went home after the paper..den went for a jog..in the middle of the afternoon..under the BLAZIN' HOT sun..i muz be crazy..hoho.. =x den went swimmin'..from 230pm-5pm..at cck stadium..so mani kids siahh..cmi..went to lot1 after the swim..signed up as a world of sports member..for $38..hoho..no..im not crazy..it's cos of the endless privileges siahh..i'll list them..
-a free panasonic G51 hp for any starhub newlines/upgraders (worth $528)..
-1 mth trial membership @ pulai springs resort (duhh..at jb lo..)..
-10-day pass to any fitness first clubs..
-1 free trial session of either rock climbin' or kayakin' (worth $20)..
-1 free divin' lesson + 2 free swimmin' lessons (worth $60)..
-a free spalding bball (worth $19)..
-a free pair of goggles (worth $19)..(dis is wat i realli need)..
-a free 3-in-1 pack of socks (worth $10)..
-a free pouch (worth $30)..(sure or not..worth so much meh..)..
hahah..tempted to sign up too? =P anyway im havin' a long break..most prob will haf time to go for those lessons..keke..cool lei..water sports.. =)
went for dinner at the new sakae sushi wif Wei Wei..den met Frederick..we den went clementi partyworld to sing from 9pm to midnite..tog wif Angela too..took cab home..had a roadblock again.. -______-||| tokin' abt roads..nicoll highway collapsed siahh..is dat scary or wat..
wat a fruitful day..did so mani things siahh.. =)
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Monday, April 19, 2004
mum kept shoutin' at mi to get out of bed..haix..can't i slp a little longer..haf been onli gettin' a couple of hrs' of slp the past few days lo..YAWNX..
wahaha..joke of the day:: someone asked if i haf a song by Mini & Gu-er..but he dunno their grp name..he asked mi.."do u haf a song by Winnie & Pooh-er?" LOLX.. -________-|||
watched fei yi ban ma ma (to mum with love)..a comedy which i was watchin' for the 1st time..my in-laws..& the first episode of la xiong la mei!!! =)
ahhh..tml's the LAST paper liaox!! can't wait for exams to be over siahh..!!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Sunday, April 18, 2004
woke up in sweat siahh..damn hot..went joggin'..perspired like crazy..omg..
ahh..heard dis song yest..im realli desperately lookin' for the title + artiste of dis song..ANYONE NOES?!?
worked the whole day..afternoon was !@#$% SIANX lo!!! cos i was the host..HAIXxX..can DIE there..den not busy at all..but had a realli TOUGH time over at retail..took over Shirley cos she had to go for her break mahx..den i dunno how to wrap things la..(luckily Seok Chuan & Wei Wei came to help mi..)..dunno where to find the barcodes to scan la..dunno the discount is blocked la..dunno dis dunno dat la..& dat Jerry juz pushed everythin' to us..he juz CAN'T BE BOTHERED..kaox..
chatted wif Sharon durin' my break.. =) thx ger..u cheered mi up alot..
nite was sooooooo much betta..cos i was on floor INSIDE..hoho..much busier too..
onli had one meal today..hoho..not hungry la..
took train home wif the trainee Tony, Joel & Seok Chuan..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Saturday, April 17, 2004
went for a jog..den went to buy breakfast for mum + myself.. =) even bought soyabean milk too..keke..
worked the whole day..was the fountainer in the afternoon..super slack lo..did alot of house-keepin' onli..
was on floor at nite..normal sat nite lo..but dunno y..i felt so blur blur..even spilled water while clearin'.. -_____-||| haix..wasn't a veri gd workin' day bah.. =/ had a briefin' after closin'..since we were still earli..haha..
den went mac @ amk for supper wif Shiqi, Gynn, Frederick, Seok Chuan & Siew Wai..we were bein' shoo-ed out cos they had to close..loLx..den we juz sat outside..watchin' the mac staff do their closin'..haha..
took cab home..omg..the driver CANNOT MAKE IT!!! =|
haixX..my hp bill is still so high..piangx..tot i changed plan liaox would be betta..1063 sms total..it's the tok time lo.. =/ oki la..$42.60 bill lo..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Friday, April 16, 2004
There's something 'bout the way you look tonight,
There's something 'bout the way that I can't take my eyes off you.
There's something 'bout the way your lips invite,
Maybe it's the way that I get nervous when you're around.
And I want you to be mine
And if u need a reason why,
It's in the way that you move me,
And the way that you tease me
The way that I want you tonight,
It's in the way that you hold me,
And the way that you know me,
When I can't find the right words to say,
You feel it in the way, you feel it in the way.
There's something 'bout how you stay on my mind,
There's something 'bout the way that I whisper your name when I'm asleep
Oh no.
Maybe it's the look you get in your eyes.
Oh baby it's the way that makes me feel to see you smile.
And the reasons they may change but what I'm feeling stays the same.
I can't put my fingers on just what it is that makes me love you, you baby.
So don't ask me to describe, I get all choked up inside, just thinking 'bout the way.
wanted to get up earlier one..but too sleepy liaox.. =x ahh..mum bought my fave beehoon!! =)~ was dyin' of hunger in my dreams..
4th continuous day not workin' liaox..omg..-dyin'-..doc said im down wif workaholism..loLx.. =P
oops..i take back the above statement..cos i'll be replacin' Frederick today for work..heehee..so onli 3 days no work.. =P
had calculus paper..omg..damn tough man..didn't haf time to finish oso..haixX..nvm la..wat's over is over..
went to work..a new pal discount scheme again..now it's $15..wif three $5 vouchers..gotta re-prog my brain..loLx..tonite was busier than i've expected..hmmx..cos no more major promotions mahx..but tonite was gd..cos all old birds.. =) not dat i dun like trainees..but juz gotta keep askin' them do things..veri sianx..
took train home wif Gynn, Mei Qing, Joel & Siew Wai..
did an IQ test..actualli i hate takin' IQ tests..cos need to use my brain..but juz wanna noe if my brain is still workin' well la..keke..
Your IQ score is 124
Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician.
This means you are gifted at spotting patterns - both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction - especially in the workplace.
yaya rite.. -____-||| the maths in the quiz is all simple maths lo pls..
yeshHhHh..im left wif onli ONE paper!! =) can't wait for exams to be over..cos i wanna do alot of things!!!!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Thursday, April 15, 2004
ahh..630am again.. -____-zZz the back of my neck is achin' ahh..due to exams lo..piangx..
veri warm + stuffy lei..urgh..
had computin' paper at 9am..ha..super bochap..sure wun do well one lo..damn kns..expected la.. =| no more chinese & computin' modules for mi!!!!
went home straight after the paper..had a great home-cooked lunch..one of my fave dishes.. =)~ sis was at home lei..surprise surprise..
last wk's yes933 top 20 chart..
no.18 - cyndi wang - ai ni (NEW)..
no.17 - 5566 - shou hou..
no.16 - penny dai - fang kong dong..
no.15 - toro - bao feng yu..
no.13 - energy - ying zai fei..
no.12 - andy hui - bao hu..
no.11 - fish leong - bu xiang shui.
no.10 - vic zhou - ni de ti wen..
no.9 - a du & lin jun jie - xiao shuo..
no.8 - s.h.e - bo si mao..
no.7 - leon lai - liang ge ren de yan huo..
no.6 - elva hsiao - ni shi xin zhong yi ju jing tan..
no.4 - jolin tsai - hai dao..
no.3 - energy - missing you..
no.2 - s.h.e - ta hai shi bu dong..
no.1 - jolin tsai - ai qing 36 ji..
gonna put in red for my fave song in the whole chart..keke..
hmmx..today is the last day of the uob promotion..dunno how's things at snoopy place..
watched wan quan yu le..wow..didn't noe namie amuro (an shi nai mei hui) is sOoOo pretty lo!! den watched fei yi ban ma ma (to mum with love)..oso watched gurmit's small talk..wahaha..chao funniee..
what comes up when you count down?
-a rocket..
which vegetable can jump?
-spring onion..
oso watched fear factor..omg..dat pizza!! eeeeeeks..crust made from bile..wif coagulated blood paste..smelly + mouldy + stinky cheese..& topped wif live worms or dead fish eyeballs or a combo..*PUKEeEeEe*..den watched da nu ren xiao nu ren (beautiful trio)..& american idol..piangx..dats 4hrs of tv!! am i havin' exams or not?!?
dis is another great flash..sighh.. bu neng cheng shou de gan dong..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
got up at 630am..haven't done dat for a long time liaox..YAWNX..sux man..
had chinese & sociology papers today..so arts lo today.. -___-|||
finished half an hr b4 time for both papers..
went to yusof ishak house canteen..had lunch twice siahh.. =X cos the muslim mixed veg looked realli temptin'.. =x & i was dyin' of stuffiness lo..damn hot in the canteen siahh.. x_X" damn bored oso..though i was supposed to study for my nxt paper.. =/
did these 2 qns for the sociology paper..
"Deviance as a mode of behaviour is an important source of social change." Discuss.
& the other qn is..
Some theorists argue that bureaucracy is irrational & inefficient. Can we therefore argue that organisations are far better off without rules, division of labour, and hierarchy?
piangx..they took 30mins to collect the papers + count the scripts lo..can koon siahh..8pm den i finalli got onto bus188..
watched da nu ren xiao nu ren (beautiful trio)..oso watched the super funnie american idol.. =xX so bad..
realli given up on tml's paper..haixXx..i REALLI REALLI noe NUTS..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
haix..betta start muggin'..tml's the exams liaox..
haix..sometimes i realli feel..im on the wrong path..doin' the wrong things..wastin' my time on things i haf no interest..goin' to a jc was a wrong choice..it juz moves u up to uni..& wats the pt..i haf no interest..
guess i'll regret soon..
dunno y..everytime when it's exams time..i would be tinkin' abt wat to do AFTER exams.. =x
-go the lib to borrow bks..do some readin'!!
-cut my freakin' long hair..
-play bball..
-watch movies..veri veri long nv watch liaox..
-spend my times + giordano vouchers..
-watch xi jie shao nian vcds..
-watch the recorded william hung video..
-look out for other courses to do..i really have no interest in what im doin' now..haix..
wahh..was damn sleepy after dinner siahh..slept for 45mins lo.. -___-zZz
watched fei yi ban ma ma (to mum with love)..& glamour-licious..a new variety show abt food..hoho..featurin' 5566 eatin' crabs wor..den watched da nu ren xiao nu ren (beautiful trio)..
WAHHH..MAJOR BLACK-OUT siahhh!!!! the whole of cck..bt panjang..yew tee..bt batok..woodlands..jurong..bt timah all affected lo..for one whole hr lo..jialatx siahh..sudly my notebk juz black-out..lights gone..air-con off..everywhere was soooo dark & silent..except some shoutin' from ppl ard the neighbourhood..the streets outside were in total darkness lo..LRT couldn't move..lifts were down too..my poor dad & mum..gotta climb 9 storeys up..cos dad went to fetch mum from work mahx..everyone was usin' torchlight & candles lo..fridge down..& esp our poor fish..no oxygen pump siahh..
pheww..everyone was cheerin' when the electricity revived siahh..lolx..
quite heart-warmin' la..everyone askin' if everyone was back..they oso asked if my parents were home.. =) huan nan jian zhen qing..
oh yeah..wanna thank someone..
3 cheers to thomas edison!! lolx.. =P
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Monday, April 12, 2004
slept till 1pm..shiok..but was veri hot la..cos my mum turned off my fan..piangx..
dis wk is exams wk..so onli gotta to go to skool onli if i haf papers..
watched wan quan yu le..not nice one..
replaced Joel for work tonite..haha..dunno y..i always end up workin' on mon.. -___-|||
veri easy nite..but sales was $2000++ surprisingly..hmmx..
listened to yes933's music diary.. =~( so sad..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Sunday, April 11, 2004
woke up at 0730h juz to jog..hoho..bian tai ahh.. =x the mornin' air is soOoOo refreshin' lo..wootx..
went to the market wif my mum to buy my beehoon..as well as one for Jia Hui..since she's doin' openin' wif mi..tink my mum was surprised dat i actualli paid for it..of cos i pay la..
worked from openin' to closin'..my 3rd split-shifts day continuous liaox..
was the cashier in the afternoon..was rather busy..haix..bad afternoon anyway..
den was the beverage runner at nite..but wasn't in the fountain half the time.. =x
haixXx..realli hate sun nite..dunno if it's cos it's too slack liaox or watx..but always..always got alot of PROBLEMS..
sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh..
took train home wif Gynn, Joel, Frederick & Wei Wei..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Saturday, April 10, 2004
went for a jog..wootx..love to sweat it out.. `=)
worked the whole day..was the cashier in the afternoon but was hardly doin' any bills..a rather slack afternoon..received a gd comment from a table:: "staff is very friendly, recommended good food, thank you.." =D heehee..
was on floor at nite..tonite was the expected-to-be-the-veri-siong nite..but fortunately..everythin' was smoOoOoth..heng ahh..nth cocked-up lo..(except i broke a side plate -___-|||)..keke..but veri tirin' ahh..kept runnin' ard lo..phewww..siong..luckily Seok Chuan was oso on floor wif mi..hoho..at least she's someone whu can co-ordinate well wif mi..den it's easier on floor.. =)
took bus home alone..ahh..-tired-
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Friday, April 09, 2004
sobxX..ah meng is dead.. =~(
worked the whole day..pheww..alot of customers were waitin' outside even b4 the shutter was opened lo.. x_X!! anyway..it's gd friday mahx..was on floor the whole day..normal normal lo..always got things to do..took a realli longgggg table's order..whew.. =) alot of late crowd siahh..sianx..den we can't close earli lo.. =/
took train home wif Wei Wei..the moon is chao big today lo..juz 3/4 full though..kidda scary..hmmx..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Jerry called if i could work dis afternoon..hmmx..actualli i could..if im not meetin' Shiru later to pass her somethin'..slept till almost 1pm siahh.. =x
went clementi to meet Shiru & passed her her marked assignment..den went dover to meet Wei Wei..accompanied her to dover ite to collect her progress award..hoho..saw Frederick there too..hoho..we den took cab down to snoopy place..heng ahh..almost late lo.. =x
had a short briefin'..hmmx..mostly to shoot the trainees la..ke lian..(xiang dang nian)..hoho.. =P
was the cashier..it's eve of gd friday..so alot of promo can't be used..so it wasn't realli dat busy..cos got alot of staff too..gd gd..haha..
went for supper wif Gynn & Wei Wei @ cafe cartel..shared the crispy combo..
den took cab (again?) home..haha..kana police roadblock twice siahh.. -_______-|||
love can keep me alive..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
woke up at noon..another rottin' day..SIANX..
watched wan quan yu le..
for the 3rd day in a row..it's been rainin' in the late afternoon liaox..always rains at 4pm one lo..strange..
rot ah rot..but didn't watch any tv..haha.. =x
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
If You Love Someone
If you love someone,
Set her free...
If she comes back, she's yours,
If she doesn't, she's never was....
The New Versions.....
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she ever comes back, she's yours,
If she doesn't, as expected, she never was
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
Don't worry, she will come back.
(1) If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she ever comes back, ask her why.
(2) If you love someone,
Set her free ... but get someone to
follow her
(3) If you love someone,
--are you sure you love that someone?
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she comes back, she's yours,
If she doesn't, go get her !
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
Don't even wait whether she comes back, go
hunt her down!
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she doesn't comes back within some time
forget her.
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she doesn't come back, continue to wait
until she comes back ...
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
* If she comes back, and if you love her still,
set her free again, repeat *
C++ Programmer:
if(m_she == NULL)
m_she= new CShe;
If you love someone,
Set her free? NEVER!
If you love someone,
When you let her go, she'll be out to get you.
If you love someone,
Set her free..
She WILL come back or be shot.
She WILL be yours or be shot.
If you love someone,
Set her free,
But only if chaperoned by her parents.
Animal-Rights Activist:
If you love someone,
Set her free,
In fact, all living creatures deserve to be free!!
If you love someone,
Set her free,
Clause 1a of Paragraph 13a-1 in the second
amendment of the Matrimonial Freedom Act clearly
states that...
Bill Gates :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she comes back,
I think we can charge her for re-installation fees
and but tell her that she's also going to get
an upgrade.
Biologist :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
She'll evolve.
Statisticians :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she loves you, the probability of her coming
back is high
If she doesn't, your relation was improbable anyway.
Dental hygienist :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
She'll be back when the cavity strikes.
Shwarzenegger's fans:
If you love someone,
Set her free,
If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she comes back, it's back!
If she doesn't... who cares!
Pathetic :
If you love someone,
set her free,
If she comes back, okay!
if she doesn't, how could her!
If you love someone,
Let hergo,
If she comes back, dump her!
If she doesn't, make up bad stories about her!
finalli an offday after 19 days of work..
watched wan quan yu le..they kept playin' jolin tsai - ning meng cao de wei dao..chao funnie siahh..
watched fei yi ban ma ma (to mum wif love)..police & thief (boliaox..)..heartlanders..& da nu ren xiao nu ren (beautiful trio)..wahh..so mani siahh..
hoho..called in to touch512 net radio..& won a pair of tix to the breakthrough party..hoho.. =P
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Monday, April 05, 2004
slept till noon..wootx.. =)
dis wk is study wk..end of 2nd sem liaox..wahh..i started off dis sem well lo..followed lessons..did assignments on time..but towards the end..everythin' went haywire..i started workin' like siao..no time + energy for anythin' else..piangx.. x_X
my exams are so near..& yet i could still top the no. of workin' hrs for dis wk.. -_____-||| wat's happenin' siahh..
thanks to Sharon's recommendation..spent the afternoon listenin' to a net radio station..touch512 dong xin pin dao..veri nice chi songs..
met Joel den went to work tog..was actualli my offday..well..replaced Wei Wei..19th day continuous..oops..
an oki nite lo..but alot of strange customers..piangx..stressed..
went home wif Joel..oso veri stressed..afraid of bein' spotted la.. =x
last wk's yes933 top 20 chart..
no.18 - leon lai - liang ge ren de yan huo..
no.17 - toro - bao feng yu..
no.16 - fish leong - bu xiang shui (NEW)..
no.15 - a du - zou xiang qian..
no.14 - andy hui - bao hu..
no.13 - 5566 - shou hou..
no.12 - penny dai - fang kong dong..
no.11 - energy - ying zai fei..
no.9 - vic zhou - ni de ti wen..
no.8 - a du & lin jun jie - xiao shuo..
no.7 - jolin tsai - ai qing 36 ji..
no.6 - s.h.e - bo si mao..
no.5 - elva hsiao - ni shi wo xin zhong yi ju jing tan..
no.3 - jolin tsai - hai dao..
no.2 - energy - missing you..
no.1 - s.h.e - ta hai shi bu dong..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Sunday, April 04, 2004
went joggin' again..my body is still achin' badly lei..ouch..almost fell asleep while joggin'..haha..veri sleepy la..
worked the whole day..was the runner in the afternoon..wahaha..fun siahh..excitin' lo..keke..cos was rather busy..it's my 3rd fave station (rite after fountain + cashier)..hoho.. =P helped the floor too..cos Tony helped wif my runner mahx..keke..
was the cashier at nite..but wasn't veri busy..oki oki lo..hee..
took train home wif Gynn, Sam & Siew Wai..finalli not takin' cab.. =x no supper as well..
i've been workin' 18 days continuous liaox..tml will be an offday..sighh..dunno if im workaholic or wat..i'll juz feel strange if i dun go work for one day la..but sometimes durin' work..i oso get veri pissed off..by the attitude of ppl (customers + staff too)..dunno la..juz dun like the attitude of those staff..who dun haf commitment (who am i to say dat??)..but realli lo..haix..veri disappointin'..sad..but i can't expect everyone to be workaholic too watx..haix..i noe it's none of my biz la..but for some reason..it affects mi.. =(
ppl who are either hardworkin'/honest/kind-hearted/gd-tempered/un-selfish/generous touch mi veri deeply..they're an inspiration.. =)
did a quiz from an email..results..
H-type: The Glass Marble type
You were a purely naive person who was scared to be hurt. This led you to love a person from afar but the chance that you came together was very slim. You were a sociable person but oddly enough, you became the shy and quiet person in front of the person you liked. The painful event occurred when the day your object of affection became another person's mate and moved to another faraway place. You have to accept the fact that you will not see a relationship in the future if you don't start gaining some courage to make that crucial advance. You can start with taking subtle steps toward that person.
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Saturday, April 03, 2004
went joggin'..woo..gd sun.. =)
my whole body is achin' ahh..thx to the bball i guess..too long nv play liaox.. =x
worked the whole day..was on floor the entire day..inside in the afternoon..den outside at nite..wahh..nite wasn't veri busy lo..or maybe it's cos i was outside..hmmx..
the customer who came to collect the cd i made for her..gave mi a $20 giordano voucher..hoho..
went mos burger @ amk wif Gynn, Shiqi, Frederick, Seok Chuan & Siew Wai for supper (AGAIN?!?)..omg..i realli realli love the iced peach tea there lo..*thumbs up*..
took cab home (AGAIN?!?)..veri veri sleepy..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Friday, April 02, 2004
wahaha..went to play bball at the court near Joel's house wif him & Wei Wei.. =P
veri veri long nv perspire so much liaox lo..even joggin' doesn't even make mi feel so shiok..
tink im veri bad to my mum.. =( sighh..maybe she shdn't care so much abt mi..not worth it..
went clementi partyworld ktv wif Joel & Wei Wei..but onli we gers sang la..wahh..finalli siahh..more than 2 mths nv go sing liaox lo..hmmx..shiok..
took cab to work..dun wanna be late mahx..was the cashier at nite..haha..alrite wif it la..keke..but alot of trainees tonite..den they kept takin' wrong orders..until it's kidda luan lo..piangx..cmi..Tony even sat us down to tok abt dis matter..dat we shd ask the new staff to do things..i always do lo..realli..it's to help them..help everyone lo..but if it's too busy..i realli dun haf time for dat..
ps had a late nite sales today..for snoopy place..we had tom yam pasta @ $2..the t-shirts too..at $2..hoho..but our own staff bought most of the pasta to eat lo.. =P so happie now we are sellin' iced peach tea liaox..YUMX!!! =)
chatted wif Gynn, Mei Qing, Joel, Siew Wai, Tony & Wei Wei..cos we could onli go at 0030h..
took cab home wif Joel..been takin' cab almost everyday siahh..omg..
kana spotted by my mum when i alighted wif Joel..swee.. =|
wah piangx..dun flood my tagboard la..haix.. =(
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Thursday, April 01, 2004
the bus was damn crowded today siahh..gotta stand lo..kaox..im VERI TIRED liaox lo..onli 4hrs of slp..kill mi bah.. =/
had calculus tut..my tutor realli veri funnie lo..he said most of his frens are now managers of some big companies..drivin' bmw..he shd get a proper job soon..lolx..
went to the cblc to print stuff + listen to hou xiang ting - qiu tian bie lai + chat on msn.. =P 2hr break before sociology lect mahx..
the lect was borin' lo..aiya..review lect mahx..yawnx..
had a hard time gettin' to the coffee connection @ bugis junction siahh..changed 2 buses + 2 trains.. -_____-||| meetin' Melvin, Jerry, Joel & Wei Wei lo..juz had coffee..
went snoopy place tog..tried the lobster wif Wei Wei..yumx..the curry is excellent siahh.. =P
got a new staff today..Zion..strange name..taught him the basics lo..was rather busy..den there was no stationin'..abit luan lo..
went for supper (not again) wif Joel & Wei Wei..den took cab home..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!