
06 august 1984, monday
24+ years old
qualified driver since 15 aug 2005
one-star paddler
windsurfin' proficiency level 1
regular blood donor
O+ blood group
choa chu kang,sg



bukit view pri
instrumental ensemble
bukit panjang govt high
military band
national jc
symphonic band

metro @ paragon
07 dec 2000-31 dec 2000
(25 days)
snoopy place @ ps
10 dec 2002-12 jul 2004
(1 yr 7 mths 2 days)
propnex property
phone assistant
23 dec 2002-20 jan 2003
(28 days)
viet lang @ chijmes
21 jul 2004-24 jul 2004
(4 days)
green brew @ singtel recreation club
customer service crew
30 aug 2004-04 nov 2005
(1 yr 2 mths 5 days)
munchie monkey cafe @ yusof ishak house
customer service crew
senior human resource executive
(crew leader)
09 oct 2004-03 may 2006
(1 yr 6 mths 24 days)
spageddies @ paragon
customer service crew
05 dec 2005-09 dec 2007
(2 yrs 4 days)
J.D. Power Asia Pacific @ shenton way
research associate (data processing)
22 may 2006-current

jay chou
stefanie sun
fish leong
lin jun jie
fan wei qi

sea sports
donating blood

(1) so close
(2) mr. & mrs.smith
(3) finding nemo
(4) love actually
(5) step up

fried beehoon
iced milk tea
yuan yang
soyabean milk
iced-blended mocha
iced peach tea
Sunday, October 31, 2004
dl-ed hu yan bin - waitin' for you MV!!
hmmx..spent my whole day @ Wei Wei's house..heex..watched tv + surfed net + sang ktv + ta-bao dinner.. =P
彷佛上一分钟 你还陪在我左右
我还记得玫瑰色天空 却模糊了我们的脸孔
彷佛已经自由 下一刻我变成风
吹过你的领空 差点失控
想让你知道我懂 却担心言不由衷
我们都接受 一定是彼此不够成熟
诚实得过了头 不能退后也无法向前走
爱是一个自私的念头 把寂寞消除的理由
剩下的那些感动 能记得多久
6 driftsSs..
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Saturday, October 30, 2004
i wanna sleep somemore!!
woahh..almost missed my stop again..i woke up & realised the bus was AT the bus-stop lo..whew..then quickly scrambled down the bus..*phew*
alot of lectures are comin' to an end..probability has ended (FINALLY!! im countin' on the revision lectures)..linear algebra II will end next week too..realised alot of things which i don't understand in linear algebra I are now so much CLEARER in linear algebra II.. =)
workin' @ green brew tonight..though i have 5hrs to spare before reportin' to work..i think i'll just stay in sch..
playin' my sun yanzi - stefanie album in the cblc!! lalala..in love with wo ye hen xiang ta!! haha..expected right..im a sucker for ballads.. =P
let me review the tracks! personal opinion oki..
孙燕姿 - Stefanie album
track 01: 奔
rating: **
cool cool song..can imagine a car racin' down the road..li si song's melody..would love this song in future i bet..after a few more times of listenin'..definitely a SHIOK ktv song!!! woohoo..
track 02: 我的爱
rating: ***
ballad ballad! of cos i'll like this..tinge of sadness..the most familiar song in this album anyway..
track 03: 祝你开心
rating: *
quite similar to her songs in her older albums..nothin' special about this song so far la..maybe in future i'll like it a little more?
track 04: 我也很想他
rating: ***
as mentioned..this song roxXx!! & there's a story in this song..2 people fallin' in love with a same person..moreover 2 friends i think..sobx sobx..another K-song!!!
track 05: 听见
rating: *
another song similar to her older albums..but i like this a little more than 'zhu ni kai xin' la..maybe the melody is nicer..not much opinion about this song yet anyway..
track 06: 慢慢来
rating: **
how to say..this song has the 'arabian nights' flavour..hoho..those drums..clappings..like an indian song..unique song..really pei fu li si song..he always has such novel melodies..
track 07: 同类
rating: *
though this is also a ballad..it is way TOO slow la..gives me the 'feng zhen' feelin'..lyricist is yi jia yang (the guy who wrote yu jian)..& its li si song's melody again..good combo..but still..too slowWw..
track 08: 种
rating: *
honestly..this is my most un-favourite track in the whole album..though it's special too..cos it has the native feelin'..but the melody is quite repetitive..BORIN'..
track 09: 反过来走走
rating: ***
i LIKE this track too!! very shuang~~ really wanna know whose melody is it..(don't know yet)..lalala..it's quite a fast song but damn cool!! i like the rap!! woohoo..& some parts of the music actually sound like a soundtrack from an action movie..
track 10: Stefanie
rating: **
haha..no idea why this is the title of the song..well maybe i'll have to read the lyrics then i'll get a clue..a song about her? most probably..sounds so-so lo..can digest..but i'll need to listen a few more times in order to like it..
track 11: Let's Vino
rating: *
maybe the reason why i don't like this song is cos it's an advert song..an advert for a car if im not wrong..so it has no deep meanin' at all?
track 12: 未知的精采
rating: *
another so-so song..not impressionable la..like listen once then will forget how it sounds like..
haha..above is my one cent's worth on sun yanzi - stefanie album..on the whole..it's a nice album..heex..agree with my above opinion? haha..don't have to oki..go grab one today & judge for yourselves! hoho..(i'll do it as soon as the new edition is out)..
went to the sci lib to meet Sharon & Yih Hong..haven't seen them for ages..keke..they're still muggin' hard as usual..haha..
worked @ green brew at night..chao sianx lo..eat & eat only.. =xX the 2 ladies who always came to sing came tonight again..keke..very friendly people.. =) chatted with Mimah & Jeffrey the whole night lo..Mimah said somethin' damn funny siahh..she said Sam told her one la..there was once when Sam saw a dead cat on the road..most probably bein' knocked down by a car..then Sam called the town council..to ask them to do somethin' about it la..then those town council people asked him.."where's the cat now?" then Sam said on the road of cos..then they told him.."on the road? then call the LTA (land transport authority)"..LOLX..since it's on the road..it's LTA's problem..& not the town council's problem.. -_______-||| cos we were talkin' about politics & sg govt mahx..haha..
mr.lim came down at night..& found out that the amount of alcohol did not match the inventory..jialatx lo..i think it's cos Thomas has been drinkin' them secretly bah..
oh wow..li si song composed no name - qi fei yu jiang luo!! juz found out lo..ahhhh..
開始盼望多過勇敢 起飛吧 視野就不一樣
就像我們從沒想過 愛是憑著那份直覺去滋長
多了一些感想 確定一個方向 是否我們都一樣
多了一股力量 降落同一個地方 妳是否也這麼想
現在勇敢多過盼望 降落吧 停留在妳身旁
在妳還在徬徨的時候能給妳 一個安心的答案
起飛 然後 降落 因為盼望 換來勇敢
多了一股力量 降落同一個地方 妳是否也這麼想
i shouldn't have said things are goin' on well..somethin' bad would JUST happen..
1 driftsSs..
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gear uP!
Friday, October 29, 2004
woohoo! i feel so awake! haha..it feels so good to sleep early siahh.. =)
ehh..i take back my words siahh..i still fell asleep durin' the lectures lo.. =xX watched an episode of ren wo ao you that i've missed with Pei Feng durin' our break..hoho..also watched a 5566 variety show..wang renfu very funny ahh..OMG..
decided to skip the last sg society tutorial..juz don't feel like goin'..
i'm an escapist.
home damn early..
everyday..i can count the no. of WORDS that i talk to my parents..i sing more than i talk to them.. =xX sadly ya..
in my now playin' list::
hou xiang ting - qiu tian bie lai
sky wu - qiu tian bie lai
no name - qi fei yu jiang luo
jay chou - ke ai nu ren
5566 - boyfriend
stella ng - wen yu
really..really love these tracks..
oh..christopher lee is out of sg idol..kidda expected..next week would be r&b & soul!! woohoo..nice..
omg omg..qi yu wu roxXx!! his body + tan + smile + looks!! *droolxX* wahaha..
715!!! =P
heex..went to meet Wei Wei to get a piece of her self-baked oreo cheesecake..wow..pro pro..*clap clap*..so much oreo cookies inside lo..hoho..yumx!! =P zhen de hen li hai lei..omg..
yeah..i've dl-ed the whole sun yanzi - stefanie album le!! wahaha..but might still buy the original la..keke..even some fast songs are nice too..
绕着上路 走的累了 去留片刻 要如何取舍
前年捡的 美丽贝壳 心不透彻 不会懂多难得
以为只要简单的生活 就能平息了脉搏 却忘了在逃什么
我的爱 明明还在 转身了才明白
该把幸福 找回来 而不是各自缅怀 试着忍耐
我会在 沿海地带 等着潮汐更改 送你回来
你走路姿态 微笑的神态 见你是曾错过的 真爱
莫非这是上天善意的安排 好让心更坚定 彼此更接近 真爱
不再怕伤害 不再怕期待 见你时那才是我真爱
你走路姿态 微笑的神态 亲你时那才是我真爱
那时我们总有好多话 什么事都可以讲
我的爱情比你早 却一直放在心上
后来你们之间的变化 我不想再多说话
经过了相遇和挣扎 我还是无法将他放下
那是多久后的事了 有一天你突然问我
在那个时候 是否也爱着他 我也很想他 我们都一样
在他的身上 曾找到翅膀 只是那时的他
是因为你他开始飞翔 我也很想他 在某个地方
我少了尴尬 你少了肩膀
而夏天还是那么短 思念却很长
还记得 那年我们三个许下的愿望
星星骗了我们 我们却因此上了一课
成长必修的学分 我们都一样
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Thursday, October 28, 2004
friendster becomin' alive again..now it's Pei Feng who wrote me a testimonial..hoho..
seems like payday never comes siahh..durin' snoopy times..payday always comes so quickly..& the amount would be..wow..hahah..but now..haix..
thought today would be a break for me..since there're no classes..but haix..gotta work @ green brew tonight..sighh..im gonna miss the sg idol show AGAIN..sianx..been workin' every night ever since mon lo..
mon - monkey
tue - monkey
wed - green brew
thur - green brew
sat - green brew
woohoo..s.h.e's new song - hou niao..is composed by jay chou!! no wonder so nice la..keke..
went to ps to walk around & visit snoopy place again..still the same as what i saw yesterday..but this time..there were more chefs in the kitchen..i could also see the lockers le..they're still those grey metal ones..but built facin' a different direction..
met Wei Wei for dinner at lips cafe @ cineleisure..keke..had my fave ice-blended mocha with choc ice-cream again..yumx..heex..
worked with Sam & Jeffrey at night..there was the 'live' band as usual..Vivian was workin' at the reception too..keke..
fried alot of things today..cos of the new starters combo that Sam & Thomas came up with..Sam was very funny siahh..he kept referrin' to the dish as peanuts combo lo..wahaha..
didn't oversleep on the bus! in fact..i didn't even sleep at all..keke..thanks to the longggg sleep i had last night..woohoo.. =)
soOoOoOo sweEeEeEet!!!
4 driftsSs..
hehe... oso juz realised S.H.E's new song is composed by Jay... really nice... hehe.... Jay rox... wanna go c his concert lei... no $$$...
hahah..once i mention "JAY" only..you'll leave a comment hor..hoho..
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gear uP!
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Vivian boliaox lo..sent me a testimonial on friendster to ask me play pool again..hoho..our $1 pool @ singtel recreation club..keke..
tonight i'll be workin' at green brew lo..zZzZz..
ALMOST missed my stop again..phew..cannot make it la..
had a HEAVY lunch @ munchie monkey with Pei Feng..keke..my 2nd time dinin'-in there..the garlic bread + fried calamari rox man!! yumx..
didn't realise that today was the last lecture for sg society! woohoo! tryin' soOoOoOo hard to stay awake siahh..omg..
wanted to go green brew straight after sch..but i missed a stop.. =xX piangx..i kept missin' stops siahh..so i walked down to ps to visit snoopy place since i was still very early..
the new restaurant..summerspoon + tuscan western italian was almost ready le lo..the interior was very bright..red + orange chairs..white tables..brightly-lit..the cashier counter was up too..saw a chef mixin' somethin' in the kitchen..but the cargo lifts lobby was still cluttered with alot of things..i think..it will open soon..within a few weeks' time? maybe..
met up with Lily before work..most probably i'll be payin' an annual one lump sum for the insurance plans..sigh..quite siong lei.. =/
worked with Mimah + Jeffrey tonight..hardly did anythin' again..borin' like siao..chatted with Mimah lo..realised she's actually quite nice la..though she may seem super-racist at times..she doesn't look down on anyone lo..
alamak..forgot to sign-in + out.. =|
pengxX..overslept AGAIN..the bus already parked at the terminal liaox lo..then the bus driver was shoutin' & tryin' to wake me up from outside the exit doors lo.. -________-"
aiyo..listenin' to 933's say yes prog..people would always say..they won't mind their partners to be like this & like that..it doesn't matter blah blah blah..but when it's the reality..they will have different opinions altogether lo..human nature..
one reason why i don't like to sleep early:: i don't want a day to pass..i don't want a new day to come..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
kaoxX..overslept on the bus to sch lo..woke up & realised i was at an unfamiliar place..some pasir panjang/west coast area..omg..then took a bus back..i was actually early lo..but ended up late.. -________-||| Chuyun was late also..& we walked into the LT tog..hoho..
super sleepy today ahx..even felt like sleepin' durin' linear algebra II tutorial..usually i would be very awake durin' tutorials one lo..but luckily the tutor gave us some questions to think about..so i was awake again.. =xX
later probability lecture SURE zZzZz lo..coffee coffee!! but somehow it doesn't work also..
saved all the hp numbers of all the 30 monkey staff into my hp le..still have 5 out of 30 whom i don't know them at all..not bad liaox la..keke..
sigh..Sam asked me to work tonight..but i couldn't..cos i gotta work @ monkey..sigh..don't like to turn down.. =(
now i gotta rot from 130pm-6pm..before i start work..zZz..
haixXx..haven't gone to see snoopy place for 12 days le..sorry snoopy..i'll come soon ok? =`(
wootx..work was FUN!! tonight was BUSYYYY!!! wahaha..that's the way!! =) worked with Fairoza & Sheryl..who took over Yiting's shift..haha..Sheryl is another funny girl..she dropped cups la..broke a few bottles of parmesan cheese la..lolx..
but tonight had alot of big paxes..keke..shiok siahh..Tommy came to dine again..hoho..our regular siahh..
then the marketin' manager..Wenzhan (actually he's a student too la)..also funny siahh..saw me like saw a ghost like that..then said.."you again? you work everyday ah?" haha..he keeps havin' the impression that im workin' everyday lo..but actually it just so happens that everytime he comes..im workin'..keke..
oh ya..& im damn impressed with the dishwasher..no wonder she speaks english la..she's very very well-travelled..she's been to see the 7 wonders of the world la..she's been to europe..new zealand & even south africa lo..OMG..she's 50 already..(but she definitely doesn't look like..not even a strand of white hair)..that's why alot of employers don't accept her..though she's qualified..
i like chef Richie..he reminds me of Ah Wong..kitchen people who always take very good care of the part-timers.. =)
there's a young cook whose smile looks like Yan Xing Shu too..haha..
Sebastier is very very nice too..very approachable..keke..
woah..we were allowed to sit on the couch when we knocked off to enjoy the cheesecakes..though there was still a table lo..weird..haha..
im a pig. im a pig. =|
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Monday, October 25, 2004
think Seok Chuan..Mei Qing & Angela are havin' their exams this week..so..GOOOOOD LUCK!!! =)
it's been so cold these days..brrrr..
today goin' to distribute flyers + work @ monkey..haix..kidda dread the flyers part..if i still have to carry that super heavy magazines around.. =/
juz back from work..didn't give out flyers today! so i wasted 2hrs there..but i tried studyin'..took a nap..& had lunch..keke..
there was a function in the afternoon..so it wasn't as borin' as last week..now i only have 2 shifts per week siahh..mon + tues..sianx..then Kelvin also gave me a 2nd shirt..since my 2 shifts are on consecutive days..
overslept on the bus..so walked home from the terminal..
oh wow..2 articles on the openin' of munchie monkey cafe::
hmmx..realised ren wo ao you filmed several scenes @ NUS siahh..
aiyo..forgot to blog alot of things the past few days..met up with Sam's wife..Lily..last sat evenin' before i started work @ green brew..signed up for some AIA insurance plans with her..
& yesterday..while walkin' to the basketball court with Angela..i fell lo..cannot make it siahh..now my right knee has some minor scratches..
3 driftsSs..
jian gui la!! why not studyin' huh? online huh? hoho.. jiayou wor..
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gear uP!
Sunday, October 24, 2004
woahh..6am then koonx lo..surfin' net with Angela..but we slept till 1130am..then went to play bball..Wei Wei came down too..but it started rainin' very heavily..then we seek shelter @ Joel's house..haha..then ate instant noodles + watched tv..
SIANX AHHHH..hate it when my mum is at home..arghHhHhHh..i really don't understand why my mum is such a control freak..why can't she let go of her hold a little? juz like others' parents? i know it's FOR MY OWN GOOD..but ARE YOU SURE?!?
went coffeebean to study with Angela after dinner..didn't wanna stay at home.. =xX
woohoo..manged to finish my linear algebra II tutorial.. =) then tried to teach Angela c language..forgotton alot siahh..
Wei Wei & Joel came & joined us too..i think i really have 'zi bi zheng'..haix..anyway..
im really glad things are ok now..
好好珍惜 bah..my turn next life ok? lolx..kiddin' la.. =P
**to whoever who used my nick & my friend's nick to tag at my board::
phewWw..managed to survive this week.. =) survived the 2 tests..a project..a lab report..4 monkey shifts..a green brew shift..& still managed to sing ktv twice..lolx..what an irony..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Saturday, October 23, 2004
uh-oh..haven't finished studyin' for linear algebra II test!! haven't even finished writin' my helpsheet!! this is my smallest-font helpsheet ever..haha..i usually don't care about squeezin' egs in..
oh ya..forgot to mention yesterday..my geog project (done with Xiao Ling) got a B+!! wahaha..
whew..think there shouldn't be a problem passin' the linear algebra II test..heex..pia like siao after the lecture lo..my helpsheet was so cramped!! lolx..
worked @ green brew at night..only Mimah & me lo..but luckily also got Vivian around..we played a round of pool + sang in the ktv rooms lo..wahaha.. =P i basically wasted my time there..hardly did anythin' siahh..
went to meet Wei Wei & Angela at yishun..we then headed to cck kbox to sing (again!!)..haha..suddenly wanted to sing.. =P we sang till 3am..then Angela came to my house to stay over..keke..
1 driftsSs..
Keep up the good work » » »
gear uP!
Friday, October 22, 2004
only had an hr's sleep last night..pia the probability project lo..hardly studied for the computer aided data analysis test..even fell asleep durin' the test..oops..
wahaha..went to sing with Pei Feng at clementi kbox..didn't know there's a kbox there siahh..we tried screamin' to i don't wanna miss a thing..hahah..
what a cold..rainy day..
liew..maia is out le.. =( she's good lo..not fair siahh..i think this competition is really about who is RICHER lo..
finally could watch ren wo ao you!!! =) qi yu wu is soOoOoOo shuai!!!
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Thursday, October 21, 2004
ahHhH..dui bu qi!!! =(
my parents kept SCREAMIN' at the top of their voices for me to get up siahh..why can't they juz let me SLEEP???
heex..had a mini snoopy gatherin' again..this time is the "younger" generation..lolx..with Siew Wai..Mei Qing..Seok Chuan & Ethel..woohoo..
2nd official openin' of munchie monkey cafe today!! they are invitin' staff + VIP guests..hmmx..will i see my tutors? haha..
wootx..what a FORMAL openin' juz now! i was wrong siah..they didn't really invite the staff as in lecturers/tutors..but the guests were the deans of all the faculties!! wow..even saw the NUS president too..everyone was in suit + tie..even Andy, Guna, Sebastian lo..wahaha..
there was a larger spread of buffet too..+ we served red wine too..wee-u-wee..
finally i could wash my monkey shirt le..haha..haven't washed for 4 days lo.. =xX actually goin' out with Siew Wai & Mei Qing this sat night..but had to work @ green brew..oops..haven't worked there at all this week la..so didn't turn it down..sorry girls!!! next time ya? our picnic!! wahaha..
sianxXxXx..FAILED my final theory test!! not gonna take it so soon again..no time to study for it la.. =/
sleeeeeeeepy ahx..pia the probability project the WHOLE night..didn't even study for tomorrow's computer aided data analysis test..anyway..i know im definitely gonna flunk that test..
2 driftsSs..
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gear uP!
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
huh can't believe it..my laptop is still INFESTED with elitebar junk!! why?!?
haix anyway..another longgg day..
9am-4pm -> school
5pm-10pm -> work @ monkey (today is the official openin'!!)
sianx..gonna miss the first episode of ren wo ao you..I WANNA WATCH!
slept all the way on the bus to school..2 aunties sittin' in front of me (facin' me)..kept starin' at me siahh..don't know whatever for.. =|
always find the probability tutor very funny..he'll come in with his hair so messed up (or maybe that's his way of stylin')..& he'll look like he didn't sleep the night before..haha..& also very worried that he can't finish goin' thru' the tutorials..haha..
linear algebra II test this sat..i failed the first test..don't want to fail this second one lo..cos i really feel that the lecturer is super good..the tutor also..so clear..i CAN do the tutorials lo (maybe cos of the help from the comments sheet)..can understand the lectures also..don't know why..durin' the test..juz can't seem to be in the right form.. =/ not prepared? ya maybe..i was workin' the night before the first test.. =xX
goin' to biz fac for lunch with Pei Feng..we skipped computer aided data analysis tutorial AGAIN..oops..heck care la..wanna finish up our probability project too..
juz home from the official openin' of munchie monkey cafe..the student leaders were invited for the buffet..quite slack..only had to clear & clear..was damn impressed with the acapella performance by resonance..especially the vocal percussionist..he sounded EXACTLY like a drumset! wow..
worked 4 days @ monkey this week.. =) record siahh..i hope i can bring my snoopy spirit into monkey..though alot of things are not the same..still..i've learnt alot in snoopy place..& should put it into good use..
it's an advantage to have worked in many different places..snoopy place has taught me almost all areas of service..commitment..human relations..responsibility..bein' initiative..
at green brew..i've learnt more on the buffet stuff..& beer..
& (don't be surprised..haha) in viet lang..though it was a short 4-day job..i've at least tried pickin'-up food from inside the kitchen..(cos in snoopy place..we had the open-kitchen concept..pickin'-up of food was much easier)..
channel newsasia's get real programme was talkin' about bloggin'..there was a guy who said bloggin' too much would result in too much of self-pity..HUH?? anyway..it's up to you what you wanna type lo..not everyone vents their anger/unhappiness here ahx..
sometimes..i'd rather not know..
4 driftsSs..
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
wahaha..woke up LATE -> LATE for sch!! bleah..my parents were even more worried than i was..i kept tellin' them.."nvm one la..nvm one la.." -________-||| but if it's to report to work..i would definitely be super gan jiong la..
at least i have an hr more to sleep for today..keke..to prepare for this super longgggg day..
8am-6pm -> school
6pm-10pm -> work @ monkey
eh..i was asked to do a qn on the board again..for linear algebra II tutorial..heng that qn very easy..haha.. =P but i like this tutor la..won't gimme stress..
the geog project has been marked!! omg..so FAST?!? but could only collect durin' this fri's lecture..no failures! keke..pray that we'll get least a B..
rainy day lo..Pei Feng & i were damn funny siahh..we kept changin' our minds about goin' where to eat..eventually we decided on holland village..but we had a HARD time gettin' there..we missed the stop..& gotta walk in the rain to take a bus back..cannot make it lo..by the time we got to holland v..we were so tired + drenched..
i had a super big bowl of laksa..YUMX! then we went swenson's to have the earthquake!! woohoo!! the pistachio almond SUXXXX siahh..green colour ice-cream..eeks..
worked with Yiting & Fairoza tonight @ monkey..wahaha..so much more fun lo! night time is definitely better than the stupid afternoon shift siahh..a little busier..somemore can talk cock with Yiting..we really damn crap..hahaha..tomorrow is her 21st birthday..sheng ri kuai le! keke..
alot of friends came to eat lo..Yueping, Tommy..plus our own staff..Yueyun & Alexis..
oh ya..Guna let us eat the italian choc cake + tiramisu..omg..today i really ate ALOT lo..
i love the bus ride home at night
so cooling
juz right for thoughts to flow
mind to rest
2 driftsSs..
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gear uP!
Monday, October 18, 2004
wah kaox..i could still find elitebar folders in my laptop lo..norton sleepin' ahx..anyway i will get rid of them as usual..really hate this spyware..why does it keep comin' back??
the sky now is so so so dark..don't rain lei..very ma fan one lei..uh-oh..thunder again..it's RAININ'!!!!!!!
i thought the givin' of flyers would be an easy task..i was half right..the flyers were easy..the prob was..the stupid HUGE magazines that go with them! & i gotta carry that whole stack of magazines to my locations (arts & engine canteens) lo..SUPER SUPER heavy..& it's so HUGE..while the flyer is so small..i couldn't give both together lo..so i gave out the flyers first..then the magazines..goodness..
saw alot of frenx siahh..haha..zheng hui, june, clarabelle, grace, xiao ting, tiley, etc etc..
after givin' flyers..went back to the cafe to work..whew..so much better..now i know what the incentives (some vouchers on top of the pay) are for..lolx..
don't like my shifts lei..always in the late afternoon..when there are very very few customers..& i'll always be rottin'..so borin'!! juz when i was about to leave..there were suddenly alot of people streamin' in..wahaha..so i stayed to help the bar..woohoo..so fun.. =) THE BUSIER THE BETTER!!!!
oh ya..and the ice-cream there hor..cannot make it siah..SUPER SOFT..unlike in snoopy place..the ice-cream would often be rock hard..or at least HARD..but in munchie monkey hor..all damn nua siahh..what freezer is that lo.. =xX then when i took out a NEW tub..(in snoopy..when you took out a new tub..sure die ah..you could only scratch the surface..LOLX)..i expected it muz be rock hard..but when i started scoopin'..my god..also NUA!! hahaha..cannot make it la..then all the scoops all so ugly one..cos when it's soft..it's hard for it to be round & smooth..sianx..
woohoo..probability project due date postponed to this fri! wahaha..no need to rush tomorrow le..
1 driftsSs..
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gear uP!
Sunday, October 17, 2004
every mornin' when i woke up..i'd wake up with a tinge of fear..why? cos i'd always be reminded that i have TONS of things undone..& next week is gonna be super siong..
mon - monkey
tue - monkey + probability project due!! oh no..only half done lo..so today most prob goin' to do..waitin' for Pei Feng to wake up & gimme a call!!!
wed - monkey 1st official openin'..
thur - monkey (AGAIN!!) 2nd official openin'..
fri - computer aided data analysis test..damn..im LOST liaox lo..
sat - linear algebra II test..AHHH..muz write the helpsheet la..
sun - zZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ..
might not have time to work at green brew next week..sorry Sam!! haix..somemore the tutorials lei? the 4 geog lectures lei (where to find 8hrs???)? cannot flunk tests le also..ok..better start doin' somethin' now..
oops..but i'll still be updatin' the chart..keke..very long never type here le..
20. jacky cheung - wang le ku (NEW)..hey..a really nice song..
19. vic zhou & xu xi yuan - rang wo ai ni (NEW)..oki oki lo..not a very nice duet..borin'..
18. a-mei - ai shi wei yi..don't like don't like..
17. jerry yan - di xin yin li (NEW)..YAHOOOO!! very very sweEeEeEeEeEt lyrics..
16. alex toh - tuo diao..lalala..
15. js - yu jian wei lai..nice!
14. tension - gen zhe yue liang man man zou..always reminds me of a particular day..
13. fish leong - ning xia..like nursery song lo..haha..
12. jay chou - qi li xiang..i wanna K............
11. jeff chang - bai yue guang..PUKEEEEEE..
10. alec su - lin shi yan yuan..
9. wilber pan - wu ha..used to dislike this song..but now..im beginnin' to REALLY LOVE it..
8. jay chou - zhi zhan zhi shang..this song really impossible to sing siahh..
7. cai chun jia - pei wo kan ri chu..
6. andy lau - xing fu zhe me yuan na me tian..saddenin'..
5. f.i.r - wo men de ai..muz find time watch dou yu!!
4. jerry yan - yi gong chi..
3. energy - yi zhi dao zui hou..great song..
2. jacky cheung - hei bai hua ying..
1. fish leong - yan wei die..
liu zhong yi - shi lian biao qian..
andy hui - ku shui..
sun yanzi - wo de ai..ROX ROX ROX!!!
had a mini online snoopy gatherin' juz now..with Hweenee..Mei Qing & Tow Liang..hahah..all the old birds..
tow:: know how to play black magic le bah?? lolx..
my parents went for a weddin' dinner lei..leavin' me all alone at home for the whole night!! too many things to do until don't know WHERE to start siahh..
HAPPY!!! i've finally found wan zi - ai ni ka nong!! everytime wanna listen muz go kbox then can listen..cos very very few people have their album lo..finally i've got it!! =) very sweeeet..although this song quite rock + rap..it's still very sweeeeet..
keke..managed to shift my words to be beside my bear le!! looks more compact & nicer rite? wahaha..
我眼里除了你 容不下半颗沙粒
我心里除了你 再没有谁能代替
我只要想到你 有病也能痊愈 也让我生病
我总是睡不着 莫名的翻来覆去
嗑个安眠药 又怕会抑压不住
冲出去说说说 我爱你
没勇气 我怎么那么没勇气
想爱你 却通通塞在肚子里
想哭泣 却怎么哭也哭不出你的怜悯
没秩序 这世界没有了秩序
想爱你 谁又来帮我评评理
为什么 你不用动我 我却感到痛痛痛的要命
1 driftsSs..
best regards, nice info » » »
gear uP!
Saturday, October 16, 2004
skipped breakfast..cos got a health screenin' later..muz fast for 8hrs..
10am - linear algebra II..
went for the health screenin' @ mpsh2..actually it was only to draw blood lo..then they will bring back for the various tests..the nurse poked the needle into the middle of my left hand..& was SEARCHIN' for a vein siahh..cmi..
anyway..went to have the staff meal at munchie monkey..then realised they were not givin' us the uniform..so rushed to clementi & bought a black polo t-shirt..sianx..anyway green brew will need la..so nvm..rushed back & started work..
it was damn BORIN' lo..yawnx..hate sat noon shift..rot & rot only..haixXx..Andy then talked to us one-by-one..regardin' service & stuff lo..
went to Wei Wei's house after work..to join her + Angela for dinner..reached at 730pm lo..so late siahh..went down to buy white rice twice lo..cos i bought the wrong amount the first time..i really damn tootx siah.. =xX
Wei Wei did the cookin' lo..woohoo..cooked crabs somemore.. =P they then watched a scary show on channel 5..but i really didn't dare to watch siahh..so juz listen to music.. =X & we even had a ktv session..lolx..almost midnight liaox lo..
went home with Angela..
seriouly..im gettin' abit sick of typin' my blog the way it is..kidda juz like DESCRIBIN' events?? but there are juz too many people droppin' by (don't get the wrong idea..i welcome all of you)..that there are limitations to what i can say..well..let's see how it goes bah..gettin' lazier..and lazier..don't even wanna do tutorials le..
415am -> bedtime! hopefully from tomorrow onwards..you all will see some changes in my content..definitely not the design..cos i LOVE IT..wahaha..no shame..
4 driftsSs..
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Friday, October 15, 2004
oh man..only around 3hrs of sleep..zZz..
saw Huiling & Wee Lee on the bus..
8am - computer aided data analysis lecture..abit better than the last few lectures la..
10am - now i'll be sittin' in the cblc till 2pm..since i'm skippin' probability lecture..heck..i'm also 3 lectures behind for geog siahh..DIE..
met Xiao Ling at the cblc to chiong finish our geog project..2 projects DOWN!! another 2 to go!!
2pm - sg society tutorial..piangx..got into groups discussions..my group damn quiet siahh.. =xX
4pm - JUZ boarded bus188 to go home..when i realised i forgot to drop my posb bank account at munchie monkey cafe..so alighted..walked to take a bus to yusof ishak house..piangx..the weather super HOT lo..
i passed the papers to Guna..didn't really notice who were workin'..
chatted with Sam for a while on the bus..was tellin' me about next thur's schedule..actually for thur..i always work at green brew..but cos next thur will be munchie monkey cafe's 2nd day openin'..i decided to give that day to it lo..
overslept on the bus siahh..but nvm la..ended up at the terminal only lo..sianx..
wow wow..sg idol results show very excitin'!!! sylvester was almost not safe lo..phew..but he returned to the sofa almost immediately.. =)
Jerry is out!! alot of people would be celebratin' bah..but his goodbye video kidda sad siahh..dunno y..-touched-
aiyo..the guy through whom i made a donation to an organisation to a few months back..suddenly appeared at my window again..to give me the lion soft toy..haha..
3 driftsSs..
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gear uP!
Thursday, October 14, 2004
slept rather early last night..heex..
went to work at green brew in the afternoon..very slack again..people only came for drinks lo..Sam & i also tried to make ice blended latte..keke..
walked down to ps after work..Sam told me cafe cartel closed down..i was like HUH? but no la..wrong info..they only closed for renovation la..although everytime i walked past..i would envy them..that they could still continue operatin'..i also don't wish they'll close down like us..
bought a earpiece le..but now only have one-sided one..sianx..
saw Rong Gui siah..haha..but we weren't sure if it's each other lo..so didn't say hi..only sms-ed to confirm..lolx..
went up to see snoopy place..sighx..on the board..it said.."Coming Soon: SummerSpoon Casual Dining & Tuscan Western Italian"..woah..another 2 restaurants takin' over snoopy place?? inside was brightly lit..had some metallic carts inside le..like those kitchen cabinets..hmmx..why restaurants?
was sms-ing with Pei Pei on my way home..so long never hear from her le..she's workin' at a cafe at far east square..she said there're alot of mudpies + different drinks there..woohoo..will go there one day i guess.. =)
saw Yvonne on my way home..she cut her hair so short siahh..
wow..another 2 new sun yanzi's songs to try listenin' to::
man man lai
tong lei
WATCH the advert for her new album..
LISTEN to the advert..
watched sg idol..on disco genre..omg..most cannot make it lo..except for orlinda..woohoo..BEST!!! sylvester totally flop lo..aiyo..
SIANX AH..stupid geog report..sighx..due tomorrow..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
so sianx..no music on bus..muz buy earpiece SOON..
9am - probability tutorial..didn't even try to do..anyway i also won't know how to do one la..
10am - linear algebra II lecture..only lesson that i didn't feel like sleepin'..there was a short speech by the nus overseas colleges people too..sounds cool..
12pm - decided to skip computer aided data analysis tutorial..didn't do the tutorial too..sure waste my time one..so might as well don't go..
accompanied Pei Feng to uni health & wellness centre..cos she was havin' diarrhoea non-stop..
we then went to business fac for lunch..& walked around the bazaar at arts forum..got milo van!! wahaha..i drank 4 cups.. =xX -burp-
2pm - sg society lecture on gender..super sleepy lo..kept dozin' off..zZz..
went to the central lib to do research for geog project..then went home..
typed part of the geog report..zZz..
我忘了撕去日曆 忘了繳電費
直到我的房間 是這世界唯一漆黑
我忘了你已離去 忘了怎麼睡
習慣你在深夜 為我煮一杯熱咖啡
我忘了天在下雨 忘了要躲雨
12 july 2004..
when i heard the news..
i didn't even DARE to imagine life without you..
but now..
i guess i really have no choice..
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
3 months le..
no need to work @ munchie monkey today..they don't need so many people at night bah..
my earpiece is officially spoilt..sianx..can't listen to music on bus le.. =/
8am - computer aided data analysis..i was the first to reach lo..even gotta switch on the lights in the LT..still can't get a clue of what's goin' on..lalala..
10am - linear algebra II tutorial..i was one of the earliest..then the tutor had a chat with me..haha..asked what's my major..are stats modules easier than this module..nahx..probability is so so so much tougher lo..at least for this module..i still know what's goin' on..maybe due to the lecturers bah..
12pm - probability lecture..tried to pay attention..but still couldn't catch anythin' lo..sianx..
went for lunch with Pei Feng at grinnin' gecko @ arts fac..had pasta..haha..
i bought the norton internet security software from the arts co-op..piangx..cost me $75..but i hope it's worth it!!
we then went to the central lib to do research for our probability project..wah piangx..the buffon's needle problem lo..chim chim..
we had dinner at engineerin' canteen..(we thought there was a canteen at architecture fac..lolx)..
we then went home..
went to meet Xiao Ling at macritchie reservoir at 11pm to do our geog research..scary siahh..while waitin' for her to arrive..her dad drove her there..so at least he was around..not that bad..
very disappointin' ahx..very very quiet lo..(& damn dark of cos)..we only spotted a few couples..& only one couple accepted our interview..they were a young couple..very friendly.. =) then there was another middle-aged couple also..but they were there to look for toilets only..LOLX..
took cab home shortly..wasted my time ah!!!
woohoo..i THINK my baby laptop is fine le!! thanks to norton!! yippee!!
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Monday, October 11, 2004
hoho..was asked to start at 11am instead of 2pm at munchie monkey..woohoo..
supposed to have my final theory test this evenin' too..i don't know how am i goin' to fly down to bbdc after work..sighx..
worked with Tay Ning & Wan Xuan..who were until 2pm..then 2 totally new guys (never been through the trainin')..Chin Bin & Yap Yong came at 2pm..(gonna have problems rememberin' their names siahh..
was much busier than last sat..wahaha..so much more fun..everythin' was ok for me..EXCEPT..the table numbers!! so confusin'..cannot make it..
then when a customer came in..i said.."welcome to snoo.." OOPS.. =X
was asked to guide the 2 new guys lo..when it was only my 2nd day..made 2 italian choc cakes today too..keke..
requested to leave at 5pm..cos i didn't want to be late for my final theory test..
piangx..alot of qns i wasn't sure at all lo..don't know can pass or not.. =/
wow..munchie monkey cafe has a website wor..cool..
i knew my sis would be damn pissed when she comes home & finds me usin' the pc in HER room..what the hell..
3 driftsSs..
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
woke up an hr earlier to do my linear algebra II tutorial..at least it's do-able lo..pheww..no time no time!!
went to work at green brew..was shocked to see SO MANY people lo..OMG..there was a function today..then Mimah was supposed to do openin'..but she thought her shift was 130pm..so in the end Mr.Lim & the driver..Peter helped out..Sam came down much earlier than his intended shift too..the lights were dimmed & it was damn noisy..cos they were screenin' the movie..terminator 3..all the sound effects..omg..saw Riz for the first time..she's 30!! omg..
walked down to ps after work..not much changes..still renovation only..
had a good long sleep on the bus home..zZz..
my sis win liaox lo..she didn't go for the lin jun jie's mini concert..haix..wasted 4 tickets..lingzhi must have wanted to murder me..
1 driftsSs..
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » »
gear uP!
Saturday, October 09, 2004
cold mornin..
gonna be my FIRST day of work @ munchie monkey cafe later!
wow..heard sun yanzi's new songs::
wo de ai
wo ye hen xiang ta
sounds GOOOOOD siahh..esp wo de ai & wo ye hen xiang ta!! i think i will BUY this album..not download..keke..
10am - linear algebra II lecture..
went to the cblc after that to pass time..keke..but SUPER cold siah..cos i sat right under the air-con.. =xX
reported to work at 1pm when i was supposed to start only at 2pm..hoho..first day mahx..kiasu abit..haha..Grace & Shuping were workin' the mornin' shift..didn't really have many customers lo..hmmx..
i tried to learn the table numbers..then Andy (the manager) gave me my staff id + timed in for me..worked with Yueyun & Guna (the guy assistin' Andy)..not many guests still..so kidda rottin' siahh..but i learnt how to use the coffee machine..even made my first choc milkshake..wahaha..
the table settings are on the LEFT of every seat lo..aiyo..why so weird one..then for pastas..the spoon is on the RIGHT lo..piangx..
had fried calamari + calzonitto after work with Yueyun..then RUSHED to meet Seok Chuan at bugis junction..i was 40mins late!! omg..sorry girl!!! she even bought oreo cheesecakes for me lo..so long never eat le..so nice of her..heex..
we then went for dinner at swenson's..wahaha..enjoy life siahh..we managed to get the booth seats somemore..keke.. =P
we saw Fion siahh..so qiao lo..then had a small chat..
took train home..
kaox..wasted my whole night's time..tryin' to figure out how to do the computer aided data analysis tutorial..i don't even rem we were taught how to do all these lo..ARGHHHHH..if it's not taught..HOW THE HELL AM I GOIN' TO KNOW HOW TO DO???
1 driftsSs..
hahah..maybe la..if alot of nice songs..80% will buy bah..keke..
gear uP!
Friday, October 08, 2004
no computer aided data analysis lecture!! yahoo..& i also don't attend the geog lecture..hee..went to meet Pei Feng at arts fac at 1130am..we went to hand up our sg society term assignment! it's due today..yeah..1 proj down!! 3 more to go.. -_______-|||
then accompanied Pei Feng to SRC to get somethin'..piangx..so in the end..we were half an hr late for probability lecture..anyway it doesn't matter..cos we chatted throughout the whole lecture anyway..really can't understand..
went to meet Huiyi at yusof ishak house..had lunch at munchie monkey cafe..IT'S OPEN!!! =)
here are the directions to get to munchie monkey cafe::
Route 1:: (by train)
- take the train to bouna vista
- cross the bridge
- take bus95
- alight at the 7th stop (not counting the stop u boarded at)
Route 2:: (from king albert park)
- take bus151 (from the bus-stop outside KAP)
- alight at the 10th stop
internal bus A1 will reach too..
munchie monkey cafe is located right above the canteen! see ya there! haha.. =)
i had arrabiata while Huiyi had cabonara..we also shared fried calamari & i also had passionfruit soda..yumx..saw yiting workin' too..keke..quite many people dinin' there liaox siah..surprisin'..hmmx..
went home after that..
usin' my acer pc..ha..it's runnin' so much better than my laptop lo!! i can't surf usin' my laptop..PEK CEK..
david yeo is out of sg idol le..sylvester & maia still in!! yahoo!! hey people..don't switch off your tv right after sg idol..watch just for laughs!! i always end up with tears in my eyes & a cramped stomach..LOLX..
hoho..now my blog's scrollin' chinese words are VERY long..keke..
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gear uP!
Thursday, October 07, 2004
no classes! but gotta work @ green brew..haven't worked for 3 days le..guess it doesn't need so many staff at all lo..also good la..so i can handle 2 jobs when munchie monkey cafe starts!! =)
no more buffet le..then got a new menu..piangx..then got new cookin' devices too..to press meat to cook it..& to toast the bread by pressin' too..haha..troublesome siahh..
i cooked a piece of pork chop to eat too..keke..
walked down to ps after work..saw Jiazhi (ex-snoopy staff) along the way..
there was more revonation..the cement walls were covered with white tiles already..
went for a hair-cut + highlight..wahaha.. =)
sianx..missed the sg idol..only caught the re-cap..seems nice siah..
wow wow..thanks to Seok Chuan..i managed to catch abit of the scene of christopher lee & zhuang mi xue at snoopy place for the show yi qing wei liao!!! they were sittin' at table 2..sighh..i really miss the table..the couch..the food..the drinks..& even the wall.. =`(
1 driftsSs..
Very nice site! » »
gear uP!
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
wah sianx..Pei Feng won't be goin' to school today..
hmmx..my sg society term assignment looks so good when it's printed out siah..16pgs..hoho..
9am - probability tutorial..how come there are like so many things that i've never heard of/seen before? don't even remember it was bein' taught siahh.. =xX
10am - linear algebra II lecture..movin' on to a new chapter..diagonalization..
no computer aided data analysis tutorial today..yeah..see that tutor also sianx..which means i have a break from 1130am-2pm siah..hmmx..
2pm - sg society lecture..on family..all the sociology topics lo..
went to the central lib to look for stats books..im overwhelmed siah!! so MANY + all super chim..OMG..
630pm - went for munchie monkey cafe trainin'..keke..today was on the ice-cream + pos system parts..
we tried scoopin' the ice-cream..keke..so long never scoop liaox lo..kidda miss it.. =`) i ate the 2 sundaes that i made myself..haha..quite a few flavours lo..
andy then taught us how to use the pos system..it's the same as the one that's used in viet lang lo..haha..those big big buttons..haha..
i stayed till 9pm then left with a new-found friend..Yue Yun (arts 3rd yr)..keke..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
yahoo..there will be no computer aided data analysis lectures + tutorial for this week..which means i don't have to get up at 6am! =)
10am - linear algebra II tutorial..haix..got back my test paper le..FAILED!! expected la.. =/
11am - went to the cblc..woah..there were suddenly 9 new msgs on the munchie monkey yahoo group lo..so many announcements to make siah..
things to be done today::
-go for the typhoid innoculation (injection! yippee! lolx) durin' the long break later @ the uni health & wellness centre..
-make copies of my IC + matric card + innoculation slip..
-go the central lib to get the pg nos of the books which i took info for my essay..
-deposit my green brew pay..
-update my bank book..
-buy the angel love hits cd (at the same time..check out the english cd - favourites)..
-TRY to do probability tutorial..at least try la..
-search for my passport photos!
so many things to be done..oh ya..& btw..the 'soft' openin' of munchie monkey cafe will be on this comin' fri..means the cafe will start launchin' i guess..hmmmx..more info next time!
12pm - probability lecture..was chattin' with Pei Feng ALL the way siah.. =xX then she accompanied me to the uni health & wellness ctre for my typhoid innoculation..very fast jab lo..keke..then we went to meet her sg society project mate..Shika & we went to the central lib together..i found my pg numbers le!! heex..means im done with my 2000-word essay le.. =)
4pm - geog lab session..formed a group of 4 together with Serene, Jill & Raj..all from year1 siahh..& all of us didn't know one another beforehand one lo..lolx..3 new friends! keke..we discussed the topographical map qns lo..then we went to the perk point @ central lib to discuss after the session..to finish up..
i then went to yusof ishak house for dinner with Jill..then went to lot 1..bought angel love hits + favourites cds le!! yahoo..keke..
OMG..i lost 3/4 of my blog's template siahh..(those who visited juz now would have noticed)..FREAKED ME OUT siah!!! thank god i've 'repaired' it le..80% done le i guess..still have some stuff to add..haix..seems like nothin' lasts forever..
watched guess x3..woohoo..all the sunshine guys..
was on-air on yes933 again!! wahaha..at close to 2am..on lingzhi's show AGAIN..anyway had to sing lin jun jie - dou jiang you tiao..then won 4 tickets to this mini concert this comin' sunday!! then lingzhi said one of my 4 friends MUZ go on stage to play games with lin jun jie lo..omg..
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gear uP!
Monday, October 04, 2004
wow..that microsoft guy (Daron) is really helpful..he really got back to me first thing on mon lo..i told him about my problem with the spyware - elitebar..it juz keeps comin' back..haix..then he said actually microsoft is not supposed to help in spywares but he took down my email & will email me any good spywares removal prog to eradicate elitebar permanently..thanks!!
ahh!! Leslie told me partyworld has some jay chou's new songs le!! qi li xiang, jie kou, zhi zhan zhi zhang!!! ahh..i wanna K!!
oh yeah..i've more or less finished my sg society term assignment (the 2000-word essay) le..yahoo!! juz gotta go back to the central lib again to get the pg numbers of some info..forgot to take down the other time..also kept copies in different web-based emails..wahaha..this time you cannot take it from me! muahaha..
also dl-ed the 20MB R prog le..phew..
read through the geog lab handout for tomorrow's session..quite interestin' lei..muz develop 4 trail routes for visitors to climb the bukit timah hill..it's to teach us how to read topographic maps & draw topographic profiles..hmmx..actually i haven't touched geog for almost 6 years lo..
watched wo jia si ge bao + yi qing wei liao..both shows had a scene in snoopy place.. =)
woohoo..updated my windows media player to version10 le! quite cool..
2 driftsSs..
* Cheers *
- Daron
oh haha..u actually visited..thanks again!!
gear uP!
Sunday, October 03, 2004
FREE day!! ahh..muz do alot of things..
ah..finally finished linear algebra II tutorial..so damn tough..
wahaha..my blog is nominated!! vote for my blog if u like it k..hoho..if u don't vote..i will..I WILL..lolx..nahx..
wow..there's a new cd..tian shi ai lian qu (angel love hits)..VERY NICE!! i think i will buy it..
每次妳任性时说的一些话 妳知道那有多伤人吗?
但我顶多只气个三分钟吧 最后依然体贴的送妳回家
有时想如果我不是一直让 妳也许会懂得学着体谅
但是我完全无法硬着心肠 做得让妳有一点难过失望
总觉得有疼妳的责任 要妳是最快乐最单纯的人
因为妳让我的心变得丰盛 原来不奢望的变成可能
总觉得有疼妳的责任 让妳做最轻松最自然的人
爱得了解包容 才算爱得完整
3 driftsSs..
Sunday must relac mar!
haha..too bad..alot of sch work..
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gear uP!
Saturday, October 02, 2004
old dog!! hoho..
slept at 4am last night..cos of the nap la..ended up not feelin' sleepy at all..
10am - linear algebra II lecture..on change of basis..quite complicated..but could understand bah..
went to the central lib to rot..juz use the pc there lo..waste time only..
then grabbed somethin' to eat & went for the trainin' at munchie monkey cafe..i finally know where is it.. =xX juz above the canteen @ yusof ishak house! very nice place..there is even a projector screen with a small stage..a bar counter..lots of tables..quite surprisingly..
got to know a few soon-to-be colleagues..even saw yiting (btband clarinet senior) siah!! hoho..so qiao..
we were then given a 2hr talk by andy..think he's the manager bah..on service + menu..actually this cafe is under spageddi (paragon has an outlet)..so we'll be sellin' italian food..service-wise..very usual restaurant style..there will be a side-station whereby customers will take their own cutleries + ice-water..very cafe cartel style..operations quite similar to snoopy too! so happy.. =)
then he went through the menu..it's a FULL menu lo..meanin' we have soup all the way to drinks + desserts..we'll be servin' beer too..wow..most of the things i've seen/heard of le..but still got some learnin' to do of cos..on the whole..i muz say..I LIKE THIS PLACE!! heehee..
went to work @ green brew..only Thomas & me lo..BORIN' night ah..yawnx..did practically nothin' except had dinner + checked the schedules..the boss came down with his whole family siahh..4 sons!! omg..then we closed early..keke..
after work..i walked down to ps..haha..it's snoopy's birthday mahx..muz go there to wish him HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! wahaha..
then went to meet Zude at lot1 mac at 1045pm lo..haha..he wanna come out & relax cos too stressed out studyin' le..keke..so we had a chat there lo..then walked home together..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!
Friday, October 01, 2004
EGGS ARE BACK!! wahaha..
haix..only had 3hrs of sleep..really dyin'..but was dl-ing songs last night la.. =xX got 5566's 3 new songs le!!! also re-downloaded a-mei - ye xu ming tian + ah du - chun qing ge albums..found a very gd server mahx..so juz kept gettin' songs from it..
my internet explorer can't surf ah..sianx..don't know what's wrong also..haix..
piangx..this sat gonna be damn packed..havin' lecture in the mornin'..goin' for munchie monkey cafe trainin' in the afternoon (gonna have a 'soft' openin' next tues..whatever that means)..then workin' at green brew at night..my god..
8am - computer aided data analysis..MORE distributions..yawnx..really hate this stuff..there was info about the project le..swee..now i have FOUR projects + TWO jobs + drivin' lessons soon? =|
hmmx..the munchie monkey cafe schedule is out..i'll be workin' 3 shifts per week + have 2 shifts on stand-by..
oh ya..& happy children's day?
12pm - probability lecture..confused confused confused..
2pm - sg society tutorial..my tutor..kelvin low really remembered me..he asked me a qn lo..but i really couldn't catch..he muz be thinkin' i've always been in a daze..but seriously..sociology is juz makin' people confused..somemore today's topics were nation buildin' & race & ethnic relations..how interestin'..yawnx..
went straight home..
woah..i slept from 730pm till 1030pm lo..really sleepy ah..kept dozin' off in front of my laptop even at 730pm..so went to sleep for a while..damn..i missed the sg idol results show!! ahhh!! oki..beverly & jessea were out..aiyo..jessea!! she's good lei..hmmx..but at least maia & sylvester are still in it! =)
wootx..i can FINALLY surf the net!! i called up singnet & even microsoft lo.. =xX
watched last wk's geog lecture on place & identities..funny lo..the lecturer spelt london's big ben as big bang..lolx..
0 driftsSs..
gear uP!